Named Entity Recognition



Named Entity: some entity represented by a name

Named Entity Recognition: Find and classify named entities in text

截屏2020-05-26 18.13.30 截屏2020-05-26 18.13.49

Why useful?

  • Create indices & hyperlinks

  • Information extraction

    • Establish relationships between named entities, build knowledge base
  • Question answering: answers often NEs

  • Machine translation: NEs require special care

    • NEs often unknown words, usually passed through without translation.

Why difficult?

  • World knowledge

  • Non-local decisions

  • Domain specificity

  • Labeled data is very expensive

Label Representation

  • IO

    • I: Inside
    • O: Outside (indicates that a token belongs to no chunk)
  • BIO

    • B: Begin


      The IOB format (short for inside, outside, beginning), a synonym for BIO format, is a common tagging format for tagging tokens in a chunking task in computational linguistics.

      • B-prefix before a tag: indicates that the tag is the beginning of a chunk
      • I-prefix before a tag: indicates that the tag is the inside of a chunk
      • O tag: indicates that a token belongs to NO chunk

    • E: Ending character
    • S: single element

    • L: Last character
    • U: Unit length


Fred showed Sue Mengqiu Huang's new painting
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  • CoNLL03 shared task data
  • MUC7 dataset
  • Guideline examples for special cases:
    • Tokenization
    • Elision


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  • Precision and Recall

    $$ \text{Precision} = \frac{\\# \text { correct labels }}{\\# \text { hypothesized labels }} = \frac{TP}{TP + FP} $$ $$ \text{Recall} = \frac{\\# \text { correct labels }}{\\# \text { reference labels }} = \frac{TP}{TP + FN} $$
    • Phrase-level counting

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      • System 1:

        • “$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1
        • “First Bank of Chicago” is incorrectly recognised as non-NE (i.e., O) $\Rightarrow$ FN = 1


        • $\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 0} = 1$

          • $\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$
      • System 2:

        • “$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1

        • For “First Bank of Chicago”

          WordActual labelPredicted label
          Bank of ChicagoORGORG

          There’s a boundary error (since we consider the whole phrase):

          • FN = 1
          • FP = 1


        • $\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$

        • $\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 1} = \frac{1}{2}$

      • Problems
        • Punish partial overlaps
        • Ignore true negatives
    • Token-level

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      In token-level, we consider these tokens: “First”, “Bank”, “of”, “Chicago”, and “$200,000,000”

      • System 1

        • “$\text{\\$200,000,000}$" is correctly recognized as NE $\Rightarrow$ TP =1
        • “First”, “Bank”, “of”, “Chicago” are incorrectly recognised as non-NE (i.e., O) $\Rightarrow$ FN = 4


        • $\text{Precision} = \frac{1}{1 + 0} = 1$

        • $\text{Recall} = \frac{1}{1 + 4} = \frac{1}{5}$

      • Partial overlaps rewarded!
      • But
        • longer entities weighted more strongly

        • True negatives still ignored 🤪

  • $F\_1$ score (harmonic mean of precision and recall)

    $$ F\_1 = \frac{2 \times \text { precision } \times \text { recall }}{\text { precision }+\text { recall }} $$

Text Representation

Local features

  • Previous two predictions (tri-gram feature)

    • $y\_{i-1}$ and $y\_{i-2}$
  • Current word $x\_i$

  • Word type $x\_i$

    • all-capitalized, is-capitalized, all-digits, alphanumeric, …
  • Word shape

    • lower case - ‘x’

    • upper case - ‘X’

    • numbers - ’d'

    • retain punctuation

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  • Word substrings

  • Tokens in window

  • Word shapes in window

Non-local features

Identify tokens that should have same labels


  • Context aggregation

    • Derived from all words in the document

    • No dependencies on predictions, usable with any inference algorithm

  • Prediction aggregation

    • Derived from predictions of the whole document

    • Global dependencies; Inference:

      • first apply baseline without non-local features

      • then apply second system conditioned on output of first system

  • Extended prediction history

    • Condition only on past predictions –> greedy / beam search

    • 💡 Intuition: Beginning of document often easier, later in document terms often get abbreviated

Sequence Model


  • Generative model

  • Generative story:

    • Choose document length $N$

    • For each word $t = 0, \dots, N$:

      • Draw NE label $\sim P(y\_t | y\_{t-1})$

      • Draw word $\sim P\left(x\_{t} | y\_{t}\right)$

        $$ P(\mathbf{y}, \mathbf{x})=\prod P\left(y\_{t} | y\_{t-1}\right) P\left(x | y\_{t}\right) $$
  • Example

