Generalization: Dropout


Model Overfitting

截屏2020-08-23 22.00.46

In order to give more “capacity” to capture different features, we give neural nets a lot of neurons. But this can cause overfitting.

截屏2020-08-23 21.59.37

Reason: Co-adaptation

  • Neurons become dependent on others
  • Imagination: neuron $H\_i$ captures a particular feature $X$ which however, is very frequenly seen with some inputs.
    • If $H\_i$ receives bad inputs (partial of the combination), then there is a chance that the feature is ignored 🤪

Solution: Dropout! 💪


With dropout the layer inputs become more sparse, forcing the network weights to become more robust.

截屏2020-08-23 22.06.16

Dropout a neuron = all the inputs and outputs to this neuron will be disabled at the current iteration.


  • Given

    • input $X \in \mathbb{R}^D$
    • weights $W$
    • survival rate $p$
      • Usually $p=0.5$
  • Sample mask $M \in \{0, 1\}^D$ with $M\_i \sim \operatorname{Bernoulli}(p)$

  • Dropped input:

    $$ \hat{X} = X \circ M $$
  • Perform backward pass and mask the gradients:

    $$ \frac{\delta L}{\delta X}=\frac{\delta L}{\delta \hat{X}} \circ M $$


  • ALL input neurons $X$ are presented WITHOUT masking

  • Because each neuron appears with probability $p$ in training

    $\to$ So we have to scale $X$ with $p$ (or scale $\hat{X}$ with $\frac{1}{1-p}$ during training) to match its expectation

Why Dropout works?

  • Intuition: Dropout prevents the network to be too dependent on a small number of neurons, and forces every neuron to be able to operate independently.
  • Each of the “dropped” instance is a different network configuration
  • $2^n$ different networks sharing weights
  • The inference process can be understood as an ensemble of $2^n$ different configuration
  • This interpretation is in-line with Bayesian Neural Networks
截屏2020-08-23 22.20.36