Facial Expression Recognition

Facial Expression Recognition

What is facial expression analysis?

What is Facial Expression?

Facial expressions are the facial changes in response to a person‘s internal emotional states, interntions, or social communications.

Role of facial expressions

  • Almost the most powerful, natural, and immediate way (for human beings) to communicate emotions and intentions
  • Face can express emotion sooner than people verbalize or realize feelings
  • Faces and facial expressions are an important aspect in interpersonal communication and man-machine interfaces

Facial Expressions

  • Facial expression(s):
    • nonverbal communication

    • voluntary / involuntary

    • results from one or more motions or positions of the muscles of the face

    • closely associated with our emotions

  • The fact: Most people’s success rate at reading emotions from facial expression is only a little over 50 percent.

Facial expression analysis vs. Emotion analysis

  • Emotion analysis requires higher level knowledge, such as context information.

  • Besides emotions, facial expressions can also express intention, cognitive processes, physical effort, etc.

Emotions conveyed by Facial Expressions

  • Six basic emotions (assumed to be innate)

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Basic structure of facial expression analysis systems

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Levels of description


Discrete classes

  • Six basic emotions

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  • Positive, neutral, negative

Continuous valued dimensions

  • Emotions as a continuum along 2/3 dimension

  • Circumplex model by Russel

    • Valence: unpleasant - pleasant
    • Arousal: low – high activation

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Facial Action Units (AUs)

Facial Action Coding System (FACS)

  • A human-observer based system designed to detect subtle changes in facial features
  • Viewing videotaped facial behavior in slow motion, trained observer can manually FACS code all possible facial displays
  • These facial displays are referred to as action units (AU) and may occur individually or in combinations.

Action Units (AUs)

  • There are 44 AUs

  • 30 AUs related to contractions of special facial muscles

    • 12 AUs for upper face

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    • 18 AUs for lower face

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  • Anatomic basis of the remaining 14 is unspecified $\rightarrow$ referred to in Facial Action Coding System (FACS) as miscellaneous actions

  • For action units that vary in intensity, a 5-point ordinal scale is used to measure the degree of muscle contraction

Combination of AUs

More than 7000 different AU combinations have been observed.

  • Additive: appearance of single AUs does NOT change. E.g.

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  • Nonadditive: appearance of single AUs does change. E.g.

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Individual Differences in Subjects

  • Variations in appearance

    • Face shape,

    • Texture

    • Color

    • Facial and scalp hair

    due to sex, ethnic background, and age differences

  • Variations in expressiveness

Transitions Among Expressions

  • Simplifying assumption: expressions are singular and begin and end with a neutral position

  • Transitions from action units or combination of actions to another may involve NO intervening neutral state.

  • Parsing the stream of behavior is an essential requirement of a robust facial analysis system, and training data are needed that include dynamic combinations of action units, which may be either additive or nonadditive.

Intensity of Facial Expression

  • Facial actions can vary in intensity

  • FACS coding uses 5-point intensity scale to describe intensity variation of action units

  • Some related action units function as sets to represent intensity variation.

    • E.g. in the eye region, action units 41, 42, and 43 or 45 can represent intensity variation from slightly drooped to closed eyes.

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Relation to other Facial Behavior or Nonfacial Behavior

  • Facial expression is one of several channels of nonverbal communication.

  • The message values of various modes may differ depending on context.

  • For robustness, should be integrated with

    • Gesture

    • Prosody

    • Speech

Different datasets and systems

Using geometric features + ANN (2001 / early work)

Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis1

  • An Automatic Facial Analysis (AFA) system to analyze facial expressions based on both permanent facial features (brows, eyes, mouth) and transient facial features (depending of facial furrows) in a nearly frontal-view image sequences.

  • A group of action units (neutral expression, six upper face AUs and 10 lower face AUs) are recognized whether they occur alone or in combinations.

Cohn-Kanade AU-Coded Facial Expression Database

  • 100 subjects from varying ethnic backgrounds.

  • 23 different facial expressions (single action units and combinations of action units)

  • Frontal faces, small head motion

  • Variations in lighting

    • ambient lighting
    • single-high-intensity lamp
    • dual high-intensity lamps with reflective umbrellas
  • Coded with FACS and assigned emotion-specified labels (happy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, sadness)

  • Example

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Feature-based Automatic Facial Action Analysis (AFA) System

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  • Feature detection & feature location

    • Region of the face and location of individual face features detected automatically in the initial frame using neural network based approach
    • Contours of face features and components adjusted manually in the initial frame
    • Face features are then tracked automatically
      • permanent features (e.g., brows, eyes, lips)
      • transient features (lines and furrows)
  • Feature extraction: Group facial features into separate collections of feature parameters

    • 15 normalized upper face parameters
    • 9 normalized lower face parameters
  • Parameters fed to two neural-network-based classifiers

Facial Feature Extraction

Multistate Facial Component Models of a Frontal Face

  • Permanent components/features
    • Lip
    • Eye
    • Brow
    • Cheek
  • Transient component/features
    • Furrows and wrinkles appear perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the activated muscles
    • Classification
      • present (appear, deepen or lengthen)
      • absent
    • Detection
      • Canny edge detector
      • Nasal root / crow’s-feet wrinkles
      • Nasolabial furrows

Facial Feature Representation

  • Face coordinate system

    • $x = $ line between inner corners of eyes
    • $y = $ perpendicular to x
  • Group facial features

    • upper face features: 15 parameters

      • Example

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    • lower face features: 9 parameters

      • Example

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AU Recognition by Neural Networks

  • Three layer neural networks (one hidden layer)
  • Standard back-propagation method
    • Separate networks for upper- / lower face
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Using appearance-based features + SVM (2006)

Automatic Recognition of Facial Actions in Spontaneous Expression2

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RU-FACS data set

  • Containts spontaneous expressions
  • 100 subjects

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Using Deep features (CNN) + fusion (2013)

Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge (EmotiW)

  • 🎯 Goal: Move to more realistic out of the lab data

  • AFEW Dataset (Acted Facial Expressions in the Wild)

    • Extracted from movies

    • Annotated with six basic emotions

    • Movie clips from 330 subjects, age range: 1-70

    • Semi-automatic annotation pipeline

      • Recommender sytem + manual annotation

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2013 Winner

Combining Modality Specific Deep Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition in Video3

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Convolutional Network

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  • Inputs are images of size 40x40, cropped randomly
  • Four layers, 3 convolutions followed by max or average pooling and a fully-connected layer
Representing video sequence
  • CNN gives 7-dim output per frame
  • Multiple frames are averaged into 10 vectors describing the sequence
    • For shorter sequences, frames / vectors get expanded (duplicated)
  • Results in 70-dim feature vector (10*7)
  • Classification with SVM

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Other Features
  • „Bag of Mouth“
  • Audio-features

Typical Pipline

  • Face detection and alignment

  • Extract various features and different representations

  • Build multiple classifiers

  • Fusion of results

Other Applications

  • Pain Analysis
  • Analysis of psychological disorders
  • Workload / stress analysis
  • Adaptive user interfaces
  • Advertisment

  1. Y. . -I. Tian, T. Kanade and J. F. Cohn, “Recognizing action units for facial expression analysis,” in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 97-115, Feb. 2001, doi: 10.1109/34.908962. ↩︎

  2. Littlewort, Gwen & Frank, Mark & Lainscsek, Claudia & Fasel, Ian & Movellan, Javier. (2006). Automatic Recognition of Facial Actions in Spontaneous Expressions. Journal of Multimedia. 1. 10.4304/jmm.1.6.22-35. ↩︎

  3. Kahou, Samira Ebrahimi & Pal, Christopher & Bouthillier, Xavier & Froumenty, Pierre & Gulcehre, Caglar & Memisevic, Roland & Vincent, Pascal & Courville, Aaron & Bengio, Y. & Ferrari, Raul & Mirza, Mehdi & Jean, Sébastien & Carrier, Pierre-Luc & Dauphin, Yann & Boulanger-Lewandowski, Nicolas & Aggarwal, Abhishek & Zumer, Jeremie & Lamblin, Pascal & Raymond, Jean-Philippe & Wu, Zhenzhou. (2013). Combining modality specific deep neural networks for emotion recognition in video. ICMI 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 543-550. 10.1145/2522848.2531745. ↩︎