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  • 👍 Pros

    • intuitive model
    • Works with unknown label sequences
    • Fast inference
  • 👎 Cons

    • Strong limitation on textual features (conditional independence)
    • Model overly simplistic (can improve the generative story but would lose fast inference)

Max. Entropy

  • Discriminative model $P(y\_t|x)$

  • Don’t care about generation process or input distribution

  • Only model conditional output probabilities

  • 👍 Pros: Flexible feature design

  • 👎 Cons: local classifier -> disregard sequence information


  • Discriminative model

  • 👍 Pros:

    • Flexible feature design

    • Condition on local sequence context

    • Training as easy as MaxEnt

  • 👎 Cons: Still no long-range dependencies possible


Difference to POS

  • Long-range dependencies
  • Alternative resources can be very helpful
  • Several NER more than one word long


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  • Finds exact solution
  • Efficient algorithmic solution using dynamic programming
  • Complexity exponential in order of Markov model
    • Only feasible for small order


  • At each timestep, choose locally best label

  • Fast, support conditioning on global history (not future)

  • No possibility for “label revision”


  • Keep a beam of the $n$ best greedy solutions, expand and prune
  • Limited room for label revisions

Gibbs Sampling

  • Stochastic method

  • Easy way to sample from multivariate distribution

  • Normally used to approximate joint distributions or intervals

    $$ P\left(y^{(t)} | y^{(t-1)}\right)=P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right) $$
    • $-1$ means all states except $i$
  • 💡 Intuitively:

    • Sample one variable at a time, conditioned on current assignment of all other variables
    • Keep checkpoints (e.g. after each sweep through all variables) to approximate distribution
  • In our case:

    • Initialize NER tags (e.g. random or via Viterbi baseline model)

    • Re-sample one tag at a time, conditioned on input and all other tags

    • After sampling for a long time, we can estimate the joint distribution over outputs $P(y|x)$

    • However, it’s slow, and we may only be interested in the best output 🤪

    • Could choose best instead of sampling

      $$ y^{(t)}=y\_{-i}^{(t-1)} \cup \underset{y\_{i}^{(t)}}{\operatorname{argmax}}\left(P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right)\right) $$
      • will get stuck in local optima 😭
    • Better: Simulated annealing

      • Gradually move from sampling to argmax $$ P\left(y^{(t)} | y^{(t-1)}\right)=\frac{P\left(y\_{i}^{(t)} | y\_{-i}^{(t-1)}, x\right)^{1 / c\_{t}}}{\displaystyle\sum\_{j} P\left(y\_{j}^{(t)} | y\_{-j}^{(t-1)}, x\right)^{1 / c\_{t}}} $$

External Knowledge


  • Supervised learning:

    • Label Data:
      • Text
      • NE Annotation
  • Unsupervised learning

    • Unlabeled Data: Text
    • Problem: Hard to directly learn NER
  • Semi-supervised: Labeled and Unlabeled Data

Word Clustering

  • Problem: Data Sparsity

  • Idea

    • Find lower-dimensional representation of words

    • real vector /probabilities have natural measure of similarity

  • Which words are similarr?

    • Distributional notion
    • if they appear in similar context, e.g.
      • “president” and “chairman” are similar
      • “cut” and “knife” not

Words in same cluster should be similar

Brown clusters

  • Bottom-up agglomerative word clustering

  • Input: Sequence of words $w\_1, \dots, w\_n$

  • Output

    • binary tree
    • Cluster: subtree (according to desired #clusters)
  • 💡 Intuition: put syntacticly “exchangable” words in same cluster. E.g.:

    • Similar words: president/chairman, Saturday/Monday

    • Not similar: cut/knife

  • Algorithm:

    • Initialization: Every word is its own cluster

    • While there are more than one cluster

      • Merge two clusters that maximizes the quality of the clustering
  • Result:

    • Hard clustering: each word belongs to exactly one cluster
  • Quality of the clustering

    • Use class-based bigram language model

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    • Quality: logarithm of the probability of the training text normalized by the length of the text

      $$ \begin{aligned} \text { Quality }(C) &=\frac{1}{n} \log P\left(w\_{1}, \ldots, w\_{n}\right) \\\\ &=\frac{1}{n} \log P\left(w\_{1}, \ldots, w\_{n}, C\left(w\_{1}\right), \ldots, C\left(w\_{n}\right)\right) \\\\ &=\frac{1}{n} \log \prod\_{i=1}^{n} P\left(C\left(w\_{i}\right) | C\left(w\_{i-1}\right)\right) P\left(w\_{i} | C\left(w\_{i}\right)\right) \end{aligned} $$
    • Parameters: estimated using maximum-likelihood