Question Answering

截屏2020-09-18 10.32.49


Question Answering

  • Automatically answer questions posed by humans in natural language

  • Give user short answer to their question

  • Gather and consult necessary information

Related topics

  • Information Retrieval

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Database Access

  • Dialog

  • Text Summarization

Problem Dimensions


  • Question class
    • Almost universally factoid questions E.g.: “What does the Peugeot company manufacture?”
    • More open in dialog context
  • Question domain
    • Topic of the content

    • Open-Domain: Any topic

    • Closed-Domain: Specific topic, e.g. movies, sports, etc

  • Context
    • How much context is provided?
    • Is search necessary?
  • Answer types
    • Factual Answers
    • Opinion
    • Summary
  • Kind of questions
    • Yes/No

    • “wh”-questions

    • Indirect requests (I would like to…)

    • Commands


  • Knowledge source types
    • Structured data (database)

    • Semi-structured data (e.g. Wikipedia tables)

    • Free text (e.g. Wikipedia text)

  • Knowledge source origins
    • Search over the web
    • Search of a collection
    • Single text
  • Domain
    • Domain-independent
    • Domain-specific system


  • First time/casual users

    • Explain limitations
  • Power users

    • Emphasize novel information

    • Omit previously provided information


  • Long
  • Short
  • Lists
  • Narrative
  • Creation
    • Extraction
    • Generation


  • What is a good answer?
  • Should the answer be short or long?
    • Easier to have the answer in longer segments
    • Less concise, more comprehensive


  • Underspecified question

    • Feedback

    • Too many documents

  • Text or speech input


  • TREC
  • SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset)
  • IBM Watson


  • Vast amounts of information written by humans for humans
  • Computers are good at searching vast amounts of information
  • Natural interaction with computers 💪

System Approaches

Text-based system

  • Use information retrieval to search for matching documents

Knowledge-based approaches

  • Build semantic representation of the query

  • Retrieve answer from semantic databases (Ontologies)

Knowledge-rich / hybrid approaches

Combine both

QA System Overview


  • Information Retrieval

    • Need to find good text segments
  • Answer Extraction

    • Given some context and the question, produce an answer
    • Either part may be supplemented by other NLP tools

Common Components

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Question Analysis

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  • Input: Natural language question

    • Implicit input

      • Dialog state

      • User information

    • Derived inputs

      • POS-tags, NER, dependency graph, syntax tree, etc.
  • Output: Representation for Information Retrieval and Answer Extraction

    • For IR: Weighted vector or search term collection
    • For answer extraction
      • Lexical answer type (person/company/acronym/…)
      • Additional constraints (e.g. relations)

Answer Type Classification

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  • Classical approach: Question word (who, what, where,…)

    • When: date

    • Who: person

    • Where: location

  • Examples

    • Regular expressions

      Who {is | was | are | were } – Person

    • Question head word (First noun phrase after the question word)

      • Which city in China has the largest number of foreign financial companies?
      • What is the state flower of California?
  • 🔴 Problems

    • “Who” questions could refer to e.g. companies
      • E.g. “Who makes the Beetle?”
    • Which / What is not clear
      • E.g. “What was the Beatles’ first hit single?”
  • Approaches

    • Manually created question type hierarchy
    • Machine learning classification

    (Current ML systems often do NOT use Answer Type Classification 😂)


  • Keyword extraction

    • Expand keywords using synonyms
  • Statistical parsing

    • Identify semantic constraints
  • Example

    Represent a question as bag-of-words

    • “What was the monetary value of the Nobel Peace Price in 1989?”

      monetary, value, Nobel, Peace, Price, 1989

    • “What does the Peugeot company manufacture?”

      Peugeot, company, manufacture

    • “How much did Mercury spend on advertising in 1993?”

      Mercury, spend, advertising, 1993

Retrieval: Candidate Document Selection

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  • Most common approach:

    • Conventional Information Retrieval search
      • Using search indices

      • Lucene

      • TF-IDF

    • Several stages: Coarse-to-fine search
  • Result: Small set of documents for detailed analysis

  • Decisions: Boolean vs. rank-based engines

  • Retrieve only part of the document

    • Mostly only part of the document is important
  • Passage retrieval

    • Return only subsets of the document
  • Segment document into coherent text segments

  • Combine results from multiple search engines

  • Text-based system

    • Use only syntactic information such as n-grams

    • Example: TF-IDF (Term Frequency, Inverse Document frequency)

      • Weighted bag-of-words vector

      • One component per word in vocabulary

      • Term frequency: Number of times term appears in the document

      • Document frequency: Number of documents the term appears in

      $$ \begin{array}{l} T F^{\prime}(d, t)=\log (1+T F(d, t)) \\\\ I D F(t)=\log \frac{n_{d}-D F(t)}{D F(t)} \\\\ T F I D F(d, t)=T F^{\prime}(d, t) I D F(t) \end{array} $$
  • Knowledge-based / semantic-based system

    • Build semantic representation by extracting information from the question

    • Construct structured query for semantic database

    • Not raw or indexed text corpus

    • Examples

      • WordNet

      • Wikipedia Infoboxes

      • FreeBase

Candidate Document Analysis

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  • Named entity tagging
    • Often including subclasses (towns, cities, provinces, …)
  • Sentence splitting, tagging, chunk parsing
  • Identify multi-word terms and their variants
  • Represent relation constraints of the text

Answer Extraction

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  • Input

    • Representations for candidate text segments and question

    • Rank set of candidate sentences

    • Expected answer type(s)

  • Find answer strings that match the answer type(s) based on documents

    • Extractive: Answers are substrings in the documents

    • Generative: Answers are free text (NLG)

  • Rank the candidate answers

    • E.g. overlap between answer and question
  • Return result(s) with best overall score

  • Example

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Response Generation

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  • Rephrase text segment

    • E.g. resolve anaphors
  • Provide longer or shorter answer

    • Add some part of context into the answer
  • If answer is too complex

    • Truncate answer

    • Start dialog

Neural Network Approach

  • Neural models struggle with Information Retrieval 🤪
  • Excellent results on answer extraction 😍
    • Given: Question and Context (document, paragraph, nugget, etc.)
    • Result: Answer as substring from context
      • Predict most likely start and end index as classification task
    • Combines:
      • Question Analysis
      • Retrieved Document Analysis
      • Answer Extraction
      • Response Generation

Neural Answer Extraction

Encoder-decoder model


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Answer prediction

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  • Softmax output $i$ is probability that answer starts at token $i$
  • Mirrored setup for end probability
  • 🔴 Problem: Relying on single vector for question encoding
    • Long range dependencies
    • Feedback at end of sequence
    • Vanishing gradients

Solution: Use MORE information from the question

–> Attention mechanism

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  • Calculates weighted sum of question encodings
  • Weight is based on similarity between question encoding and context encoding
  • Different similarity metrics
Review of models see: