Word Sense Disambiguation


截屏2020-05-11 12.26.47


Word Sense Disambiguation

  • Determine which sense/meaning of a word is used in a particular context
  • Classification problem

Sense inventory

  • considered senses of the words

Word Sense Discrimination

  • Divide usages of a word into different meanings
  • Unsupervised Algorithms


Determine which sense of a word is activated in a context

Find mapping $A$ for word $w_i$:

$$ A(i) \subseteq \operatorname{Sense}\_{D}\left(w\_{i}\right) $$
  • Mostly $|A(i)|=1$

Model as classification problem:

  • Assign sense based on context and external knowledge sources
  • Every word has different number of classes
  • $n$ distinct classification tasks ($n$ Vocabulary size)


  • Word senses

    • Finite set of senses for every word
    • Automatic clustering of word senses
  • Sense inventories

    • coarse-grained
    • fine-grained
  • Text characteristics

    • domain-oriented
    • unrestricted
  • Target words

    • one target word per sentence
    • all words


  • Annotated data
    • Input data X and output/label data Y
    • Hard to acquire, but important
    • Supervised training
  • Unlabeled data
    • Input data X
    • Large amounts
    • Unsupervised data
  • Structured resources
    • Thesauri
    • Machine-readable dictionaries (MRDs)
    • Computation lexicon (Wordnet)
    • Ontologies
  • Unstructured resources
    • Corpora
    • Collocations resources

🔴 Problems

  • Sense definition is task dependent
  • Different algorithms for different applications
  • No discrete sense division possible
  • Knowledge acquisition bottleneck
  • Intermediate task


  • Machine Translation (MT)
  • Information Retrieval (IR)
  • Question Answering (QA)
  • Semantic interpretation


Dictionary- and Knowledge-Based

Lesk method / Gloss overlap

  • 💡 Idea: Word used together in a text are related

  • Method: Find word sense with the most overlap of dictionary definition

  • Input: Dictionary with definition of the different word sense

  • Overlap calculation

    • Two words $w_1$ and $w_2$

    • For each pair of senses $S_1$ in $\operatorname{Senses}(w_1)$ and $S_2$ in $\operatorname{Senses}(w_2)$:

      $$ \operatorname{score}\left(S_1, S_{2}\right)=\left|\operatorname{gloss}(S_1) \cap \operatorname{gloss}\left(S_{2}\right)\right| $$
      • $\operatorname{gloss}(S_1)=\text{bag of words of definition of } S_1$
  • Problem: Many words in the context -> calculation very slow 🤪

    $$ \prod_{i=1}^{n} \operatorname{Senses}\left(w_{i}\right) $$
  • Variant (simplified): Calculate overlap between context (set of words in surrounding sentence or paragraph) and gloss:

    $$ \operatorname{score}(S)=|\operatorname{context}(w) \cap \operatorname{gloss}(S)| $$
    • Example:

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    • Problems:

      • depend heavily on the exact definition
      • definitions are often very short


💡 Train classifier using annotated examples (i.e., annotated text corpora)

Feature extraction

Feature vector:

  • Vector describing input data
  • Fixed number of dimensions
    • Challenges:
      • Variable sentence length
      • Unknown number of words

Two kinds of features in the vectors:

  • Collocational: Features about words at specific positions near target word

    • Think as a (ordered) list

    • Often limited to just word identity and POS

    • Example:

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  • Bag-of-words: Features about words that occur anywhere in the window (regardless of position)

    • Think as “an unordered set of words”

    • Typically limited to frequency counts

    • How it works?

      • Counts of words occur within the window.
      • First choose a vocabulary
      • Then count how often each of those terms occurs in a given window
        • sometimes just a binary “indicator” 1 or 0
    • Example:

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Text processing

  • Tokenization
  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Lemmatization
  • Chunking: divided text into syntactically correlated part
  • Parsing

Feature definition

  • Local features
    • surrounding words, POS tags, position with respect to target word
  • Topical/Global features
    • general topic of a text
    • mostly bag-of-words representation of (sentence, paragraph, …)
  • Syntactic features
    • syntactic clues
    • can be outside the local context
  • Semantic features
    • previous determined sense of words in the context

Naive Bayes classifier

  • Input:

    • a word $w$ in a text window $d$ (which we’ll call a “document”)

    • a fixed set of classes $C = \{c_1, c_2, \dots, c_j\}$

    • A training set of $m$ hand-labeled text windows again called

      “documents” $(d_1, c_1), \dots, (d_m, c_m)$

  • Output: a learn classifier

    $$ \gamma: d \to c $$
  • $P(c)$: prior probability of that sense

    • Counting in a labeled training set
  • $P(w|c)$: conditional probability of a word given a particular sense

    • $p(w|c) = \frac{\operatorname{count}(w, c)}{\operatorname{count}(c)}$

    (We get both of these from a tagged corpus)

  • Example:

    Example of naive bayes classfier

    Example of naive bayes classfier

Instance-based Learning

  • Build classification model based on examples

  • k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm

  • 💡Idea:

    • represent examples in vector space
    • define distance metric in vector space
    • find $k$ nearest neighbor
    • take most common sense in the k nearest neighbors
  • Distance: e.g., Hamming distance

    $$ \Delta\left(x, x_{i}\right)=\sum w_{j} \delta\left(x_{j}, x_{i_{j}}\right) $$
    • $\delta\left(x_{j}, x_{i_j}\right)=0$ if $x_{j}=x_{i_j},$ else 1
    • $w_j$: weight (e.g., Gain ration measure)

    In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different. In other words, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one string into the other, or the minimum number of errors that could have transformed one string into the other.


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Ensemble Methods

Combine different classifier

  • classifier have strength in different situation
  • improve by asking several experts


  • Score input by several First-order classifier

  • Combine results

  • Result:

    • Only best hypothesis (majority vote)

      • take decision of most classifiers

      • if tie, randomly choose between them

        $$ \hat{S}=\underset{S\_i \in \text{Sense}\_{D(w)}}{\operatorname{argmax}}|j: \operatorname{vote}(C\_{j})=S\_{j}| $$
    • Score for all hypothesis (Probability Mixture)

      • Normalize scores of every classifier to get probability

        $$ P\_{C\_{j}}(S\_i)=\frac{\operatorname{score}\left(C\_{j}, S\_i\right)}{\sum \operatorname{score}\left(C\_{j}, S\_i\right)} $$
      • Take class with highest sum of probabilities

    $$ \hat{S}=\underset{S\_i \in \operatorname{Sense}\_D(w)}{\operatorname{argmax}}\sum\_{j=1}^{m}P\_{c\_j}(S\_i) $$
    • Ranking of all hypothesis (Rank-based Combination) $$ \hat{S}=\underset{S\_i \in \operatorname{Sense}\_D(w)}{\operatorname{argmax}}\sum\_{j=1}^{m} -\operatorname{Rank}\_{c\_j}(S_i) $$


‼️ Knowledge acquisition bottleneck: hard to get large amounts of annotated data

💡 Idea of Semi-supervised approaches:

  • Some initial model trained on small amounts of annotated data
  • Improve model using raw data


  • Seed data:

    • manual annotated

    • surefire decision rules

  • Train classifier on annotated data A

  • Select subset U’ of unlabeled data

  • Annotate U’ with classifier

  • Filter most reliable examples

  • Add examples to A

  • Repeat from training

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  • always use same classifier


  • train classifier 1 (e.g. using local feature)
  • Annotate $P’$ with classifier 1
  • train classifier 2 (e.g. topical information) on $P’$ and A
  • Annotate $P’_2$ with classifier 2
  • train classifier 1 …


💡 Idea

  • If a word is used in similar context, the meaning should be similar
  • If the word is used in completely different context, different meaning

Approach: Cluster contexts of words

Context clustering

Word space model:

  • Vector space with dimension of the words

  • vector for word $w$:

    • $j$-th component: number of co-occurs of $w$ and $w\_j$
  • Similarity:

    $$ \operatorname{sim}(v, w)=\frac{v^{*} w}{|v|^{\*}|w|}=\frac{\displaystyle\sum\_{i=1}^{m} v\_{i} \* w\_{i}}{\sqrt{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{m} v\_{i}^{2} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{m} w\_{i}^{2}}} $$
  • Example:

    • Dimension: (food, bank)
    • restaurant=(210, 80)
    • money = (100, 250)
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  • ‼️ Problem:

    • sparse representation
    • latent semantic analyses (LSA)

Context representation

  • Second-order vectors: average of all word vectors in the context

  • Example:

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Cluster contexts

  • Agglomerative clustering
    • Start with one context per cluster
    • Merge most similar clusters
    • Continue until threshold is reached

Co-occurrence Graphs

  • HyperLex: Co-occurrence graph for one target ambiguous word $w$

    • Nodes: All Words occurring in a paragraph with $w$

    • Edge: words occur in same paragraph

    • Weight:

      $$ \begin{array}{c} w_{i j}=1-\max \left(P\left(w_{i} | w_{j}\right), P\left(w_{j} | w_{i}\right)\right) \\\\ P\left(w_{i} | w_{j}\right)=\frac{f r e q_{i j}}{f r e q_{j}} \end{array} $$
      • Low weight -> High probability of co-occurring

      • Discard edges with very high weight

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    • How HyperLex works?

      • Select Hubs (Nodes with highest degree)

      • Connect target words with weight 0 to hubs

      • Calculate Minimal Spanning Tree

      • See Target word in Context $W = (w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n)$

      • Calculate vector for every word with $s_k$ (if $w_j$ ancestor of $h_k$)

        $$ s_{k}=\frac{1}{1+d\left(h_{k}, w_{j}\right)} $$
      • Sum all vectors and assign to hub with highest sum

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  • Hand-annotated data

    • Precision

    • Recall

  • Task:

    • Lexical sample: only some words need to be disambiguate

    • All-words: all words need to be disambiguate

  • Baseline:

    • Random baseline: Randomly choose one class

    • First Sense Baseline: Always take most common sense