Generalization and Zeros

Generalization and Zeros

The n-gram model is dependent on the training corpus (like many statistical models).


  • The probabilities often encode specific facts about a given training corpus.
  • n-grams do a better and better job of modeling the training corpus as we increase the value of $N$.

Notice when building n-gram models:

  • use a training corpus that has a similar genre to whatever task we are trying to accomplish.

    • To build a language model for translating legal documents, we need a training corpus of legal documents.
    • To build a language model for a question-answering system, we need a training corpus of questions.
  • Get training data in the appropriate dialect (especially when processing social media posts or spoken transcripts)

  • Handle sparsity

    • When the corpus is limited, some perfectly acceptable English word sequences are bound to be missing from it.

      $\rightarrow$ We’ll have many cases of putative “zero probability n-grams” that should really have some non-zero probability! 

    • Example:

      • Consider the words that follow the bigram denied the in the WSJ Treebank3 corpus, together with their counts:

        æˆȘć±2020-06-03 12.03.38

      • But suppose our test set has phrases like:

        denied the offer
        denied the loan

        Our model will incorrectly estimate that the $P(\text{offer}|\text{denied the})$ is 0! đŸ€Ș

    • Zeros: things that don’t ever occur in the training set but do occur in the test set

      • 🔮 Problems

        • We are underestimating the probability of all sorts of words that might occur, which will hurt the performance of any application we want to run on this data.

        • If the probability of any word in the test set is 0, the entire probability of the test set is 0.

          $\rightarrow$ Based on the definition of perplexity, we can’t compute perplexity at all, since we can’t divide by 0!


Unknow words

Closed vocabulary system:

  • All the words can occur
  • the test set can only contain words from this lexicon, and there will be NO unknown words.
  • Reasonable assumption in some domains
    • speech recognition (we have pronunciation dictionary in advance)
    • machine translation (we have phrase table in advance)
    • The language model can only use the words in that dictionary or phrase table.

Unknown words: words we simply have NEVER seen before.

  • sometimes called out of vocabulary (OOV) words.
  • OOV rate: percentage of OOV words that appear in the test set

Open vocabulary system:

  • we model these potential unknown words in the test set by adding a pseudo-word called <UNK>.

Two common ways to to train the probabilities of the unknown word model <UNK>

  • Turn the problem back into a closed vocabulary one by choosing a fixed vocabulary in advance

    1. Choose a vocabulary (word list) that is fixed in advance.

    2. Convert in the training set any word that is not in this set (any OOV word) to

      the unknown word token <UNK> in a text normalization step.

    3. Estimate the probabilities for <UNK> from its counts just like any other regular

      word in the training set.

  • We don’t have a prior vocabulary in advance

    1. Create such a vocabulary implicitly

    2. Replace words in the training data by <UNK> based on their frequency.

      • we can replace by <UNK> all words that occur fewer than $n$ times in the training set, where $n$ is some small number, or
      • equivalently select a vocabulary size $V$ in advance (say 50,000) and choose the top $V$ words by frequency and replace the rest by <UNK>

      In either case we then proceed to train the language model as before, treating <UNK> like a regular word.