Facial Feature Detection

Facial Feature Detection


What are facial features?

Facial features are referred to as salient parts of a face region which carry meaningful information.

  • E.g. eye, eyeblow, nose, mouth
  • A.k.a facial landmarks

What is facial feature detection?

Facial feature detection is defined as methods of locating the specific areas of a face.

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Applications of facial feature detection

  • Face recognition
  • Model-based head pose estimation
  • Eye gaze tracking
  • Facial expression recognition
  • Age modeling

Problems in facial feature detection

  • Identity variations

    Each person has unique facial part

  • Expression variations

    Some facial features change their state (e.g. eye blinks).

  • Head rotations

    If a head orientation changes, the visual appearance also changes.

  • Scale variations

    Changes in resolution and distance to the camera affect appearance.

  • Lighting conditions

    Light has non-linear effects on the pixel values of a image.

  • Occlusions

    Hair or glasses might hide facial features.

Older approaches (from face detection)

  • Integral projections + geometric constraints
  • Haar-Filter Cascades
  • PCA-based methods (Modular Eigenspace)
  • Morphable 3D Model

Statistical appearance models

  • 💡 Idea: make use of prior-knowledge, i.e. models, to reduce the complexity of the task
  • Needs to be able to deal with variability $\rightarrow$ deformable models
  • Use statistical models of shape and texture to find facial landmark points
  • Good models should
    • Capture the various characteristics of the object to be detected
    • Be a compact representation in order to avoid heavy calculation
    • Be robust against noise

Basic idea

  1. Training stage: construction of models
  2. Test stage: Search the region of interest (ROI)
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Appearance models

  • Represent both texture and shape

  • Statistical model learned from training data

  • Modeling shape variability

    • Landmark points
    $$ x=\left[x\_{1}, y\_{1}, x\_{2}, y\_{2}, \ldots, x\_{n}, y\_{n}\right]^{T} $$
    • Model

      $$ x \approx \bar{x}+P\_{s} b\_{s} $$
      • $\bar{x}$: Mean vector
      • $P\_s$: Eigenvectors of covariance matrix
      • $b\_s = P\_s^T(x - \bar{x})$
  • Modeling intensity variability:

    • Gray values

      $$ h=\left[g\_{1}, g\_{2}, \ldots, g\_{k}\right]^{T} $$
    • Model

      $$ h \approx \bar{h} + P\_ib\_i $$
      • $\bar{h}$: Mean vector
      • $P\_s$: Eigenvectors of covariance matrix
      • $b\_i = P\_i^T(h - \bar{h})$

Training of appearance models

1. Construct a shape model with Principal component analysis (PCA)

A shape is represented with manually labeled points.

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The shape model approximates the shape of an object.

Procrustes Analysis

Align the shapes all together to remove translation, rotation and scaling

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The positions of labeled points are

$$ x = \bar{x}+P\_{s} b\_{s} $$
  • $\bar{x}$: Mean shape
  • $P\_s$: Orthogonal modes of variation obtained by PCA
  • $b\_s$: Shape parameters in the projected space

The shapes are represented with fewer parameters ($\operatorname{Dim}(x) > \operatorname{Dim}(b\_s)$)

Generating plausible shapes:

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2. Construct a texture model which represents grey-scale (or color) values at each point

Warp the image so that the labeled points fit on the mean shape

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Then normalize the intensity on the shape-free patch.

Texture warping
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Texture model

The pixel values on the shape-free patch

$$ g = \bar{g} + P\_g b\_g $$
  • $\bar{g}$ : Mean of normalized pixel values
  • $P\_g$ : Orthogonal modes of variation obtained by PCA
  • $b\_g$: Texture parameters in the projected space

The pixel values (appearance) are presented with fewer parameters ($\operatorname{Dim}(g) > \operatorname{Dim}(b\_g)$)

3. Model the correlation between shapes and grey-level models

The concatenated vector is

$$ b=\left(\begin{array}{c} W\_{s} b\_{s} \\\\ b\_{g} \end{array}\right) $$

Apply PCA:

$$ b=P\_{c} c=\left(\begin{array}{l} P\_{c s} \\\\ P\_{c g} \end{array}\right)c $$

Now the parameter $\mathbf{c}$ can control both shape and grey-level models

  • The shape model

    $$ x=\bar{x}+P\_{s} W\_{s}^{-1} P\_{c s} c $$
  • The grey-level model

    $$ g=\bar{g}+P\_{g} P\_{c g} c $$

Examples of synthesized faces

Various objects can be synthesized by controlling the parameter $\mathbf{c}$

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Dataset for Building Model

IMM data set from Danish Technical University

  • 240 images with 640*480 size; 40 individuals, with 36 males and 4 females.

  • Each Subject 6 shots, with different pose, expressions and illuminations.

  • Each image is labeled with 58 landmarks; 3 closed and 4 opened point-paths.

