Bias Variance Tradeoff

Bias Variance Tradeoff


ResaonExampleaffectModel's complexity ⬆️Model's complexity ⬇️
Biaswrong assumptionassume a quadratic model to be linearunderfitting⬇️⬆️
Varianceexcessive sensitivity to small variationshigh-degree polynomial modeloverfitting⬆️⬇️
Inreducible errornoisy data


A model’s generalization error can be expressed as the sum of three very different errors:


This part of the generalization error is due to wrong assumptions, such as assuming that the data is linear when it is actually quadratic. A high-bias model is most likely to underfit the training data.


This part is due to the model’s excessive sensitivity to small variations in the training data.
A model with many degrees of freedom (such as a high-degree polynomial model) is likely to have high variance, and thus to overfit the training data.

Irreducible Error

This part is due to the noisiness of the data itself. The only way to reduce this part of the error is to clean up the data (e.g., fix the data sources, such as broken sensors, or detect and remove outliers).

High biasLow bias
High variancesomething is terribly wrong! 😭Overfitting
Low varianceUnderfittingtoo good to be true! 🤪