Part-of-Speech Tagging

Part-of-Speech Tagging

What is Part-of-Speech Tagging?

截屏2020-09-15 19.18.00

Part-of-Speech tagging:

  • Grammatical tagging

  • Word-category disambiguation

  • Task: Marking up a word in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech

    • based on definition and context
  • Word level task: Assign one class to every word

  • Variations:

    • English schools: 9 POS

      • noun, verb, article, adjective, preposition, pronoun, adverb, conjunction, and interjection.
    • POS-tagger: 50 – 150 classes

      • Plural, singular
    • POS + Morph tags:

      • More than 600
      • Gender, case, …

Data sources

  • Brown corpus

  • Penn Tree Bank

  • Tiger Treebank

🔴 Problems

  • Ambiguities
    • E.g.: “A can of beans” vs. “We can do it
    • Many content words in English can have more than 1 POS tag
    • E.g.: play, flour
  • Data sparseness: What to do with rare words?

Disambiguate using context information 💪

Example applications

  • Information extraction
  • QA
  • Shallow parsing
  • Machine Translation

How to do POS Tagging?


Rule-based taggers use dictionary or lexicon for getting possible tags for tagging each word. If the word has more than one possible tag, then rule-based taggers use hand-written rules to identify the correct tag. Disambiguation can also be performed in rule-based tagging by analyzing the linguistic features of a word along with its preceding as well as following words. For example, suppose if the preceding word of a word is article then word must be a noun.

Design rules to assign POS tags to words

How can one decide on the right POS tag used in a context?

Two sources of information:

  • Tags of other words in the context of the word we are interested in
  • knowing the word itself gives a lot of information about the correct tag
Syntagmatic approach
  • most obvious source of information

  • With rule-based approach only 77% tagged correctly 🤪

  • Example

    • Should play get an NN or VBP tag?

    • Take the more common POS tag sequence for phrase a new play:

      AT JJ NN vs. AT JJ VBP

Lexical information
  • assign the most common tag to a word

  • 90% correct !!! (favorable conditions)

  • So useful because the distribution of a word’s usages across different POS is typically extremely uneven → usually occur as 1 POS

All modern taggers use a combination of syntagmatic and lexical information.

Statistical approaches should work well on POS tagging, assuming a word has different POS tags according certain a priori probabilities


  • Developed by Eric Brill in 1995

  • Algorithm

    • Initialize:

      • Every word gets most frequent POS
      • Unknown: Noun
    • Until no longer possible

      • Apply rules
  • Rules

    • Linguistically motivated
    • Machine learning algorithms


The Brill tagger is an inductive method for part-of-speech tagging. It can be summarized as an “error-driven transformation-based tagger”.

It is:

  • a form of supervised learning, which aims to minimize error; and,
  • a transformation-based process, in the sense that a tag is assigned to each word and changed using a set of predefined rules.

In the transformation process,

  • if the word is known, it first assigns the most frequent tag,
  • if the word is unknown, it naively assigns the tag “noun” to it.

Applying over and over these rules, changing the incorrect tags, a quite high accuracy is achieved.


Probabilistic tagging: Model POS tags as Sequence labeling


In machine learning, sequence labeling is a type of pattern recognition task that involves the algorithmic assignment of a categorical label to each member of a sequence of observed values.

A common example of a sequence labeling task is part of speech tagging, which seeks to assign a part of speech to each word in an input sentence or document. Sequence labeling can be treated as a set of independent classification tasks, one per member of the sequence. However, accuracy is generally improved by making the optimal label for a given element dependent on the choices of nearby elements, using special algorithms to choose the globally best set of labels for the entire sequence at once.

  • Sequence labeling

    • Input: sequence $x\_1, \dots, x\_n$

    • Output: Sequence $y\_1, \dots, y\_n$

    • Example

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  • Model as Machine Learning Problem

    • 💡 Classify each token independently but use as input features, information about the surrounding tokens (sliding window).

    • Training data

      • Label sequence $\left\\{\left(x^{1}, y^{1}\right),\left(x^{2}, y^{2}\right), \ldots,\left(x^{M}, y^{M}\right)\right\\}$

      • Learn model: $X \to Y$

    • Problem: Exponential number of solutions!!!

      • Number of solutions: $\text{#Classes}^{\text{#Words}}$

        -> Can NOT directly model $P(y|x)$ or $P(x, y)$ 🤪

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The model that includes frequency or probability (statistics) can be called stochastic. Any number of different approaches to the problem of part-of-speech tagging can be referred to as stochastic tagger.

