Sequence to Sequence

Language Modeling

Language model is a particular model calculating the probability of a sequence $$ \begin{aligned} P(W) &= P(W_1 W_2 \dots W_n) \\ &= P\left(W_{1}\right) P\left(W_{2} \mid W_{1}\right) P\left(W_{3} \mid W_{1} W_{2}\right) \ldots P\left(W_{n} \mid W_{1 \ldots n-1}\right) \end{aligned} $$ 截屏2020-08-22 10.19.22

  • Softmax layer

    • After linear mapping the hidden layer $H$, a “score” vector $O = [O_1, O_2, \dots, O_{n-1}, O_n]$ is obtained

    • The softmax function normalizes $O$ to get probabilities $$ P_{i}=\frac{\exp \left(O_{i}\right)}{\sum_{j} \exp \left(O_{j}\right)} $$

  • Cross-Entropy Loss

    • Use one-hot-vector $Y = [0,0,0,0,0,\dots,1,0,0]$ as the label to train the model

    • Cross-entropy loss: difference between predicted probability and label $$ L_{CE} = \sum_i Y_i \log(P_i) $$

    • When 𝑌 is an one-hot vector: $$ L_{C E}=-\log P_{j}(\text{the index of the correct word}) $$


Force the model to “fit” known text sequences (teacher forcing / memorization)

  • $W=w_{1} w_{2} w_{3} \dots w_{n-2} w_{n-1} w_{N}$
  • Input: $w_{1} w_{2} w_{3} \dots w_{n-2} w_{n-1}$
  • Output: $w_{2} w_{3} \dots w_{n-2} w_{n-1} w_{N}$

In generation: this model uses its own output at time step $t-1$ as input for time step $t$ (Auto regressive, or sampling mode)

RNN Language Modeling

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Basic step-wise operation

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  • Input: $x_t = [0, 0, 0, 1, \dots ]$

  • Label: $y_t = [0, 0, 1, 0, \dots]$

  • Input to word embeddings: $$ e_t = x_t \cdot W_{emb}^T $$

  • Hidden layer: $$ h_t = \operatorname{LSTM}(x_t, (t_{t-1}, c_{t-1})) $$

  • Output: $$ o_t = h_t \cdot W_{out}^T $$

  • Softmax: $$ p_t = \operatorname{softmax}(o_t) $$

  • Loss: Cross Entropy $$ L_t = \sum_i y_{t_{i}} \log p(y_{t_{i}}) $$ ($y_{t_{i}}$: the $i$-th element of $y_t$)

    $$ \frac{d L_t}{d o_t} = p_t - y_t $$

Output layer

Because of the softmax, the output layer is a distribution over the vocabulary (The probability of each item given the context)

“Teacher-Forcing” method

  • We do not really tell the model to generate “all”
  • But Applying the Cross Entropy Loss forces the distribution to favour “all”
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Backpropagation in the model

  • Gradient of the loss function $$ \frac{d L_t}{d o_t} = p_t - y_t $$

  • $y_t$ in Char-Language-Model is an one-hot-vector

    $\to$ The gradient is positive everywhere and negative in the label position

    $p_{t_i} \in (0, 1)$

    Assume the label is in the $i$-th position.

    • In non-label position: $$ \forall j \neq i: \qquad y_{t_j} = 0 \\ \Rightarrow p_{t_i} - y_{t_i} = p_{t_i} - 0 = p_{t_i} > 0 $$

    • In label position: $$ y_{t_i} = 1 \Rightarrow p_{t_i} - y_{t_i} = p_{t_i} - 1 < 0 $$

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  • Gradient at the hidden layer:

    截屏2020-08-22 11.45.49 - The hidden layer $h\_t$ receives two sources of gradients: - Coming from the loss of the current state - Coming from the gradient carried over from the future - Similary the memory cell $c\_t$: - Receives the gradient from the $h\_t$ - Summing up that gradient with the gradient coming from the future

Generate a New Sequence

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  • Start from a memory state of the RNN (often initialized as zeros)

  • Run the network through a seed

  • Generate the probability distribution given the seed and the memory state

  • “Sample” a new token from the distribution

  • Use the new token as the seed and carry the new memory over to keep generating

Sequence-to-Sequence Models

💡 Main idea: from $P(W)$ to $P(W \mid C)$ with $C$ being a context

Controlling Generation with RNN


  • The generated sequence depends on

    • The first input(s)

    • The first recurrent hidden state

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  • The final hidden state of the network after rolling contains the compressed information about the sequence

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Sequence-to-Sequence problem

  • Given: sequence $X$ of variable length (source sequence) $$ X = (X_1, X_2, \dots, X_m) $$

  • Task: generate a new sequence $Y$ that has the same content $$ Y = (Y_1, Y_2, \dots, X_n) $$

  • Training:

    • Given the dataset $𝐷$ containing pairs of parallel sentences $(𝑋, 𝑌)$

    • Training objective $$ \log P\left(Y^{*} \mid X^{*}\right) \qquad \forall \left(\mathrm{Y}^{*}, \mathrm{X}^{*}\right) \in D $$

