Named Entity Recognition
Named Entity: some entity represented by a name
Named Entity Recognition: Find and classify named entities in text

Why useful?
Create indices & hyperlinks
Information extraction
- Establish relationships between named entities, build knowledge base
Question answering: answers often NEs
Machine translation: NEs require special care
- NEs often unknown words, usually passed through without translation.
Why difficult?
World knowledge
Non-local decisions
Domain specificity
Labeled data is very expensive
Label Representation
- I: Inside
- O: Outside (indicates that a token belongs to no chunk)
B: Begin
The IOB format (short for inside, outside, beginning), a synonym for BIO format, is a common tagging format for tagging tokens in a chunking task in computational linguistics.
- B-prefix before a tag: indicates that the tag is the beginning of a chunk
- I-prefix before a tag: indicates that the tag is the inside of a chunk
- O tag: indicates that a token belongs to NO chunk
- E: Ending character
- S: single element
- L: Last character
- U: Unit length
Fred showed Sue Mengqiu Huang's new painting

- CoNLL03 shared task data
- MUC7 dataset
- Guideline examples for special cases:
- Tokenization
- Elision

Precision and Recall
$$ \text{Precision} = \frac{\\# \text { correct labels }}{\\# \text { hypothesized labels }} = \frac{TP}{TP + FP} $$ $$ \text{Recall} = \frac{\\# \text { correct labels }}{\\# \text { reference labels }} = \frac{TP}{TP + FN} $$Phrase-level counting
System 1:
- “$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1
- “First Bank of Chicago” is incorrectly recognised as non-NE (i.e., O) $\Rightarrow$ FN = 1
$\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 0} = 1$
- $\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$
System 2:
“$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1
For “First Bank of Chicago”
Word Actual label Predicted label First ORG O Bank of Chicago ORG ORG There’s a boundary error (since we consider the whole phrase):
- FN = 1
- FP = 1
$\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$
$\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$
- Problems
- Punish partial overlaps
- Ignore true negatives
In token-level, we consider these tokens: “First”, “Bank”, “of”, “Chicago”, and “$200,000,000”
System 1
- “$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1
- “First”, “Bank”, “of”, “Chicago” are incorrectly recognised as non-NE (i.e., O) $\Rightarrow$ FN = 4
$\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 0} = 1$
$\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 4} = \frac{1}{5}$
- Partial overlaps rewarded!
- But
longer entities weighted more strongly
True negatives still ignored 🤪
$F\_1$ score (harmonic mean of precision and recall)
$$ F\_1 = \frac{2 \times \text { precision } \times \text { recall }}{\text { precision }+\text { recall }} $$
Text Representation
Local features
Previous two predictions (tri-gram feature)
- $y\_{i-1}$ and $y\_{i-2}$
Current word $x\_i$
Word type $x\_i$
- all-capitalized, is-capitalized, all-digits, alphanumeric, …
Word shape
lower case - ‘x’
upper case - ‘X’
numbers - ’d'
retain punctuation
Word substrings
Tokens in window
Word shapes in window
Non-local features
Identify tokens that should have same labels
Context aggregation
Derived from all words in the document
No dependencies on predictions, usable with any inference algorithm
Prediction aggregation
Derived from predictions of the whole document
Global dependencies; Inference:
first apply baseline without non-local features
then apply second system conditioned on output of first system
Extended prediction history
Condition only on past predictions –> greedy / beam search
💡 Intuition: Beginning of document often easier, later in document terms often get abbreviated
Sequence Model
Generative model
Generative story:
Choose document length $N$
For each word $t = 0, \dots, N$:
Draw NE label $\sim P(y\_t | y\_{t-1})$
Draw word $\sim P\left(x\_{t} | y\_{t}\right)$
$$ P(\mathbf{y}, \mathbf{x})=\prod P\left(y\_{t} | y\_{t-1}\right) P\left(x | y\_{t}\right) $$
👍 Pros
- intuitive model
- Works with unknown label sequences
- Fast inference
👎 Cons
- Strong limitation on textual features (conditional independence)
- Model overly simplistic (can improve the generative story but would lose fast inference)
Max. Entropy
Discriminative model $P(y\_t|x)$
Don’t care about generation process or input distribution
Only model conditional output probabilities
👍 Pros: Flexible feature design
👎 Cons: local classifier -> disregard sequence information
Discriminative model
👍 Pros:
Flexible feature design
Condition on local sequence context
Training as easy as MaxEnt
👎 Cons: Still no long-range dependencies possible
Difference to POS
- Long-range dependencies
- Alternative resources can be very helpful
- Several NER more than one word long