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Image Interpretation with Models

  • 🎯 Goal: find the set of parameters which best match the model to the image
    • Optimize some cost function
    • Difficult optimization problem
  • Set of parameters
    • Defines shape, position, appearance
    • Can be used for further processing
      • Position of landmarks

      • Face recognition

      • Facial expression recognition

      • Pose estimation

  • Problem: Optimizing the model fit

Active Shape Models (ASM)

Given a rough starting position, create an instance of $\mathbf{X}$ of the model using

  • shape parameters $b$
  • translation $T=(X\_t,Y\_t)$
  • scale $s$
  • rotation $\theta$

Iterative approach:

  1. Examine region of the image around $\mathbf{X}\_i$ to find the best nearby match for the point $\mathbf{X}\_i^\prime$
  2. Update parameters $(b, T, s, \theta)$ to best fit the new points $\mathbf{X}$ (constrain the model parameters to be within three standard deviations)
  3. Repeat until convergence

In practice: search along profile normals

  • The optimal parameters are searched from multi-resolution images hierarchically (faster algorithm)

    1. Search for the object in a coarse image
    2. Refine the location in a series of higher resolution images.

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Example of search

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  • Uses mainly shape constraints for search

  • Does not take advantage of texture across the target

Active Appearance Models (AAM)

  • Optimize parameters, so as to minimize the difference of a synthesized image and the target image
  • Solved using a gradient-descent approach

Fitting AAMs

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Learning linear relation matrix $\mathbf{R}$ using multi-variate linear regression

  • Generate training set by perturbing model parameters for training images

  • Include small displacements in position, scale, and orientation

  • Record perturbation and image difference

  • Experimentally, optimal perturbation around 0.5 standard deviations for each parameter



  • Seeks to match a set of model points to an image, constrained by a statistical model of shape
  • Matches model points using an iterative technique (variant of EM-algorithm)
  • A search is made around the current position of each point to find a nearby point which best matches texture for the landmark
  • Parameters of the shape model are then updated to move the model points closer to the new points in the image

AAM: matches both position of model points and representation of texture of the object to an image

  • Uses the difference between current synthesized image and target image to update parameters
  • Typically, less landmark points are needed

Summary of ASM and AAM

  • Statistical appearance models provide a compact representation

  • Can model variations such as different identities, facial expression, appearances, etc.

  • Labeled training images are needed (very time-consuming) 🤪

  • Original formulation of ASM and AAM is computationally expensive (i.e. slow) 🤪

  • But, efficient extensions and speed-ups exist!

    • Multi-resolution search
    • Constrained AAM search
    • Inverse compositional AAMs (CMU)
  • Usage

    • Facial fiducial point detection
    • Face recognition, pose estimation
    • Facial expression analysis
    • Audio-visual speech recognition

More Modern Approaches: Conditional Random Forests For Real Time Facial Feature Detection1


Regression tree

  • Basically like classification decision tree

  • In the nodes-decisions are comparison of numbers

  • In the leafs-numbers or multidimensional vectors of numbers

  • Example

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Random regression forests

  • Set of random regression trees

  • Random

    • Different trees trained on random subset of training data

    • After training, predictions for unseen samples can be made by averaging the predictions from all the individual regression trees

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Basic idea

  • Train different set of trees for different head pose.

  • The leaf nodes accumulates votes for the different facial fiducial points

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Regression forests training

  • Each Tree is trained from randomly selected set of images.

  • Extract patches in each image

  • Training goal: accumulate probability for a feature point $C\_n$ given a patch $P$ at the leaf node

    • Each patch is represented by appearance features $I$, and displacement vectors $D$ (offsets) to each of the facial fiducial feature point. I.e. $P = \\{I, D\\}$
    • A simple patch comparison is used as Tree-node splitting criterion

Regression forests testing

  • Given: a random face image
  • Extract densely set of patches from the image
  • Feed all patches to all trees in the forest
  • Get for each patch $P\_i$ a corresponding set of leafs
  • A density estimator for the location of ffp’s is calculated
  • Run meanshift to find all locations

Conditional Regression Forest

  • Conditional regression tree works alike.

  • For training:

    • Compute a probability for a concrete head pose

    • For each head pose divide the training set in disjoint subsets according to the pose

    • Train a regression forest for each subset

  • For testing:

    • Estimate the probabilities for each head pose

    • Select trees from different regression forests

    • Estimate the density function for all facial feature points.

    • Finalize the exact poition by clustering over all feature candidate votes for a given facial feature point. (e.g., by meanshift)

Experiments and results

  • Training set:

    • 13233 face images from LFW Database
    • 10 annotated facial feature points per face image
  • Training

    • Maximum tree depth = 20
    • 2500 splitting candidates and 25 thresholds per split
    • 1500 images to train each tree
    • 200 patches per image (20 * 20 pixels).
    • For head pose two different subsets with 3 and 5 head poses are generated (accuracy 72,5%)
    • Required time for face detection and head pose estimation is 33 ms.
  • Results


CNN based models

Stacked Hourglass Network 2

  • Fully-convolutional neural network

  • Repeated down- and upsampling + shortcut connections

  • Based on RGB face image, produce one heatmap for each landmark

  • Heatmaps are transformed into numerical coordinates using DSNT

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  1. M. Dantone, J. Gall, G. Fanelli and L. Van Gool, “Real-time facial feature detection using conditional regression forests,” 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, RI, USA, 2012, pp. 2578-2585, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247976. ↩︎

  2. Newell, A., Yang, K., & Deng, J. (2016). Stacked hourglass networks for human pose estimation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9912 LNCS, 483–499. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46484-8_29 ↩︎