Action & Activity Recognition

Action & Activity Recognition



  • Gain a higher level understanding of the scene, e.g.

    • What are these persons doing (walking, sitting, working, hiding)?
    • How are they doing it?
    • What is going on in the scene (meeting, party, telephone conversation, etc…)?
  • Applications

    • video indexing/analysis,
    • smart-rooms,
    • patient monitoring,
    • surveillance,
    • robots etc.

Actions, Activities


  • “a thing that happens or takes place”
  • Examples
    • Gestures
    • Actions (running, drinking, standing up, etc.)
    • Activities (preparing a meal, playing a game, etc.)
    • Nature event (fire, storm, earthquake, etc.)

Human actions

  • Def 1: Physical body motion

    • E.g.: Walking, boxing, clapping, bending, …
  • Def 2: Interaction with environment on specific purpose

    • E.g.

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  • Complex sequence of action,
  • Possibly performed by multiple humans,
  • Typically longer temporal duration
  • Examples
    • Preparing a meal
    • Having a meeting
    • Shaking hands
    • Football team scoring a goal

Actions / Activity Hierarchy

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Example: Small groups (meetings)

  • Individual actions: Speaking, writing, listening, walking, standing up, sitting down, “fidgeting”,…
  • Group activities: Meeting start, end, discussion, presentation, monologue, dialogue, white board, note-taking
  • Often audio-visual cues


  • Time series classification problem similar to speech/gesture recognition

    • Typical classifiers:
      • HMMs and variants (e.g. Coupled HMMs, Layered HMMs) Dynamic
      • Bayesian Networks (DBN)
      • Recurrent neural networks
  • Classification problem similar to object recognition/detection

    • Typical classifiers:
      • Template matching
      • Boosting
      • Bag-of-Words SVMs
    • Deep Learning approaches:
      • 2D CNN (e.g. Two-Stream CNN, Temporal Segment Network)
      • 3D CNN (e.g. C3D, I3D)
      • LSTM on top of 2D/3D CNN

Recognition with local feature descriptors

  • Try to model both Space and Time
    • Combine spatial and motion descriptors to model an action
  • Action == Space-time objects
    • Transfer object detectors to action recognition

Space-Time Features + Boosting

💡 Idea

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  • Extract many features describing the relevant content of an image sequence
    • Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) to describe appearance
    • Histogram of oriented flow (HOF) to describe motion in video
  • Use Boosting to select and combine good features for classification

Action features

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  • Action volume = space-time cuboid region around the head (duration of action)

  • Encoded with block-histogram features $f\_{\theta}(\cdot)$

    $$ \theta=(x, y, t, d x, d y, d t, \beta, \varphi) $$
    • Location: $(x, y, t)$
    • Space-time extent: $(d x, d y, d t)$
    • Type of block: $\beta \in \\{\text{Plain, Temp-2, Spat-4}\\}$
    • Type of histogram: $\varphi$
      • Histogram of optical flow (HOF)
      • Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG)
  • Example

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Histogram features
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  • (simplified) Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG)
    • Apply gradient operator to each frame within sequence (eg. Sobel)
    • Bin gradients discretized in 4 orientations to block-histogram
  • Histogram of optical flow (HOF)
    • Calculate optical flow (OF) between frames
    • Bin OF vectors discretized in 4 direction bins (+1 bin for no motion) to block-histogram
  • Normalized action cuboid has size 14x14x8 with units corresponding to 5x5x5 pixels

Action Learning

  • Use boosting method (eg. AdaBoost) to classify features within an action volume
  • Features: Block-histogram features

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  • A weak classifier h is a classifier with accuracy only slightly better than chance

  • Boosting combines a number of weak classifiers so that the ensemble is arbitrarily accurate

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    • Allows the use of simple (weak) classifiers without the loss if accuracy
    • Selects features and trains the classifier

Space-Time Interest Points (STIP) + Bag-of-Words (BoW)

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Inspired by Bag-of-Words (BoW) model for object classification

Bag-of-Words (BoW) model

  • “Visual Word“ vocabulary learning

    • Cluster local features

    • Visual Words = Cluster Means

  • BoW feature calculation

    • Assign each local feature most similar visual word

    • BoW feature = Histogram of visual word occurances within a region

  • Histogram can be used to classify objects (wth. SVM)

Bag of Visual Words (Stanford CS231 slides)

  1. Feature detection and representation

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  2. Codewords dictionary formation

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  3. Bag of word representation

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Space-Time Features: Detector

Space-Time Interest Points (STIP)

Space-Time Extension of Harris Operator

  • Space-Time Extension of Harris Operator
    • Add dimensionality of time to the second moment matrix
    • Look for maxima in extended Harris corner function H
  • Detection depends on spatio-temporal scale
  • Extract features at multiple levels of spatio-temporal scales (dense scale sampling)

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Space-Time Features: Descriptor

Compute histogram descriptors of space-time volumes in neighborhood of detected points

  • Compute a 4-bin HOG for each cube in 3x3x2 space-time grid
  • Compute a 5-bin HOF for each cube in 3x3x2 space-time grid

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Action classification

  • Spatio-temporal Bag-of-Words (BoW)

    • Build Visual vocabulary of local feature representations using k-means clustering

    • Assign each feature in a video to nearest vocabulary word

    • Compute histogram of visual word occurrences over space time volume of a video squence

  • SVM classification

    • Combine different feature types using multichannel $\chi^{2}$ Kernel
    • One-against-all approach in case of multi-class classification

Dense Trajectories 1

  • Dense sampling improves results over sparse interest points for image classification
  • The 2D space domain and 1D time domain in videos have very different characteristics $\rightarrow$ use them both

Feature trajectories

  • Efficient for representing videos
    • Extracted using KLT tracker or matching SIFT descriptors between frames
    • However, the quantity and quality is generally not enough 🤪
  • State-of-the-art: The state of the art now describe videos by dense trajectories

Dense Trajectories

  • Obtain trajectories by optical flow tracking on densely sampled points

    • Sampling
      • Sample features points every 5th pixel
      • Remove untrackable points (structure / Eigenvalue analysis)
      • Sample points on eight different scales
    • Tracking
      • Tracking by median filtering in the OF-Field
      • Trajectory length is fixed (e.g. 15 frames)
  • Feature tracking

    • Points of subsequent frames are concatenated to form a trajectory

    • Trajectories are limited to $L$ frames in order to avoid drift from their initial location

    • The shape of a trajectory of length $L$ is described by the sequence

      $$ S=\left(\Delta P\_{t}, \ldots, \Delta P\_{t+L-1}\right) $$
    • The resulting vector is normalized by

      $$ \begin{array}{c} \Delta P\_{t}=\left(P\_{t+1}-P\_{t}\right)=\left(x\_{t+1}-x\_{t}, y\_{t+1}-y\_{t}\right) \\\\ S^{\prime}=\frac{\left(\Delta P\_{t}, \ldots, \Delta P\_{t+L-1}\right)}{\sum\_{j=t}^{t+L-1}\left\|\Delta P\_{j}\right\|} \end{array} $$

Trajectory descriptors

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  • Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG)

  • Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF)


  • Motion Boundary Histogram (MBH)

    • Take local gradients of x-y flow components and compute HOG as in static images

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  1. Wang, Heng, et al. “Dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition.” International journal of computer vision 103.1 (2013): 60-79. ↩︎