Language and Vision


Human interacts with environment multimodal

  • Modalities

    • Text
    • Audio
    • Vision
  • Other modalities can be used to disambiguate text

  • Jointly using different modalities

Image description


  • Generate description/caption of image

    • Verbalize the most salient aspects of the image

    • Typically one sentence

    • Example

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  • Joint use of

    • Computer vision
    • Natural language processing

🔴 Challenges

  • Cover any visual aspect of the image:
    • Objects and their attributes

    • Features of the scene

    • Interaction of objects

  • Reference to objects not in the image:
    • E.g. people waiting for a train
  • Background knowledge necessary
    • E.g. Picture of Mona Lisa


  • Input: Image

  • Generate representation

  • Output: Text

  • Related to Natural language generation

    • Content selection

    • Organizing of content

    • Surface realization

Generation from Visual Input

  • Standard pipeline:

    1. Computer vision: Recognize
      • Scene

      • Objects

      • Spatial relationship

      • Actions

    2. Natural language generation
      • Combine words/phrases from first step using
        • Templates
        • N-grams
        • Grammar rules
  • Example

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  • End-to-End approaches (Show, Attend, Tell)

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    • CNN Encoder of the image

    • LSTM-based Decoder generating the sentences

    • Attention mechanism to attend to different parts of the image

    • Examples

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  • 💡 Idea: Use description of similar image

  • Algorithm:

    • Extract visual feature

    • Retrieve most similar images using similarity function

    • Re-rank images

    • Combine retrieved descriptions

  • Example

    Description retrieval

    Description retrieval

Visual question answering

  • Given:

    • Image

    • Question related to the image

    • Example

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  • Output: Answer

  • Most common model: Joint neural network

  • 🔴 Challenges: Multi-step reasoning

  • Steps

    1. Locate objects (bike, window, street, basket and dogs)
    2. Identify concepet (sitting)
    3. Rule out irrelavant objects

Image model

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  • Often pretrained models used
  • Global features: Fixed size representation of the whole image
  • Local features: Representation of different regions of the image

Text model

Read question word by word

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Answer generation

  • One word or free text

    • Input: Image features and text features

    • Output: Most probable word

  • Models:

    • Fully connected NN
    • Attention mechanism