- Finds exact solution
- Efficient algorithmic solution using dynamic programming
- Complexity exponential in order of Markov model
- Only feasible for small order
At each timestep, choose locally best label
Fast, support conditioning on global history (not future)
No possibility for “label revision”
- Keep a beam of the $n$ best greedy solutions, expand and prune
- Limited room for label revisions
Gibbs Sampling
Stochastic method
Easy way to sample from multivariate distribution
Normally used to approximate joint distributions or intervals
$$ P\left(y^{(t)} | y^{(t-1)}\right)=P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right) $$- $-1$ means all states except $i$
💡 Intuitively:
- Sample one variable at a time, conditioned on current assignment of all other variables
- Keep checkpoints (e.g. after each sweep through all variables) to approximate distribution
In our case:
Initialize NER tags (e.g. random or via Viterbi baseline model)
Re-sample one tag at a time, conditioned on input and all other tags
After sampling for a long time, we can estimate the joint distribution over outputs $P(y|x)$
However, it’s slow, and we may only be interested in the best output 🤪
Could choose best instead of sampling
$$ y^{(t)}=y\_{-i}^{(t-1)} \cup \underset{y\_{i}^{(t)}}{\operatorname{argmax}}\left(P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right)\right) $$- will get stuck in local optima 😭
Better: Simulated annealing
- Gradually move from sampling to argmax $$ P\left(y^{(t)} | y^{(t-1)}\right)=\frac{P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right)^{1 / c\_{t}}}{\displaystyle\sum\_{j} P\left(y\_{j}^{(t)} | y\_{-j}^{(t-1)}, x\right)^{1 / c\_{t}}} $$
External Knowledge
Supervised learning:
- Label Data:
- Text
- NE Annotation
- Label Data:
Unsupervised learning
- Unlabeled Data: Text
- Problem: Hard to directly learn NER
Semi-supervised: Labeled and Unlabeled Data
Word Clustering
Problem: Data Sparsity
Find lower-dimensional representation of words
real vector /probabilities have natural measure of similarity
Which words are similarr?
- Distributional notion
- if they appear in similar context, e.g.
- “president” and “chairman” are similar
- “cut” and “knife” not
Words in same cluster should be similar
Brown clusters
Bottom-up agglomerative word clustering
Input: Sequence of words $w\_1, \dots, w\_n$
- binary tree
- Cluster: subtree (according to desired #clusters)
💡 Intuition: put syntacticly “exchangable” words in same cluster. E.g.:
Similar words: president/chairman, Saturday/Monday
Not similar: cut/knife
Initialization: Every word is its own cluster
While there are more than one cluster
- Merge two clusters that maximizes the quality of the clustering
- Hard clustering: each word belongs to exactly one cluster
Quality of the clustering
Use class-based bigram language model
Quality: logarithm of the probability of the training text normalized by the length of the text
$$ \begin{aligned} \text { Quality }(C) &=\frac{1}{n} \log P\left(w\_{1}, \ldots, w\_{n}\right) \\\\ &=\frac{1}{n} \log P\left(w\_{1}, \ldots, w\_{n}, C\left(w\_{1}\right), \ldots, C\left(w\_{n}\right)\right) \\\\ &=\frac{1}{n} \log \prod\_{i=1}^{n} P\left(C\left(w\_{i}\right) | C\left(w\_{i-1}\right)\right) P\left(w\_{i} | C\left(w\_{i}\right)\right) \end{aligned} $$Parameters: estimated using maximum-likelihood