Computer Vision
Computer Vision (CV) Tasks

- Classification
- Classification + Localization
- Object Detection
- Instance Segmentation
Object Localization: Coordinate prediction

Sliding Window
Object Localization

Classification & Localization


Sliding Window + Classification:


Sliding Window Problem: Need to test many positions and scales, and use a computationally demanding classifier
Solution: Only look at a tiny subset of possible positions
- Regioning => propose image regions that are likely to contain objects
- Classify individual regions and correct regions
- R-CNN -> Fast R-CNN -> Faster R-CNN
- Propose approx. 2k different regions (bounding boxes) for image classification
- For each box, do image classification with CNN
- Discard unlikely boxes
- Refine bounding boxes with regression
Fast R-CNN
- 9x faster training, 213x faster test time
- R-CNN is not end to end (first train softmax classifier, use that for training bounding box regressor)
- Similar to R-CNN
- Apply Region Proposals on feature map result of applied CNN to input image
- Reshape region proposals on feature map into fixed size
- Feed into FC layer

Faster R-CNN
- Both R-CNN and R-CNN rely on Selective Search for region proposals -> most time consuming part 🤪
- Use a seperate Network for predicting the regions of interest 💪

You Only Look Once: Unified Real-Time Object Detection
„Simple network“, directly from pixels to bounding box / object detection / class prediction
Image Segmentation
- Grouping Pixels into regions that belong to same properties
- Eg: Segmenting an Image into meaningful objects

Semantic Segmentation
Sliding Window
Label each pixel in image with a category label
Don‘t differentiate instances, only care about pixels
=> just extract small patches from an image and classify center pixel with a normal CNN classifier
Problem: very inefficient
Fully convolutional
Keep the network as an end to end convolutional Neural Network
Predictions are made for all pixels at once
Convolutions at original image resolution are very expensive