Decision Trees

Automatically learn which question to ask

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Probabilistic tagging

  • Define probability for tag sequence recursively
  • Using two models
    • $P(t\_n | t\_{n-1}, t\_{n-2})$: model using decision tree
    • $P(w\_n | t\_n)$
      • Lexicon
      • Suffix lexicon for unknown words
        • Which POS tag attached to unknown words
        • Depending on the ending some POS tags are more probable

Condition Random Fields (CRFs)


Conditional random fields (CRFs) are a class of statistical modeling method often applied in pattern recognition and machine learning and used for structured prediction. Whereas a classifier predicts a label for a single sample without considering “neighboring” samples, a CRF can take context into account.

Hidden Markov Model (HMM):

  • Hidden states: POS
  • Output: Words
  • Task: Estimate state sequence from output

Generative model

  • Assign a joint probability $P(x, y)$ to paired observation and label sequences

  • Problem when modeling $P(x)$

    • Introduce highly dependent features

    • Example: Word, Capitalization, Suffix, Prefix

    • Possible solutions:

      • Model dependencies

        • How does the capitalization depend on the suffix?
      • Independence assumption

        • Hurts performance

Discriminative Model

  • Directly model $P(y|x)$
  • No model for $P(x)$ is involved
    • Not needed for classification since x is observed

Linear Chain Conditional Random Fields

  • $x$: random variable (Representing the input)
  • $y$: random variable (POS tags)
  • $\theta$: Parameter
  • $f(y, y', x)$: feature function


$$ p(\mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x})=\frac{1}{Z(\mathbf{x})} \prod\_{t=1}^{T} \exp \left\\{\sum\_{k=1}^{K} \theta\_{k} f\_{k}\left(y\_{t}, y\_{t-1}, \mathbf{x}\_{t}\right)\right\\} $$ $$ Z(\mathrm{x})=\sum\_{\mathbf{y}} \prod\_{t=1}^{T} \exp \left\\{\sum\_{k=1}^{K} \theta\_{k} f\_{k}\left(y\_{t}, y\_{t-1}, \mathbf{x}\_{t}\right)\right\\} $$
Feature functions
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  • First-order dependencies

    • $\mathbf{1}(y'=\text{DET}, y=\text{NN})$
    • $\mathbf{1}(y'=\text{DET}, y=\text{VB})$
  • Lexical: $\mathbf{1}(y=\text{DET}, x=\text{"the"})$

  • Lexical with context: $\mathbf{1}(y'=\text{NN}, x=\text{"can"}, \operatorname{pre}(x)=\text{"the"})$

  • Additional features: $\mathbf{1}(y=\text{NN}, \operatorname{cap}(x)=true)$

  • Task: Get most probabale POS sequence

  • Problem: Exponential number of label sequences 🤪

  • Linear-chain layout

    • Dynamic programming can be used

      $\rightarrow$ Efficient computing

  • Task: How to find the best weight $\theta$ ?

  • 💡 Maximum (Log-)Likelihood estimation

    • Maximize probability of the training data

    • Given: $M$ sequence with labels $(x^M, y^M)$

    • Maximize

      $$ l(\theta)=\sum \log \left(P\left(y^{k} | x^{k}, \theta\right)\right. $$
  • Regularization

    • Prevent overfitting by prefering lower weights

      $$ \sum\_{k=1}^{M} \log \left(P\left(y^{k} | x^{k}, \theta\right)\right)-\frac{1}{2} C\|\theta\|^{2} $$
    • Convex function

      $\Rightarrow$ Can use gradient descent to find optimal value 👏

Neural Network

🔴 Data sparseness Problem

  • Many words have rarely seen in training $\Rightarrow$ Hard to estimate probabilities 🤪
  • CRFs:
    • Use many features to represent the word
    • Problem: A lot of engineering!
Neural networks
  • Able to learn hidden representation

  • Learn representation of words based on letters, E.g.:

    • Words ending on ness with be nouns
    • Words ending on phoby will be nouns
    • Words ending on ly are often adverbs
  • First layer: Word representation
    • CNN

    • Learn mapping: Word $\to$ continuous vector

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  • Second layer:

    • Use several words to predict POS tag
    • Feed forward net
    • RNN: Contain complete history
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Train both layers together using backpropagation