Encoder-Decoder model

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  • Transforms the input into neural representation

  • Input

    • Discret variables: require using embedding to be “compatible” with neural networks
    • Continuous variables: can be “raw features” of the input
      • Speech signals
      • Image pixels
  • The encoder represents the $X$ part

  • The generative chain does not incline any generation from the encoder


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  • The encoder gives the decoder a representation of the source input
  • The decoder would try to “decode” the information from that representation
  • Key idea: the encoder representation is the $H_0$ of the decoder network
  • The operation is identical to the character-based language model
    • Back-propagation through time provides the gradient w.r.t any hidden state
      • For the decoder: the BPTT is identical to the language model
      • For the encoder: At each step the encoder hidden state only has 1 source of gradient

Problem with Encoder-Decoder Model

The model worked well to translate short sentences. But long sentences (more than 10 words) suffered greatly 😢

🔴 Main problem:

  • Long-range dependency
  • Gradient starving

Funny trick Solution: Reversing the source sentence to make the sentence starting words closer. (pretty “hacky” 😈)

Observation for solving this problem

Each word in the source sentence can be aligned with some words in the target sentence. (“alignment” in Machine Translation)

We can try to establish a connection between the aligned words.

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Seq2Seq with Attention

As mentioned, we want to find the alignment between decoder-encoder. However, Our decoder only looks at the final and compressed encoder state to find the information.

Therefore we have to modify the decoder to do better! 💪

We will use superscript $e$ and $d$ to distinguish Encoder and Decoder.


  • $H_j^e$:$j$-th Hidden state of Encoder
  • $H_j^d$:$j$-th Hidden state of Decoder
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  1. Run the encoder LSTM through the input sentence (Read the sentence and encode it into states
  2. The LSTM operation gives us some assumption about $H_j^e$
  3. The state $H_j^e$ contains information about
    • the word $W_j$ (because of input gate)
    • some information about the surrounding (because of memory))

Now we start generating the translation with the decoder.

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  1. The LSTM consumes the EOS token (always) and the hidden states copied over to get the first hidden state $H_0$

  2. From $H_0$ we have to generate the first word, and we need to look back to the encoder.

    • Here we ask the question:

      “Which word is responsible to generate the first word?”

    • However, it’s not easy to answer this question

      • First we don’t know 😭
      • Second there might be more than one relevant word (like when we translate phrases or compound words) 🤪

The best way to find out is: to check all of the words! 💪

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  1. $H_0$ has to connect all $H_i^e$ in the encoder side for querying

  2. Each “connection” will return a score $\alpha_i$ indicating how relevant $H_i^e$ is to generate the translation from $H_0$

    • Generate $\alpha_i^0$

      1. A feed forward neural network with nonlinearity

      $$ \alpha_{i}^{0}=\mathrm{W}_{2} \cdot \tanh \left(\mathrm{W}_{1} \cdot\left[\mathrm{H}_{0}, \mathrm{H}_{1}^{\mathrm{e}}\right]+b_{1}\right) $$

      1. Use Softmax to get probabilities $$ \alpha \leftarrow \operatorname{softmax}(\alpha) $$
  3. The higher $\alpha_i$ is, the more relevant the state $H_i^e$ is

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After $H_0$ asks “Everyone” in the encoder, it needs to sum up the information $$ C_0 = \sum_i \alpha_i^0 H_i^e $$ ($C_0$ is the summarization of the information in the encoder that is the most relevant to $H_0$ to generate the first word in the decoder)

  1. Now we can answer the question “Which word is responsible to generate the first word?”
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The answer is: the words with highest $\alpha$ coefficients

  • Combine $H_0$ with $C_0$
  • Generate the softmax output $P_0$ from $\hat{H}_0$
  • Go to the next step

In general, at time step $t$:

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  • Decoder LSTM generates the hidden state $H_t$ from the memory $H_{t-1}$

  • $H_t$ “pays attention” to the encoder states to know which source information is relevant

  • Generate $\alpha_i^t$ from each $H_i^e$

  • Weighted sum for “context vector” $C_t$

  • Combine $C_t$ and $H_t$ then generates $P_t$ for output distribution

    • Use a feed-forward neural network $$ \hat{H}_t = \operatorname{tanh}(W\cdot [C_t, H_t]) $$

    • Or use a RNN $$ \hat{H}_t = \operatorname{RNN}(C_t, H_t) $$


  • Very similar to basic Encoder-Decoder
  • Since the scoring neural network is continuous, we can use backpropagation
  • No loner gradient starving on the encoder side

Pratical Suggestions for Training

  • Loss is too high and generation is garbarge

    • Try to match your implementation with the LSTM equations
    • Check the gradients by gradcheck
    • Note that the gradcheck can still return some weights not passing the relative error check, but acceptable if only several (1 or 2% of the weights) cannot pass
  • Loss looks decreasing and the generated text looks correct but not readable

    • In the sampling process, you can encourage the model to generate with higher certainty by using “argmax” (taking the char with highest probability)
    • But “always using argmax” will look terrible
    • A mixture of argmax and sampling can be used to ensure spelling correctness and exploration
  • Large network size is normally needed for character based models
