Terminal Input & Output

Basic Input and Output

Source: RealPython

Source: RealPython

Reading Input From the Keyboard

input([<prompt>]): Reads a line from the keyboard. (Documentation)

  • pauses program execution to allow the user to type in a line of input from the keyboard

  • Once the user presses the Enter key, all characters typed are read and returned as a string

    • Note: the return string doesn’t include the newline generated when the user presses the Enter key.

    • Example

      >>> user_input = input()
      foo bar baz
      >>> user_input
      'foo bar baz'
  • If you include the optional <prompt> argument, then input() displays it as a prompt so that your user knows what to input

    • Example

      >>> name = input("What is your name? ")
      What is your name? Winston Smith
      >>> name
      'Winston Smith'
  • input() always returns a string. If you want a numeric type, convert the string with the appropriate built-in fuctions (int(), float(), complex())

Writing Output to the Console

You can display program data to the console in Python with print().

print() is capable of taking the following arguments:

print() function

print() function

  • The values (value1, value2) mentioned above can be any string or any of the data types like list, float, string, etc.
  • sep: Divides the values given as arguments
  • end: String appended to the end (\n by default)


>>> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4 ,5]
>>> _ = [print("num", el, sep=": ", end="; ") for el in arr]
num: 1; num: 2; num: 3; num: 4; num: 5; 
>>> d = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}
>>> for k, v in d.items():
...     print(k, v, sep=" -> ")
foo -> 1
bar -> 2
baz -> 3
