Sentiment Analysis


截屏2020-05-12 23.38.49


Sentiment analysis / opinion mining

  • Determine opinion, sentiment and subjectivity in text
    • What is the authors opinion about something?
    • What are the pros and cons?
  • Important task in natural language processing


  • Automatically maintain review and opinion-aggregation websites
  • Web search target towards reviews
    • generate results with variety of opinions
  • Improve customer relationship management
    • Automatically analyze customer feedback
  • Predict public attitudes towards brand/politics
  • Ad placement
    • Advertise products near positive text
  • Summarization
  • Question-answering


  • Deep undetstanding
  • Co-reference resolution
  • Negation handling
  • Different hints in the text

Tasks of SA

  • Polarity classification
    • binary classifier if text, sentence, document is positive or negative
  • Agreement detection
    • Do two text agree on their opinion?
  • Rating
    • How does the user rate a product (1 to 5 stars)
  • Subjectivity detection
    • Is a text or sentence subjective or objective?
  • Feature/aspect-based sentiment analysis
    • Opinions express on different features/aspects
  • Viewpoints and perspectives

Polar classification


  • Input: Text (Sentence, Document, Several Documents) (variable length)
  • Output: positive or negative opinion
  • Sequence classification


Keyword spotting

  • Classify based on occurrence of unambiguous affect words
    • E.g.: happy, sad, afraid, bored
  • ‼️ Problems
    • affect-negated words
    • E.g.: “today was a happy day” vs “today wasn’t a happy day at all
    • surface features
      • Often no obvious affect words are present

Lexical affinity

  • Increase the number of considered words

  • Assign “probable” affinity to particular emotions

  • Example: Accident (75% of indicating a negative affect (car accident))

  • Train probabilities from linguistic corpora

  • ‼️ Problems

    • negated sentences (“I avoided an accident”)

    • Words with different meaning (“I met my girlfriend by accident”)

    • Bias towards training data –> domain-dependent

Statistical methods

💡 Use machine-learning algorithm to train classifier

  • Input:
    • Represent input text as features vector
      • Feature selection important for classification performance
  • Classifier:
    • Naive Bayes
    • Support Vector Machines
    • Maximum-entropy-based classification


  • Word representation
  • Position information
  • POS infromation
  • Syntax: Tree-based features
Feeatures Negation
  • Negation should invert the features of the sentence

  • Approaches:

    • Attach NOT to all words near a negation


    • Not all negation reverse meaning
      • “No wonder this is considered one of the best “
    • Negation do often not use a key word
      • “it avoids all clichés and predictability found in Hollywood movies”
Topic-oriented features
  • Opinion of a sentence depend on topic of the article
  • Approach: Replace subject of the article by general term

Domain adaptation

  • Meaning depends on the domain
  • Different approaches to transfer knowledge from one domain to another
    • Search domain-independent features
    • Structural correspondence learning algorithm

Unsupervised approaches

  • Unsupervised lexicon induction

  • Find adjectives using linguistic heuristics

    • words that co-occur with “but”
      • elegant but over-priced
    • words that co-occur with “and”
      • clever and informative
  • Build graph

  • Cluster or build binary-partition

  • Assign polarity using some seed words

Relation identification

  • Sentence relationship

    • Objective and subjective sentence in a review

    • No random order

      • After subjective sentence most probable also subjective sentence
    • First cluster sentence into objective and subjective

      • Use labels of the surrounding sentences
    • Then Use only subjective sentence to classify polarity of review

    • Order of sentence is important

      • End is more important than beginning

      • Use trajectory of local sentiments

  • Dialog structure

  • Class structure

  • One-vs.-all multi-class categorization

  • Model as Metric labeling problem

‼️ Problems of statistical methods

  • Need enough text to perform classification
  • Good performance on page and paragraph level
  • Problems on sentence or clause level

Concept-based approaches

  • Perform semantic text analysis
    • Resources:
      • Web ontologies
      • Semantic networks
    • try to recognize meaning/features
    • heavily rely on depth and breadth of knowledge base

Opinion summarization

Opinion-oriented extraction

  • Example: “What is the best about the new iPhone?”

  • Approach

    • Extract product features

      • nouns / frequent nouns
      • heuristic pruning
    • extract opinions associated with these features

      • sometimes also extract the opinion holder

What is opinion summarization?


  • 💡 Divide input text into aspect/features/subtopics

    • E.g.: Review on iPod

      • battery life

      • design

      • price

  • Show structured details

How aspect-based opinion summarization works?

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Aspect/Feature Identification

  • Find subtopics (In some cases already known)
  • Techniques
    • NLP-based approaches using POS-tagging /parse trees
    • Shallow parsing
    • use additional knowledge

Sentiment prediction

  • Predict sentiment for the different aspects

  • Learning approach:

    • Learn aspect level ratings using the global rating
    • Naive Bayes classifier
    • ‼️ Problem: label examples is expensive
  • Most approaches use lexicon/rule-based methods

    • e.g. list of positive and negative words (extend by wordNet)

Summary Generation

Generate and present the opinion summaries

  • Statistical Summary

    • show statistics about opinion on different aspect
    • directly use sentiment prediction output
    • easy to understand
  • Text selection

    • show small pieces of text as the summary
    • show strongest opinion words for every aspect
  • Aggregate Ratings

    • Show statistics and text selection
  • Summary with timeline

  • Show opinion trends over a timeline


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Integrated Approaches

  • No clear separation of the different steps

  • Topic Sentiment Mixture Model

    • unsupervised approach
    • sentiment prediction and aspect identification in one step
    • Model: Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA)

Multi-task learning

  • CNN-based approach

    • C predefined aspect mappers

    • Sentiment classfiers

    • shared word embedding layer

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  • LSTM with attention

    • Input: word embedding and aspect embedding
    • Relevant parts of the sentence identified through attention mechanism
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Non-aspect-based opinion summarization

  • Basic Sentiment Summarization

    1. Classify each input text separately
    2. Count number of positive and negative opinions
  • Text Summarization

    • Opinion Integration:

      • Expert opinions: complete, but rarely updated
      • Ordinary opinions: unstructured, but updated more often
      • Combine both by first extracting information from expert opinions
      • Add information from the ordinary opinions
    • Contrastive Opinion Summarization

      • Show positive and negative aspects
    • Abstractive Text summarization