Action & Activity Recognition 2

Action & Activity Recognition 2

What is action recognition?

Given an input video/image, perform some appropriate processing, and output the “action label”

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CNNs for Action / Activity Recognition 1

Why CNN?

  • Convolutional neural networks report the best performance in static image classification.
  • They automatically learn to extract generic features that transfer well across data sets.

Strategies for temporal fusion

  • Single Frame CNN (baseline)

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    • Network sees one frame at a time
    • No temporal information
  • Late Fusion CNN

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    • Network sees two frames separated by F = 15 frames
    • Both frames go into separate pathways
    • Only the last layers have access to temporal information
  • Early Fusion CNN

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    • Modify the convolutional filters in the first layer to incorporate temporal information.
      • Filters of $11 \times 11 \times 3 \times T$ , where $T$ is the temporal context ($T=10$)
  • Slow Fusion CNN

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    • Layers higher in the hierarchy have access to larger temporal context
    • Learn motion patterns at different scales

Multiresolution CNN

Faster training by reducing input size from $170 \times 170$ to $89 \times 89$

💡 Idea: takes advantage of the camera bias present in many online videos, since the object of interest often occupies the center region.

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  • The context stream receives the downsampled frames at half the original spatial resolution (89 × 89 pixels)
  • The fovea stream receives the center 89 × 89 region at the original resolution

$\rightarrow$ The total input dimensionality is halved.


Dataset: Sports-1M (1 Million videos, 487 sport activities classes)

Encoding image and optical flow separately (two-stream CNNs) 2

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3D convolutions for action recognition (C3D)

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  • video clips $\in c \times l \times h \times w$

    • $c$: #channels
    • $l$: length in number of frames
    • $h, w$: height and width of the frame
  • 3D convolution and pooling $\in d \times k \times k$

    • $d$: kernel temporal depth
    • $k$: kernel spatial size

C3D: 3 x 3 x 3 convolutions with stride 1 in space and time

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Recurrent Convolutional Networks / CNN-RNN 3

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  • Task-specific instantiation
  • Activity recognition (average frame representations)
  • Image captioning (feed image info to each RNN)
  • Video description (sequence-to-sequence models)

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Comparison of architectures

  • Type of convolutional and layers operators

    • 2D kernels (image-based) vs.
    • 3D kernels (video-based)
  • Input streams

    • RGB (spatial stream), usually used in single-stream networks
    • Precomputed optical flow (temporal stream)
    • Further streams possible (e.g. depth, human bounding boxes)
  • Fusion strategy across multiple frames

    • Feature aggregation over time
    • Recurrent layers, such as LSTM

$\rightarrow$ Modern architectures are usually a combination of the above!

Fair comparison of the architectures is difficult!

  • different pre-training of models, some are trained from scratch
  • Activity recognition datasets have been too small for analysis of deep learning approaches $\rightarrow$ pre-training matters even more

Evolution of Activity Recognition Datasets

  • Construction of large-scale video datasets much harder then for images 🤪
  • Common datasets too tiny for proper research of deep methods
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Evaluation of Action Recognition Architectures 4


  • Release of the Kinetics dataset - a first large-scale dataset for Activity Recognition

  • Benchmarking of three „classic“ architectures for activity recognition

    • Note: fair comparison is still quite difficult, since models still differ in their modalities and pre-training basis
  • New Architecture: I3D

    • 3D CNN based Inception-V1 CNN (Google LeNet)
    • “Inflation“ of trained 2-D filters in the 3-D Model

Evaluation of 3 “classic” architectures

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  • ConvNet + LSTM (9M Parameters)

    • Underlying CNN for feature extraction: Inception-V1
    • LSTM with 512 hidden units (after the last AvgPool layer) + FC layer
    • Estimating the action from the resulting prediction Sequence:
      • Training: output at each time-step used for loss calculation
      • Testing: output of the last frame used for final prediction
    • Pre-trained on ImageNet
    • Preprocessing Steps: down-sampling from 25 to 5 fps
  • 3D - ConvNet (79M Parameters)

    • Spatio-temporal filters, C3D architecture
    • High number of parameters $\rightarrow$ harder to train 🤪
    • CNN Input: 16-frame snippets
    • Classification: score averaging over each snippet in the video
    • Trained from scratch
  • Two Stream CNN (12 M Parameters)

    • Underlying CNN for feature extraction: Inception-V1
    • Spatial (RGB) and Temporal (Optical Flow) streams trained separately
    • Prediction by score averaging
    • CNN Pre-trained on ImageNet


  • Two-Stream are still the clear winners
  • 3D-CNN show poor performance and very high number of parameters
    • Note: this is the only architecture trained from scratch

Inflated 3D CNN (I3D)

💡 Idea: transfer the knowledge from the image recognition tasks in 3-D CNNs

I3-D Architecture

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  • Inception-V1 architecture extended to 3D

  • Filters and pooling kernels inflated with the time dimension ($N \times N \rightarrow N \times N \times N$)

  • 👍 Advantage: Pre-training on Image-Net possible (Learned weights of 2-D filters repeated N times along the time dimension)

  • Note: the 3-D extension is not fully symmetric in respect to pooling (Time dimension is different from the space dimensions)

    • First two max-pooling layers do not perform temporal pooling
    • Late max-pooling layers use symmetric 3x3x3 kernels
  • Evaluation

    • I3D outperforms image-based approaches on each of the streams
    • Combination of RGB input and optical flow still very useful

The role of pre-training

Pre-training on a video dataset (additionally to the Image-Net pre-training)

  • Pre-training on MiniKinetics
  • For 3D ConvNets, using additional data for pre-training is crucial
  • For 2D ConvNets, the difference seems to be smaller

$\rightarrow$ Pre-training is crucial

$\rightarrow$ I3D is the new State-of-The art model

  1. Karpathy, Andrej, et al. “Large-scale video classification with convolutional neural networks.” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014 ↩︎

  2. K. Simonyan, and A. Zisserman. Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos. In NIPS 2015. ↩︎

  3. J. Donahue, et al. Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description. In CVPR 2015. ↩︎

  4. Carreira, J., & Zisserman, A. (2017). Quo Vadis, action recognition? A new model and the kinetics dataset. Proceedings - 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2017, 2017-January, 4724–4733. ↩︎