Gesture Recognition

Gesture Recognition



  • a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude
  • the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression

Automatic Gesture Recognition

  • A gesture recognition system generates a semantic description for certain body motions
  • Gesture recognition exploits the power of non-verbal communication, which is very common in human-human interaction
  • Gesture recognition is often built on top of a human motion tracker


  • Multimodal Interaction
    • Gestures + Speech recognition
    • Gestures + gaze
    • Human-Robot Interaction
    • Interaction with Smart Environments
  • Understanding Human Interaction

Types of Gestures

  • Hand & arm gestures

    • Pointing Gestures
    • Sign Language
  • Head gestures

    • Nodding, head shaking, turning, pointing
  • Body gestures

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Automatic Gesture Recognition

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  • Feature Acquisition
    • Appearances: Markers, color, motion, shape, segementation, stereo, local descriptors, space-time interest points, …
    • Model based: body- or hand-models
  • Classifiers
    • SVM, ANN, HMMs, Adaboost, Dec. Trees, Deep Learning …

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for Gesture Recognition

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  • hidden”: comes from observing observations and drawing conclusions WITHOUT knowing the hidden sequence of states

  • Markov assumption (1st order): the next state depends ONLY on the current state (not on the complete state history)

A Hidden Markov Model is a five-tuple

$$ (S, \pi, \mathbf{A}, B, V) $$
  • $S = \\{s\_1, s\_2, \dots, s\_n\\}$: set of states
  • $\pi$: the initial probability distribution
    • $\pi(s\_i)$ = probability of $s\_i$ being the first state of a state sequence
  • $\mathbf{A} = (a\_{ij})$: the matrix of state transition probabilities
    • $(a\_{ij})$: probability of state $s\_j$ following $s\_i$
  • $B = \\{b\_1, b\_2, \dots, b\_n\\}$: the set of emission probability distributions/densities
    • $b\_i(x)$: probability of observing $x$ when the system is in state $s\_i$
  • $V$: the observable feature space
    • Can be discrete ($V = \\{x\_1, x\_2, \dots, x\_v\\}$) or continuous ($V = \mathbb{R}^d$)

Properties of HMMs

  • For the initial probabilities:

    $$ \sum\_i \pi(s\_i) = 1 $$
    • Often simplified by $$ \pi(s\_1) = 1, \quad \pi(s\_i > 1) = 0 $$
  • For state transition probabilities:

    $$ \forall i: \sum\_j a\_{ij} = 1 $$
    • Often: $a\_{ij} = 0$ for most $j$ except for a few states
  • When $V = \\{x\_1, x\_2, \dots, x\_v\\}$ then $b\_i$ are discrete probability distributions, the HMMs are called discrete HMMs

  • When $V = \mathbb{R}^d$ then $b\_i$ are continuous probability density functions, the HMMs are called continuous (density) HMMs

HMM Topologies

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The Observation Model

Most popular: Gaussian mixture models

$$ P\left(x\_{t} \mid s\_{j}\right)=\sum\_{k=1}^{n\_{j}} c\_{j k} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi)^{n}\left|\Sigma\_{j k}\right|}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(x\_{t}-\mu\_{j k}\right)^{\mathrm{T}} \Sigma\_{j k}^{-1}\left(x\_{t}-\mu\_{j k}\right)} $$
  • $n\_j$: number of Gaussians (in state $j$)
  • $c\_{jk}$: mixture weight for $k$-th Gaussian (in state $j$)
  • $\mu\_{jk}$: means of $k$-th Gaussian (in state $j$)
  • $\Sigma\_{jk}$: covariane matrix of $k$-th Gaussian (in state $j$)

Three Main Tasks with HMMs

Given an HMM $\lambda$ and an observation $x\_1, x\_2, \dots, x\_T$

  • The evaluation problem

    compute the probability of the observation $p(x\_1, x\_2, \dots, x\_T | \lambda)$

    $\rightarrow$ “Forward Algorithm”

  • The decoding problem

    compute the most likely state sequence $s\_{q1}, s\_{q2}, \dots, s\_{qT}$, i.e.

    $$ \operatorname{argmax}\_{q 1, \ldots, q \tau} p\left(q\_{1}, . ., q\_{T} \mid x\_{1}, x\_{2}, \ldots, x\_{T}, \lambda\right) $$

    $\rightarrow$ “Viterbi-Algorithm”

  • The learning/optimization problem

    Find an HMM $\lambda^\prime$ s.t. $p\left(x\_{1}, x\_{2}, \ldots, x\_{T} \mid \lambda^{\prime}\right)>p\left(x\_{1}, x\_{2}, \ldots, x\_{T} \mid \lambda\right)$

    $\rightarrow$ “Baum-Welch-Algo”, “Viterbi-Learning”

Sign Language Recognition

  • American Sign Language (ASL)
    • 6000 gesture describe persons, places and things
    • Exact meaning and strong rules of context and grammar for each
  • Sign recognition
    • HMM ideal for complex and structured hand gestures of ASL

Feature extraction

  • Camera either located as a 1st-person and a 2nd-person view
  • Segment hand blobs by a skin color model

HMM for American Sign Language

  • Four-State HMM for each word

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  • Training

    • Automatic segmentation of sentences in five portions
    • Initial estimates by iterative Viterbi-alignment
    • Then Baum-Welch re-estimation
    • No context used
  • Recognition

    • With and without part-of-speech grammar
    • All features / only relative features used

ASL Results


348 training and 94 testing sentences without contexts


$$ Acc = \frac{N-D-S-I}{N} $$
  • $N$: #Words
  • $D$: #Deletions
  • $S$: #Substituitions
  • $I$: #Insertions

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  • 400 training sentences and 100 for testing
  • Test 5-word sentences
  • Restricted and unrestricted similar!

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Pointing Gesture Recognition

  • Pointing gestures

    • are used to specify objects and locations

    • can be needful to resolve ambiguities in verbal statements

  • Definition: Pointing gesture = movement of the arm towards a pointing target

  • Tasks

    • Detect occurrence of human pointing gestures in natural arm movements
    • Extract the 3D pointing direction

Interaction in a Smart Room