
Sigmoid to Logistic Regression

Consider a single input observation $x = [x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n]$

The classifier output $y$ can be

  • $1$: the observation is a member of the class
  • $0$: the observation is NOT a member of the class

We want to know the probability $P(y=1|x)$ that this observation is a member of the class.


  • The decision is “positive sentiment” versus “negative sentiment”
  • the features represent counts of words in a document
  • $P(y=1|x)$ is the probability that the document has positive sentiment, while and $P(y=0|x)$ is the probability that the document has negative sentiment.

Logistic regression solves this task by learning, from a training set, a vector of weights and a bias term.

  • Each weight $w_i$ is a real number, and is associated with one of the input features $x_i$. The weight represents how important that input feature is to the classification decision, can be

    • positive (meaning the feature is associated with the class)
    • negative (meaning the feature is NOT associated with the class).

    E.g.: we might expect in a sentiment task the word awesome to have a high positive weight, and abysmal to have a very negative weight.

  • Bias term $b$, also called the intercept, is another real number that’s added to the weighted inputs.

To make a decision on a test instance, the resulting single number $z$ expresses the weighted sum of the evidence for the class:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} z &=\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} w_{i} x_{i}\right)+b \\\\ & = w \cdot x + b \\\\ & \in (-\infty, \infty) \end{array} $$

(Note that $z$ is NOT a legal probability, since $z \notin [0, 1]$)

To create a probability, we’ll pass $z$ through the sigmoid function (also called logistic function):

$$ y=\sigma(z)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}} $$

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👍 Advantages of sigmoid

  • It takes a real-valued number and maps it into the range [0,1] (which is just what we want for a probability)
  • It is nearly linear around 0 but has a sharp slope toward the ends, it tends to squash outlier values toward 0 or 1.
  • Differentiable $\Rightarrow$ handy for learning

To make it a probability, we just need to make sure that the two cases, $P(y=1)$ and $P(y=0)$, sum to 1:

$$ \begin{aligned} P(y=1) &=\sigma(w \cdot x+b) \\\\ &=\frac{1}{1+e^{-(w \cdot x+b)}} \\\\ P(y=0) &=1-\sigma(w \cdot x+b) \\\\ &=1-\frac{1}{1+e^{-(w \cdot x+b)}} \\\\ &=\frac{e^{-(w \cdot x+b)}}{1+e^{-(w \cdot x+b)}} \end{aligned} $$

Now we have an algorithm that given an instance $x$ computes the probability $P(y=1|x)$. For a test instance $x$, we say yes if the probability is $P(y=1|x)$ more than 0.5, and no otherwise. We call 0.5 the decision boundary:


Example: sentiment classification

Suppose we are doing binary sentiment classification on movie review text, and we would like to know whether to assign the sentiment class + or − to a review document $doc$.

We’ll represent each input observation by the 6 features $x_1,...,x_6$ of the input shown in the following table

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Assume that for the moment that we’ve already learned a real-valued weight for each of these features, and that the 6 weights corresponding to the 6 features are $w= [2.5,−5.0,−1.2,0.5,2.0,0.7]$, while $b = 0.1$.

  • The weight $w_1$, for example indicates how important a feature the number of positive lexicon words (great, nice, enjoyable, etc.) is to a positive sentiment decision, while $w_2$tells us the importance of negative lexicon words. Note that $w_1 = 2.5$ is positive, while $w_2 = −5.0$, meaning that negative words are negatively associated with a positive sentiment decision, and are about twice as important as positive words.

Given these 6 features and the input review $x$, $P(+|x)$ and $P(-|x)$ can be computed:

$$ \begin{aligned} p(+| x)=P(Y=1 | x) &=\sigma(w \cdot x+b) \\\\ &=\sigma([2.5,-5.0,-1.2,0.5,2.0,0.7] \cdot[3,2,1,3,0,4.19]+0.1) \\\\ &=\sigma(0.833) \\\\ &=0.70 \\\\ p(-| x)=P(Y=0 | x) &=1-\sigma(w \cdot x+b) \\\\ &=0.30 \end{aligned} $$

$0.70 > 0.50 \Rightarrow$ This sentiment is positive ($+$).