HPE Datasets

Human Pose Estimation Datasets

COCO Keypoints Detection


17 Keypoints:


Keypoint detection format:

截屏2021-05-25 15.48.14


Annotations for keypoints are just like in Object Detection (Segmentation), except a number of keypoints is specified in sets of 3, (x, y, v).

    "keypoints": [x1,y1,v1,...],
    "num_keypoints": int,
    "id": int,
    "image_id": int,
    "category_id": int,
    "segmentation": RLE or [polygon],
    "area": float,
    "bbox": [x,y,width,height],
    "iscrowd": 0 or 1,
  • “keypoints”: a length 3k array where k is the total number of keypoints defined for the category.

    • Each keypoint has

      • a 0-indexed location x, y

      • visible flag v

        • v=0: not labeled (in which case x=y=0)

        • v=1: labeled but not visible

        • v=2: labeled and visible

          A keypoint is considered visible if it falls inside the object segment.

    • For example, (229, 256, 2) means there’s a keypoint at pixel x=229, y=256 and v=2 indicates that it is a visible keypoint

  • “num_keypoints”: indicates the number of labeled keypoints (v>0) for a given object (many objects, e.g. crowds and small objects, will have num_keypoints=0).


"annotations": [
        "segmentation": [[204.01,306.23,...206.53,307.95]],
        "num_keypoints": 15,
        "area": 5463.6864,
        "iscrowd": 0,
        "keypoints": [229,256,2,...,223,369,2],
        "image_id": 289343,
        "bbox": [204.01,235.08,60.84,177.36],
        "category_id": 1,
        "id": 201376


Currently keypoints are only labeled for the person category (for most medium/large non-crowd person instances).

    "id": int,
    "name": str,
    "supercategory": str,
    "keypoints": [str],
    "skeleton": [edge]

Compared to Object Detection, categories of keypoint detection has two additional fields

  • “keypoints”: a length k array of keypoint names
  • “skeleton”: defines connectivity via a list of keypoint edge pairs and is used for visualization.
    • E.g. [16, 14] means “left_ankle” connects to “left_knee”


"categories": [
        "supercategory": "person",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "person",
        "keypoints": [
        "skeleton": [

Visualization: see pycocoDemo.ipynb


  • State of the art benchmark for evaluation of articulated human pose estimation.
  • Includes around 25K images containing over 40K people with annotated body joints. The images were systematically collected using an established taxonomy of every day human activities.
  • Overall the dataset covers 410 human activities and each image is provided with an activity label. Each image was extracted from a YouTube video and provided with preceding and following un-annotated frames.


0r ankle
1r knee
2r hip
3l hip
4l knee
5l ankle
8upper neck
9head top
10r wrist
11r elbow
12r shoulder
13l shoulder
14l elbow
15l wrist


PoseTrack is a large-scale benchmark for human pose estimation and tracking in image sequences. It provides a publicly available training and validation set as well as an evaluation server for benchmarking on a held-out test set.


Single-frame Pose Estimation

  • The aim of this task is to perform multi-person human pose estimation in single frames.
  • It is similar to the ones covered by existing datasets like “MPII Human Pose” and MS COCO Keypoints Challenge.
  • Note that this scenario assumes that body poses are estimated independently in each frame.
  • Evaluation: The evaluation is performed using standard mean Average Precision (mAP) metric

Articulated People Tracking

  • This task requires to provide temporally consistent poses for all people visible in the video. This means that in addition to pose estimation of each person, it is also required to track body joints of people.
  • Evaluation: The evaluation will include both pose estimation accuracy as well as pose tracking accuracy.
    • The pose estimation accuracy is evaluated using the stand mAP metric
    • The evaluation of pose tracking is according to the CLEAR MOT metrics, the de-facto standard for evaluation of multi-target tracking.
  • Trajectory-based measures are also evaluated that count the number of mostly tracked (MT), mostly lost (ML) tracks and the number of times a ground-truth trajectory is fragmented (FM).


  • Each person is labeled with a head bounding box and positions of the body joints.
  • Omit annotations of people in dense crowds and in some cases also choose to skip annotating people in upright standing poses.
  • Ignore regions to specify which people in the image where ignored during annotation.
  • Each sequence included in the PoseTrack benchmark correspond to about 5 seconds of video. The number of frames in each sequence might vary as different videos were recorded with different number of frames per second (FPS).
    • Training sequences: annotations for 30 consecutive frames centered in the middle of the sequence
    • Validation and test sequences: annotate 30 consecutive frames and in addition annotate every 4-th frame of the sequence

Annotation Format

File format of PoseTrack 2018 is based on the Microsoft COCO dataset annotation format

.json Dictionary Structure

At top level, each .json file stores a dictionary with three elements:

  • images

    • A list of described images. The list must contain the information for all images referenced by a person description in the file.

    • Each list element is a dictionary and must contain only two fields

      • file_name : must refer to the original posetrack image

      • id (unique int)

      • Example

  • annotations

    • Another list of dictionaries

    • Each item of the list describes one detected person and is itself a dictionary. It must have at least the following fields:

      • image_id: int, an image with a corresponding id must be in images,

      • track_id

        • int, the track this person is performing
        • unique per frame
      • keypoints: list of floats, length three times number of estimated keypoints in order x, y, ? for every point. (The third value per keypoint is only there for COCO format consistency and not used.)

        • Example

          bbox_head: [] # 4 items
          keypoints: [] # 51 items
          track_id: 0
          image_id: 10003420000
          bbox: [] # 4 items
          scores: []
          category_id: 1
          id: 1000342000000
      • scores

        • list of float, length number of estimated keypoints
        • each value between 0. and 1. providing a prediction confidence for each keypoint
  • categories

    • Must be a list containing precisely one item, describing the person structure

    • The dictionary must contain

    • name: person

    • keypoints: a list of strings which must be a superset of [nose, upper_neck, head_top, left_shoulder,right_shoulder, left_elbow, right_elbow, left_wrist, right_wrist,left_hip, right_hip, left_knee, right_knee, left_ankle,right_ankle]. (The order may be arbitrary.)

    • Example

    supercategory: "person"
    id: 1
    name: "person"
    keypoints: [] # 17 items
    skeleton: [] # 19 items

Keypoints Annotations

Keypoints annotations by PoseTrack are similar to COCO keypoints, except

  • left_eye and right_eye are changed to head_bottom and head_top, respectively

  • Annotations for ears are excluded. (I.e., only 15 keypoints are annotated)

    Note: If you look at the annotation closely, there’re 51 elements in keypoints dictionary (3 elements (x, y, v) for each keypoint). In other words, there’re still 17 annotated keypoints.


    To (manually) exclude left_ear and right_ear, elements 9 to 14, which correpond to (x, y, v) of left_ear and right_ear, are all set to 0.

    截屏2021-06-08 12.08.58

idCOCO KeypointsPoseTrack


