Face Detection: Color-Based

Face Detection: Color-Based


  • Different color spaces and classifiers can be used

    • Models: histograms, Gaussian Models, Mixture of Gaussians Model

    • Histogram-backprojection / Histogram matching

    • Bayes classifier

    • Discriminative Classifiers (ANN, SVM)

  • Bayesian classifier and ANN seem to work well

    • Sufficient training data is needed for modeling the pdf, in particular for Bayesian approach (positive & negative pdfs learned)
  • Advantages: Fast, rotation & scale invariant, robust against occlusions

  • Disadvantages:

    • Affected by illumination
    • Cannot distinguish head and hands
    • Skin-colored objects in the background problematic
  • Metric: ROC curve used to compare classification results / methods

Color-based face detection overview

💡 Idea: human skin has consistent color, which is distinct from many objects

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Possible approach:

  1. Find skin colored pixels
  2. Group skin colored pixels
  • (and apply some heuristics) to find the face


  • Grayscale Image: Each pixel represented by one number (typically integer between 0 and 255)
  • Color image: Pixels represented by three numbers

Different representations exist –> „Color Spaces“

Color spaces

  • RGB

    • most widely used

    • specifies colors in terms of the primary colors red (R), green (G), and blue (B)

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  • HSV/HSI: hue (H), saturation (S) and value(V)/intensity (I)

    • Closely related to human perception (hue, colorfulness and brightness)

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      • Hue: “color”
      • Saturation: How “pure” the color is?
      • Value: “lightness”
  • Class Y spaces: YCbCr (Digital Video), YIQ (NTSC), YUV (PAL)

    • Y channel contains brightness, other two channels store chrominance (U=B-Y, V=R-Y)

    • Conversion from RGB to Yxx is a linear transformation

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  • Perceptually uniform spaces

    • Perceived color difference is uniform to difference in color values
    • Euclidian distance can be used for color comparison

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  • Chromatic Color Spaces

    • Two color channels containing chrominance (colour) information

      • HS (taken from HSV)
      • UV (taken from YUV)
    • Normalized rg from RGB:

      • r = R / (R+G+B)

      • g = G / (R+G+B)

      • b = B / (R+G+B)

    • Sometimes it is argued that chromatic skin color models are more robust


  • Reflected color depends on spectrum of the light source (and properties of the object / surface)
  • If the light source / illumination changes, the reflected color signal changes!!! 🤪

How to model skin color?

Histogram as skin color model

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  • 👍 Advantages: Works very well in practice
  • 👎 Disadvantages
    • Memory size quickly gets high
    • A large number of labelled skin and non-skin samples is needed!

Histogram Backprojection

  • The simplest (and fastest) way to utilize histogram information

  • Each pixel in the backprojection is set to the value of the (skin-color) histogram bin indexed by the color of the respective pixel

    • A color $x$ is considered as skin color if $H\_{+}(x) > \theta$
  • E.g.

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Histogram Matching

  • Backprojection
    • is good, when the color distribution of the target is monomodal.
    • is not optimal, when the target is multi colored! 😢
  • 🔧 Solution: Build a histogram of the image within the search window, and compare it to the target histogram.
    • distance metrics for histograms, e.g.:
      • Battacharya distance

      • Histogram intersection

      • Earth-movers distance,…

Histogram Backprojection vs. Matching

  • Histogram Backprojection

    • Compares color of a single pixel with color model

    • Fast and simple

    • Can only cope well with mono-modal distributions

    • sufficient for skin-color classification

  • Histogram Matching / Intersection

    • Compares color histogram of image patch with color model

    • Better performance

    • Can cope with multi-modal distributions

    • Computationally expensive

Parametric models

Gaussian Density Models

  • Gaussian Densities

    • Assume that the distribution of skin colors p(x) has a parametric functional form

    • Most common function: Gaussion function $\mathrm{G}(\mathbf{x} ; \mu, \mathbf{C})$

      $$ p(x | \text{skin})=G(x ; \mu, C)=\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{d / 2}|C|^{1 / 2} }\exp \left\\{-1 / 2(x-\mu)^{\top} C^{-1}(x-\mu)\right\\} $$
      • Mean $\mu$ and covariance matrix $C$ are estimated from a training set of skin colors $S = {x\_1,x\_2,...,x\_N}$:
        • $\mu = E\{x\}$
        • $C = E\{(\boldsymbol{x}-\mu)^T(\boldsymbol{x}-\mu)\}$
    • A color is considered as skin color if

      • $p(x|\text{skin}) > \theta$
      • $p(x|\text{skin}) > p(x|\text{non-skin})$

Mixture of Gaussian Models

$$ p(x)=\sum\_{i=1}^{K} \pi\_{i} G\left(x, \mu\_{i}, C\_{i}\right) $$
  • Parameter set $\Phi$ can be estimated using the EM algorithm

    • Iteratively changes parameters so as to maximize the log-likelihood of the training set: $$ L=\log \prod\_{i=1}^{N} p\left(x\_{i} \mid \Phi\right) $$
  • A color is considered as skin color if

    • $p(x|\text{skin}) > \theta$
    • $p(x|\text{skin}) > p(x|\text{non-skin})$

Bayes Classifier

  • Skin Classification using Bayes Decision Rule

    • Minimum cost decision rule

    • Classify pixel to skin class if $P(\text{Skin} | x)>P(\text{Non-Skin} | x)$

    • Decision Rule:

      $$ \frac{p(\mathbf{x} \mid \text {Skin})}{p(\mathbf{x} \mid \text {Non-Skin})} \geq \frac{P(\text {Non-Skin})}{P(\text {Skin})} $$
    • The classconditionals $p(x|\omega)$ can be estimated from the corresponding histograms:

      $$ p\left(x \mid \omega\_{i}\right)=h\_{i}(x) / \sum\_{x} h\_{i}(x) $$
      • $h\_i(x)$: count of pixels from class $\omega\_{i}$ that have value $x$

Discriminative Models / Classifiers

  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Support Vector Machine

Performance Measures

For classification

When comparing recognition hypotheses with ground-truth annotations have to consider four cases:

Measuring Performance: The Confusion Matrix – Glass Box

More see: Evaluation

ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic)

  • Used for the task of classification
  • Measures the trade-off between true positive rate and false positive rate
$$ \begin{array}{l} \text { true positive rate }=\frac{\mathrm{TP}}{\mathrm{Pos}}=\frac{\mathrm{TP}}{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FN}} \\\\ \text { false positive rate }=\frac{\mathrm{FP}}{\mathrm{Neg}}=\frac{\mathrm{FP}}{\mathrm{FP}+\mathrm{TN}} \end{array} $$
  • Each prediction hypothesis has generally an associated probability value or score

  • The performance values can therefore plotted into a graph for each possible score as a threshold

  • Example:

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Skin-color: Analysis and Comparison

Conclusions 1

  • Bayesian approach and MLP worked best

    • Bayesian approach needs much more memory
  • Approach is largely unaffected by choice of color space, but

  • Results degraded when only chrominance channels were used

From Skin-Colored Pixels to Faces

  • Skin-colored pixels need to be grouped into object representations

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  • 🔴 Problems:

    • skin-colored background,
    • further skin-colored body parts (hands, arms, …),
    • Noise, …

Perceptual Grouping

  • Morphological Operators: Operators performing an action on shapes where the input and output is a binary image.

  • Threshold each pixel‘s skin affiliation –> Binary Image

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  • Morphological Erosion

    • Remove pixels from edges of objects

    • Set pixel value to min value of surrounding pixels

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  • Morphological Dilatation

    • Add pixels to edges of objects

    • Set pixel value to max value of surrounding pixels

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  • Morphological Opening

    • Apply erosion, then dilatation

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    • Goal:

      • Smooth outline
      • Open small bridges
      • Eliminate outliers
  • Morphological Closing

    • Apply dilatation, then erosion

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    • Goal:

      • Smooth inner edges
      • Connect small distances
      • Fill unwanted holes
  • Apply morphological closing then morphological opening

    • Resulting image is reduced to connected regions of skin color (blobs)

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From Skin Blobs To Faces

  • Goal: align bounding box around face candidate

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  • Important for:

    • Face Recognition

    • Head Pose Estimation

  • Different approaches:

    • Choose cluster with biggest size

    • Ellipse fitting (approximate face region by ellipse)

    • Heuristics to distinguish between different skin clusters

    • Use temporal information (tracking)

    • Facial Feature Detection

  1. S. L. Phung, A. Bouzerdoum and D. Chai, “Skin segmentation using color pixel classification: analysis and comparison,” in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 148-154, Jan. 2005, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.17. ↩︎