Executors and Features The ThreadPoolExecutor Python class is used to create and manage thread pools and is provided in the concurrent.futures module. The ThreadPoolExecutor extends the Executor class and will return Future objects when it is called.
Python Threads A thread refers to a thread of execution by a computer program. Every Python program is a process with one thread called the main thread used to execute your program instructions.
What is Concurrency? The dictionary definition of concurrency is simultaneous occurrence. In Python, the things that are occurring simultaneously are called by different names (thread, task, process) but at a high level, they all refer to a sequence of instructions that run in order.
Concurrency in Python.
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Loguru is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python. It is intended to make Python logging less painful by adding a bunch of useful functionalities that solve caveats of the standard loggers.
TL;DR Use @property decorator for getters and setter in OOP in a more pythonic way. Python programming provides us with a built-in @property decorator which makes usage of getter and setters much easier in Object-Oriented Programming.
In Python, we use the import keyword to make code in one module available in another. Imports in Python are important for structuring your code effectively. Using imports properly will make you more productive, allowing you to reuse code while keeping your projects maintainable.
Sorting Dictionary Python dictionaries don’t have an inherent order. You can iterate over them just fine but there’s no guarantee that iteration returns the dictionary’s elements in any particular order。
In Python, a generator is a function that returns an iterator that produces a sequence of values when iterated over. Generators are useful when we want to produce a large sequence of values, but we don’t want to store all of them in memory at once.