Looping and Iterations

Looping and Iterations


  • Iterators provide a sequence interface to Python objects that’s memory efficient and considered Pythonic.
  • To support iteration an object needs to implement the iterator protocol by providing the __iter__ and __next__ dunder methods.

Writing Pythonic Loops

in Python, for-loops are really “for-each” loops that can iterate directly over items from a container or sequence, without having to look them up by index.


my_items = ['a', 'b', 'c']

for item in my_items:


  • Remains nice and clean and almost reads like pseudo code from a programming textbook
  • We don’t need to take care of the container’s size and looping index
  • The container itself now takes care of handing out the elements so they can be processed.
    • If the container is ordered, the resulting sequence of elements will be too.
    • If the container isn’t ordered, it will return its elements in arbitrary order but the loop will still cover all of them.

If we need to keep track of the running index, we can use the enumerate() built-in.


for i, item in enumerate(my_items):
    print(f"{i}: {item}")

If we inevitablely need to write a Java- or C-style loop (e.g., we must contrl the step size for the index),:

for (int i = a; i < n; i += s) { 
    // ...

We can make use of the range() function: it accepts optional parameters to control the start value for the loop (a), the stop value (n), and the step size (s).

for i in range(a, n, s):
    # ...


Comprehensions are a key feature in Python. Under the hood, comprehension are for`-loops over a collection but expressed in a more terse and compact syntax.

# list comprehension
values = [expression for item in collection]

It is equivalent to

# plain for-loop
values = []
for item in collection:

List comprehensions can filter values based on some arbitrary condi- tion that decides whether or not the resulting value becomes a part of the output list.

values = [expression
          for item in collection
          if condition]


>>> even_squares = [x * x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]
>>> even_squares
[0, 4, 16, 36, 64]

Python also supports comprehensions for sets and dictionaries.

Set comprehension:

>>> { x * x for x in range(-9, 10) }
set([64, 1, 36, 0, 49, 9, 16, 81, 25, 4])
Unlike lists, which retain the order of the elements in them, Python sets are an unordered collection type.

Dictionary comprehension:

>>> { x: x * x for x in range(5) } 
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16}

As you get more proficient at using them, it becomes easier and easier to write code that’s difficult to read. If you’re not careful, you might have to deal with monstrous list, set, and dict comprehensions soon.

Remember, too much of a good thing is usually a bad thing. And readabilty always has the first priority!

List Slicing Tricks

List slicing

  • We can view it as an extension of the square-brackets indexing syntax
  • Commonly used to access ranges of elements within an ordered col- lection.

List slicing pattern


Note: To avoid off-by-one errors, the upper bound stop is always exclusive.


>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# lst[start:end:step]
>>> lst[1:3:1]
[2, 3]

Tricks with step parameter (a.k.a. stride)

  • If you leave out the step size, it defaults to one.

    >>> lst[1:3]
    [2, 3]
  • You can also control the step size to skip element.

    >>> lst[::2]
    [1, 3, 5]
  • If you ask for a [::-1] slice, you’ll get a copy of the original list, but in the reverse order:

    >>> numbers[::-1]
    [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

    This is pretty neat, but in most cases we should still stick with list.reverse() and the built-in reversed() function to reverse a list.

You can use the :-operator to clear all elements from a list without destroying the list object itself.

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> del lst[:]
>>> lst
In Python 3 you can also use lst.clear() for the same job, which might be the more readable patter.

Besides clearing lists, you can also use slicing to replace all elements of a list without creating a new list object.

>>> original_lst = lst
>>> lst[:] = [7, 8, 9]
>>> lst
[7, 8, 9]
>>> original_lst
[7, 8, 9]

Another use case for hte :-operator creating (shallow) copies of existing lists:

>>> copied_lst = lst[:]
>>> copied_lst
[7, 8, 9]
>>> copied_lst is lst

Beautiful Iterators

According to Python’s iterator protocol: Objects that support the __iter__ and __next__ dunder methods automatically work with for-in loops.

To understand how iterators work under the hood, let’s take a look at an example.

class Repeater:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __iter__(self):
        return RepeaterIterator(self)

class RepeaterIterator:
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source

    def __next__(self):
        return self.source.value

The two dunder method, __iter__ and __next__, are the keys to making a Python object iterable.

repeater = Repeater("Hello")

for item in repeater:

You will see lots of "Hello" printed to the screen, and this loop will never complete. But in other words, this iterator works!

To dispel some of that “magic,” we can expand this loop into a slightly longer code snippet that gives the same result:

repeater = Repeater('Hello')
iterator = repeater.__iter__()
while True:
    item = iterator.__next__()

As we can see, the for-in was just syntactic sugar for a simple while loop:

  • It first prepared the repeater object for iteration by calling its __iter__ method → This returns the actual iterator object.
  • Then the loop repeatedly called the iterator object’s __next__ method to retrieve values from it.

(Because there’s never more than one element “in flight,” this approach is highly memory-efficient.)

On more abstract terms, iterators provide a common interface that allows you to process every element of a container while being completely isolated from the container’s internal structure.

→ In other words, whether you’re dealing with a list of elements, a dictionary, or an infinite sequence, it does not matter, because every single one of these objects can be traversed in the same way with the power iterators.

We can also manually “emulate” how the loop uses the iterator protocol:

>>> repeater = Repeater('Hello')
>>> iterator = iter(repeater)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)

Notice that here we replace the __iter__ and __next__ with Python’s built-in functions, iter() and next().

  • Internally, these built-ins invoke the same dunder methods, but they make this code a little prettier and easier to read by providing a clean “facade” to the iterator protocol.
  • Python offers these facades for other functionality as well. E.g.
    • len(x) is a shortcut for calling x.__len__.
  • Generally, it’s a good idea to use the built-in facade functions rather than directly accessing the dunder methods implementing a protocol. It just makes the code a little easier to read.

A simple iterator

In the previous example, Repeater and RepeaterIterator correpsonded directly to the two phases used by Python’s iterator protocol:

  1. Repeater : setting up and retrieving the iterator object with an iter() call,
  2. RepeaterIterator: repeatedly fetching values from it via next().

Both of these responsibilities can be shouldered by a single class. it doesn’t really matter where __next__ is defined. In the iterator protocol, all that matters is that __iter__ returns any object with a __next__ method on it.

→ We can add the __next__ method directly to the Repeater class!

class SimpleRepeater:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        return self.value

Iterators that can stop

Iterators use exceptions to structure control flow. To signal the end of iteration, a Python iterator simply raises the built-in StopIteration exception.

Python iterators normally can NOT be “reset”—once they’re exhausted they’re supposed to raise StopIteration every time next() is called on them. To iterate anew you’ll need to request a fresh iterator object with the iter() function.

Having this idea in mind, we can implement a BoundedRepeater that will stop after a predefined number of repetitions:

class BoundedRepeater:
    def __init__(self, value, max_reps):
        self.value = value
        self.max_reps = max_reps
        self.count = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.count >= self.max_reps:
            raise StopIteration
        self.count += 1
        return self.value
>>> repeater = BoundedRepeater('Hello', 3)
>>> for item in repeater: