Body Pose


What is Kinect?

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  • Fusion of two groundbreaking new technologies
    • A cheap and fast RGB-D sensor
    • A reliable Skeleton Tracking

Structured light

  • Kinect uses Structured Light to simulate a stereo camera system
  • Kinect provides an unique texture for every point of the image, therefore only Block-Matching is required

Pose Recognition for User Interaction

Few constrains:

  • Extremely low latency.
  • Low computational power.
  • High recognition rate, without false positives.
  • Any personalized training step.
  • Few people at once.
  • Complex poses will be usual.

Pose Recognition1

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1st step: Pixel classification

Speed is the key

  • Uses only one disparity image.

  • It classifies each pixel independently.

  • The process of feature extraction is simultaneous to the classification.

  • Simplest possible feature: difference between two pixels.

  • Classification is done through Random Decision Forests.

    • Learning
      • Randomly choose a set of thresholds and features for splits.
      • Pick the threshold and feature that provide the largest information gain.
      • Recurse until a certain accuracy is reached or depth is obtained.
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  • Everything has an optimal GPU implementation.


  • Key: using a huge amount of training data

  • Synthetic Training DB

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  • Pixel classification results

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Joint estimation

  • Use mean shift clustering on the pixels with Gaussian kernel to infer the center of clusters.

  • Clustering is done in 3d space but every pixel is weighted by their world surface area to get depth invariance.

  • Finally the sum of the weighted pixels is used as a confidence measure.

  • Results

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Criticism 👎

  • Not open source
  • Biased towards upper body frontal poses
  • Very difficult to improve or adapt.

Pose Estimation without Kinect: Convolutional Pose Machines 2

Pose Machine

  • Unconstrained 2D-pose estimation on real world RGB images.

  • Outputs confidence maps for every joint of the skeleton.

  • Works in multiple stages refining the confidence maps.

  • 💡 Idea:

    • Local image evidence is weak (first stage confidence maps)

    • Part context can be a strong cue (confidence maps of other body joints)

      ➔ Use confidence maps of all body joints of the previous stage to refine current results

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We denote the pixel location of the $p$-th anatomical landmark (refer to as a part) $Y\_{p} \in \mathcal{Z} \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}$

  • $\mathcal{Z}$: set of all $(u, v)$ locations in an image

🎯 Goal: to predict the image locations $Y = (Y\_1, \dots, Y\_P)$ for all $P$ parts.

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In each stage $t \in \{1 \dots T\}$, the classifiers $g\_t$ predict beliefs for assigning a location to each part $Y\_{p}=z, \forall z \in \mathcal{Z}$, based on

  • features extracted from the image at the location $z$ denoted by $\mathbf{x}\_{z} \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ and
  • contextual information from the preceding classifier in the neighborhood around each $Y\_p$ in stage $t$.

First stage

A classifier in the first stage $t = 1$ produces the following belief values:

$$ g\_1(\mathbf{x}\_z) \rightarrow \\{b\_1^p(Y\_p=z)\\}\_{p \in \\{0 \dots P\\}} $$
  • $b\_{1}^{p}\left(Y\_{p}=z\right)$: score predicted by the classifier $g\_1$ for assigning the $p$-th part in the first stage at image location $z$.

We represent all the beliefs of part $p$ evaluated at every location $z = (u, v)^T$ in the image as $\mathbf{b}\_{t}^{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{w \times h}$:

$$ \mathbf{b}\_{t}^{p}[u, v]=b\_{t}^{p}\left(Y\_{p}=z\right) $$
  • $w, h$: width and height of the image, respectively

For convenience, we denote the collection of belief maps for all the parts as $\mathbf{b}\_{t} \in \mathbb{R}^{w \times h \times(P+1)}$ ($+1$ for background)

Subsequent stages

The classifier predicts a belief for assigning a location to each part $Y\_{p}=z, \forall z \in \mathcal{Z}$, based on

  • features of the image data $\mathbf{x}\_{z}^{t} \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ and
  • contextual information from the preceeding classifier in the neighborhood around each $Y\_p$
$$ g\_{t}\left(\mathbf{x}\_{z}^{\prime}, \psi\_{t}\left(z, \mathbf{b}\_{t-1}\right)\right) \rightarrow \left \\{b\_{t}^{p}\left(Y\_{p}=z\right)\right\\}\_{p \in \\{0 \ldots P+1\\}} $$
  • $\psi\_{t>1}(\cdot)$: mapping from the beliefs $b\_{t−1}$ to context features.

In each stage, the computed beliefs provide an increasingly refined estimate for the location of each part.

Confidence maps generation

Fully Convolutional Network (FCN)

  • Does not have Fully Connected Layers.
  • The same network can be applied to arbitrary image sizes.
  • Similar to a sliding window approach, but more efficient


The prediction and image feature computation modules of a pose machine can be replaced by a deep convolutional architecture allowing for both image and contextual feature representations to be learned directly from data.

Advantage of convolutional architectures: completely differentiale $\rightarrow$ enabling end-to-end joint trainining of all stages 👍

CPM structure

CPM structure

Learning in CPM

Potential problem of a network with a large number of layers: vanishing gradient


  • Define a loss function at the output of each stage $t$ that minimizes the $l_2$ distance between the predicted ($b\_{t}^{p}$) and ideal ($b\_{*}^{p}\left(Y\_{p}=z\right)$) belief maps for each part.

    • The ideal belief map for a part $p$, $b\_{*}^{p}\left(Y\_{p}=z\right)$, are created by putting Gaussian peaks at ground truth locations of each body part $p$.

    Cost function we aim to minimize at the output of each stage at each level:

    $$ f\_{t}=\sum\_{p=1}^{P+1} \sum\_{z \in \mathcal{Z}}\left\|b\_{t}^{p}(z)-b\_{*}^{p}(z)\right\|\_{2}^{2} . $$
    • $P$: all body parts
    • $\mathcal{Z}$: set of all image locations in a believe map
  • The overall objective for the full architecture is obtained by adding the losses at each stage:

    $$ \mathcal{F}=\sum\_{t=1}^{T} f\_{t} $$

  1. J. Shotton et al., “Real-time human pose recognition in parts from single depth images,” CVPR 2011, 2011, pp. 1297-1304, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995316. ↩︎

  2. Shih-En Wei, Varun Ramakrishna, Takeo Kanade, and Yaser Sheikh. Convolutional pose machines. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 4724–4732, 2016 ↩︎