YOLOv5: Train Custom Dataset

YOLOv5: Train Custom Dataset

We will learn

  • training YOLOv5 on our custom dataset
  • visualizing training logs
  • using trained YOLOv5 for inference
  • exporting trained YOLOv5 from PyTorch to other formats.

Clone YOLOv5 and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare custom datasets

YOLO darknet format

Dataset in YOLO darknet format has the following structure:

  • There’s a file name _darknet.labels containing object names (one name per line).

  • For each .img file, there is a corresponding .txt file (same name, but with .txt-extension) in the same directory. I.e.

    |- train
        |- _darknet.labels
        |- train_img_001.jpg
        |- train_img_001.txt
        |- train_img_xxx.jpg
        |- train_img_xxx.txt
    |- valid   # similar structure as train 
    |- test   # similar structure as train 
  • The *.txt file specifications are:

    • One row per object
    • Each row is class x_center y_center width height format.
    • Box coordinates must be in normalized xywh format (from 0 - 1). If your boxes are in pixels, divide x_center and width by image width, and y_center and height by image height.
    • Class numbers are zero-indexed (start from 0).

    For example 1:

    Image Labels

    The label file corresponding to the above image contains 2 persons (class 0) and a tie (class 27):


YOLOv5 format

YOLOv5 format:

  • If no objects in image, no *.txt file is required

  • YOLOv5 locates labels automatically for each image by replacing the last instance of /images/ in the images directory with /labels/. Therefore, folder structure of dataset should look like below:

    |- images
        |- train
            |- train_img_001.jpg
            |- train_img_xxx.jpg
        |- valid
        |- test
    |- labels
        |- train
            |- train_img_001.txt
            |- train_img_xxx.txt
        |- valid
        |- test

YOLO darknet format –> YOLOv5 format

Assuming we have a dataset in YOLO darknet format, we want to convert it to YOLOv5 format.

from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree, copy2
from tqdm import tqdm

def copy_files(src_dir, dest_dir, ext="jpg"):
    Copy files with the same extension from source directory to destination directory

    src_dir : str
        source directory 
    dest_dir : str
        destination directory 
    ext : str, optional
        extension of files to be moved, by default "jpg"
    for file in tqdm(Path(src_dir).glob(f"*.{ext}"), desc=f"Copying .{ext} files from {src_dir} to {dest_dir}"):
        copy2(file, dest_dir)

def convert_dataset_darknet_to_yolov5(src_dir_darknet, dest_dir_yolov5, dataset_types=["train", "valid", "test"]):
    Convert dataset from YOLO darknet format to scaled YOLOv4 format

    src_dir_darknet : str
        source dataset in YOLO darknet format
    dest_dir_scaled_yolov4 : str
        destination dataset in scaled YOLOv4 format
    dataset_types : list, optional
        types of dataset, by default ["train", "valid"]
    dest_dir_yolov5 = Path(dest_dir_yolov5)
    if dest_dir_yolov5.exists():


    for dir in ["images", "labels"]:
        for dataset_type in dataset_types:
            dest_dir = dest_dir_yolov5.joinpath(f"{dir}", f"{dataset_type}")

            src_dir = Path(src_dir_darknet).joinpath(f"{dataset_type}")
            ext = "jpg" if dir == "images" else "txt"
            copy_files(src_dir, dest_dir, ext=ext)

            print(f"Copy {dir} from {src_dir} to {dest_dir} done!")

Define training configuration

For training we need to configure a .yaml file which specifies

  • download commands/URL for auto-downloading (optional)

  • the path of training and validation folder

  • number of classes

  • classes names

and put this .yaml file in yolov5/data/.

For example, let’s say we have custom-dataset folder in YOLOv5 format next to yolov5. This custom dataset containes 3 object classes: “cat”, “dog”, “monkey”.

Then yolov5/data/custom-dataset.yaml should look like:

train: ../custom-dataset/images/train
valid: ../custom-dataest/images/valid

nc: 3
names: ["cat", "dog", "monkey"]

Select a model

Select a pretrained model to start training from 2:

YOLOv5 Models

For example, we select YOLOv5s, the smallest and fastest model available. (YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l, YOLOv5x work similarly.)

In order to use YOLOv5s for training on custom dataset, we need to adjust models/yolov5s.yaml: change number of class nc according to our custom dataset. Following the example above, the value of nc is 3.

models_dir = "yolov5/models"
yolov5s = os.path.join(models_dir, "yolov5s.yaml")
yolov5s_custom = os.path.join(models_dir, "yolov5s_custom.yaml")

num_class = 3

with open(yolov5s, "r") as reader, open(yolov5s_custom, "w") as writer:
    lines = reader.readlines()
    # change number of classes according to custom dataset
    lines[1] = f"nc: {num_class}  # number of classes\n"



Now we’re ready for training YOLOv5 on our custom dataset.

To kick off training, we execute train.py with the following options:

  • img: define input image size

  • batch: determine batch size

  • epochs: define the number of training epochs. (Note: often, 3000+ are common here!)

  • data: set the path to our yaml file

  • cfg: specify our model configuration

  • weights: specify a custom path to weights.

    • Use pretrained weights (recommended): --weights yolov5s.pt

      (Pretrained weights are auto-downloaded from the latest YOLOv5 release.)

    • Use randomly initialized weights (NOT recommended!): --weights ''

  • name: result names

  • nosave: only save the final checkpoint

  • cache: cache images for faster training

python train.py --img 416 --batch 16 --epochs 1000 --data ./data/masks.yaml  --cfg ./models/yolov5s_masks.yaml --weights yolov5s.pt --cache-images 

Training logging

  • All training results are saved to runs/train/ with incrementing run directories, i.e. runs/train/exp, runs/train/exp1, runs/train/exp2, etc.

  • We can view training losses and performance metrics using Tensorboard

    • If training on Google Colab:

      %load_ext tensorboard
      %tensorboard --logdir runs
  • Training losses and performance metrics are also saved to a logfile.

    • If given no name, it defaults to results.txt. We can also specify the name with --name flag when we train.
    • results.png contains plotting of different metrics

Run inference with trained weights

  • Trained weights are saved by default in runs/train/exp/weights folder.

    • The best weights best.pt and the last weights last.pt are saved
  • For inference we use detect.py

    python detect.py --weights ./runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt --img 416 --conf-thres 0.5 --source <path-to-test-set>

Export a trained YOLOv5 model

  • Install dependencies
  • Use models/export.py to export to ONNX, TorchScript and CoreML formats

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