Tumasulo Algorithm

Dynamic Scheduling

💡 Idea: Get rid of stall cycles by allowing instructions to execute out-of-order

Road analogy:

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  • An in-order-processer is like a road with one lane
    • If one car stops, all car behind it have to stop
  • An out-of-order-processor is like a road with temporarily multiple lanes
    • If one car stops, the car behind it can take over

Tumasulo’s Algorithm

🎯 Goal: High Floating-Point (FP) performance without special compilers

Key Structures

Consider following instructions:

DIV.D F0, F2, F4
ADD.D F10, F0, F8
SUB.D F12, F8, F14

ADD.D depends on DIV.D (true dependency on F0, Read-After-Write)

  • In-order execution: DIV.D –> ADD.D –> SUB.D. There’ll be a lot of stall cycles due to data dependency
  • Out-of-order execution: We want SUB.D to proceed when ADD.D is waiting for DIV.D
  • To allow SUB.D to proceed, we need to buffer ADD.D somewhere
    • In Tumasulo’s Algorithm these buffers called Reservation Stations (RSs)
  • To allow ADD.D to proceed when its operands become available, RSs must be informed when result available
    • In Tumasulo’s Algorithm results are broadcasted to all RSs on Common Data Bus (CDB)

Tumasulo Pipeline Phases

  • Pipeline phase: may takes several clock cycles
  • Pipeline stage: always takes SINGLE clock cycles
  1. IF: fetch next instruction into FIFO queue of pending instructions

  2. Issue

    1. Get next instruction from head of instruction queue
    2. If there is a matching RS (i.e., no structural hazard), then issue instruction to RS
      • Write operand values if they are currently in registers
      • Otherwise, write identifiers of RSs that will produce operands
  3. Execute

    • When all operands available (i.e., no RAW hazard) and Functional Unit (FU) are free, then execute
    • If not, monitor CDB for result to become available
  4. Write result

    • Write Result on CDB to all awaiting RSs and register file
    • Mark RS free so that it can be used for another instructions

Tumasulo-based FP Unit

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Reservation Station (RS) Structure

Each RS has 7 fields:

  • op: Operation to perform
  • RS1: RS that will produce 1st operand
    • 0: indicates that operand is available
  • RS2: RS that will produce 2nd operand
  • val1: Value of 1st operand
  • val2: Value of 2nd operand
  • Imm/addr: holds immediate or effective address
  • busy:
    • 1: RS is occupied
    • 0: RS is free


  • Add
  • 1st operand being produced by RS Mul2
  • 2nd operand available in register with value 12.55

Then the content of RS is


Register Structure

Each register also has field RS:

  • RS ID that will produce this value
  • Blank/0 if not applicable


  • The RS field of F0 and F2 are blank, which means currently they contain valid value
  • F1 is currently being produced by RS Mul1
  • F3 is currently being produced by RS Add2

Tomasulo’s Pipeline Phase Details


  • If a matching RS is available -> Issue FP instruction
  • If source operands
    • currently available in the register -> It is issued together with the operand value
    • currently “in-flight” being produced -> The instruction is linked with the RS that will produce this operand value


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MUL.D F0, F1, F2 is at the head of the Instruction Queue

  • Register F2 is available and contains the value 0.2
  • Register F1 is being produced by RS Add2
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The multiply instruction will issue to RS Mul2

  • The first operand will be produced by RS Add2
  • The second operand is already available and equals 0.2

As the multiply writes register F0, the RS field of register F0 has been set to Mul2 since this is the RS that will produce it.


  • Execute when all operands are available (no RAW hazard)
  • Several instructions may become ready at same time
    • For FP RS, order of execution is arbitrary (usually FIFO)
    • Load/Stores are executed in-order

Write Result

When Functional Unit (FU) has produced the result , write it on CDB and from there to any RS and register waiting on it


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  • The RS Add2 is ready to execute

  • RS Mul2 is waiting for this result.

  • This result needs to be written to register F1

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  • The subtracted instruction in RS Add2 is executed.
  • It writes its result 2.0 onto the CDB together the identifier RS Add2 that has produced it
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  • The result is broadcasted on CDB to all the RS and registers
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  • The first operand of RS Mul2 is now available and equals 2.0
  • Register F1 has been set to 2.0 and its RS field has been cleared

Features of Tomasulo

  • Register renaming (via RSs)

    • Elimination of name dependencies, i.e., WAR & WAW

      (RS + Register File = virtual rgister set)

    • Distributed RS: allow operand forward to multiple RSs in 1 cycle

      • For centralized Register File: sequential access if only 1 port 🤪
  • Bypassing / forwarding

  • A result is directly forwarded from execution unit to multiple RSs via CDB

  • In-order issue/dispatch

  • Out-of-order execution

  • Out-of-order instruction retiring/completion (No precise exception)

Tumasulo Example

Tomasulo with Memory Accesses

Dynamic Scheduling of Memory Access

  • Loads and stores to different address can be executed out-of-order

  • Loads and stores accessing same address cause hazards

    • Read-After-Write (RAW)

      # R0 always has the value 0
      S.D F5, 1000(R0) # store the value of register F5 in addr (R0+1000)
      L.D F0, 1000(R0)
    • Write-After-Read (WAR)

      L.D F0, 1000(R0)
      S.D F5, 1000(R0)
    • Write-After-Write (WAW)

      S.D F5, 1000(R0)
      S.D F5, 1000(R0)
  • Problem: Hazard is known ONLY AFTER effective address calculation 🤪

    • Example

      S.D F5, 1000(R0)
      L.D F0, 1000(R1)

      If R1=0, then hazard occurs. Otherwise not.

    • Effective addresses of earlier memory accesses must have been computed!

Extend Tomasulo Algorithm with Memory Access (MA)

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  • Memory hierarchy

    • address unit
    • load and store buffers
    • memory unit
  • General process

    1. If load or store instruction is retrieved from the head of the Instruction Queue, it is sent to the address unit
    2. The address unit then
      1. calculates the effective address
      2. provided there is no hazard
      3. places the load or store in one of the load or store buffers,
        • when the value loaded by a load is returned from memory, it will by placed on the CDB and from there to any waiting RS and register file

Load and Store Execution

  • load and store execution consist of 2 steps:

    1. effective address (EA) calculation
    2. memory access (MA)
  • Each load and store buffers has field A

    • EA calculated in 1st step

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    • Store buffer has a val field which can also be RS producing this value

      • So a store can be placed in a store buffer before the value to be stored is available
  • RS can also be waiting for load buffer


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    The RS is waiting for load buffer 2.

Load and Store Issue

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  • load

    1. Address unit calculates EA

    2. EA is compared to A field of all active store buffers

      • If match -> RAW hazard

        -> load won’t be sent to load buffer until conflicting store completes

  • store

    • Similar but must check for conflict in both load buffers (WAR) and store buffers (WAW)


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  • L.D F1, 1000(R0) is sent to the address unit
    • At this point in time, store buffer 1 is active and wants to write to address 1000
    • store buffer 2 is active and wants to write to address 1004
  • The address unit calculates the EA 1000
  • Since store buffer 1 wants to write to the same address (1000) -> There is a conflict
    • The load will NOT be sent to one of the free load buffers until the store in store buffer 1 completes
load and store do NOT have to be sent in-order from the load and store buffers to the memory unit but can be freely reordered