👍 Loss Functions

👍 Loss Functions

  • Quantifies what it means to have a “good” model
  • Different types of loss functions for different tasks, such as:
    • Classification
    • Regression
    • Metric Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning


  • Classification: Predicting a discrete class label

  • Negative log-likelihood loss (per sample $x$) / Cross-Entropy loss

    $$ L(\boldsymbol{x}, y)=-\sum\_{j} y_{j} \log p\left(c\_{j} \mid \boldsymbol{x}\right) $$
    • Used in various multiclass classification methods for NN training
  • Hinge Loss: used in Support Vector Machines (SVMs)

    $$ L(x, y)=\sum\_{j} \max \left(0,1-x\_{i} y\_{i}\right) $$


  • Regression: Predicting a one or multiple continuous quantities $y_1, \dots, y\_n$

  • Goal: Minimize the distance between the predicted value $\hat{y}\_j$ and true values $y_j$

  • L1-Loss (Mean Average Error)

    $$ L(\hat{y}, y)=\sum\_{j}\left(\hat{y}\_{j}-x\_{j}\right) $$
  • L2-Loss (Mean Square Error, MSE)

    $$ L(\hat{y}, y)=\sum\_{j}\left(\hat{y}\_{j}-x\_{j}\right)^2 $$

Metric Learning / Similarity Learning

  • A model for measuring the distance (or similarity) between objects

  • Triplet Loss

    截屏2020-08-17 12.20.34

    $$ \sum_{(a, p, n) \in T} \max \left\\{0, \alpha-\left\|\mathbf{x}\_{a}-\mathbf{x}\_{n}\right\|\_{2}^{2}+\left\|\mathbf{x}\_{a}-\mathbf{x}\_{p}\right\|\_{2}^{2}\right\\} $$