Words and Text Normalization

Words and Text Normalization


  • Two ways for counting words
    • Number of wordform types
      • Relationship between #Types and #Tokens: Heap’s law
    • Number of lemmas
  • Text Normalization
    1. Tokenizing (segmenting) words
      • Bype-pair Encoding (BPE)
      • Wordpiece
    2. Normalizing word formats
      • Word normalisation
        • case folding
      • Lemmatization
      • Stemming
        • Porter Stemmer
    3. Segmenting sentences


  • Corpus (pl. corpora): a computer-readable collection of text or speech.

  • Lemma: a set of lexical forms having the same stem, the same major part-of-speech, and the same word sense.

    • E.g.: cats and cat have the same lemma cat
  • Wordform: full inflected or derived form of the word

    • E.g.: cats and cat have the same lemma cat but are different wordforms

How many words are there in English?

To answer this question we need to distinguish two ways of talking about words.

  • One way: number of wordform types

    • Type: number of distinct words in a corpus

      • if the set of words in the vocabulary is $V$ , the number of types is the vocabulary size $|V|$.

      • When we speak about the number of words in the language, we are generally referring to word types.

      • The larger the corpora we look at, the more word types we find

    • Tokens: total number $N$ of running words

      • E.g.: If we ignore punctuation, the following Brown sentence has 16 tokens and 14 types:

        They picnicked by the pool, then lay back on the grass and looked at the stars.
      • Relationship between the number of types $|V|$ and number of tokens $N$: Herdan’s Law or Heap’s Law

        $$ |V|=k N^{\beta} $$
        • $k$: positive constant
        • $\beta \in (0, 1)$
          • depends on the corpus size and the genre
          • for the large corpora ranges from 0.67 to 0.75
  • Another way: number of lemmas

    • Dictionary entries or boldface forms are a very rough upper bound on the number of lemmas

Text Normalization

three tasks are commonly applied as part of any normalization process:

  1. Tokenizing (segmenting) words
  2. Normalizing word formats
  3. Segmenting sentences

Word Tokenization

Tokenization: tasks of segmenting running text into words.

For most NLP applications we’ll need to keep numbers and punctuation in our tokenization

  • punctuation
    • as a separate token
      • commas ,: useful piece of information for parsers
      • periods .: help indicate sentence boundaries
    • we also want to keep the punctuation that occurs word internally
      • E.g.: m.p.h,, Ph.D., AT&T, cap’n
  • Special characters and numbers need to be keep in

A tokenizer can be used to

  • expand clitic contractions that are marked by apostrophes

    • what're -> what are
  • named entity detection

    • tokenize multiword expressions like New York or rock ’n’ roll as a single token, which requires a multiword expression dictionary of some sort.

Commonly used tokenization standard: Penn Treebank tokenization standard

Byte-Pair Encoding for Tokenization

💡 Instead of defining tokens as words (defined by spaces in orthographies that have spaces, or more complex algorithms), or as characters (as in Chinese), we can use our data to automatically tell us what size tokens should be.

Morpheme: smallest meaning-bearing unit of a language

  • E.g.: the word unlikeliest has the morphemes un-, likely, and -est

One reason it’s helpful to have subword tokens is to deal with unknown words.

Unknown words are particularly relevant for machine learning systems. Machine learning systems often learn some facts about words in one corpus (a training corpus) and then use these facts to make decisions about a separate test corpus and its words. Thus if our training corpus contains, say the words low, and lowest, but not lower, but then the word lower appears in our test corpus, our system will not know what to do with it. 🤪

🔧 Solution: use a kind of tokenization in which most tokens are words, but some tokens are frequent morphemes or other subwords like -er, so that an unseen word can be represented by combining the parts.

Simplest algorithm: byte-pair encoding (BPE)

  • 💡 Intuition: iteratively merge frequent pairs of characters

  • How it works?

    • Begins with the set of symbols equal to the set of characters.
      • Each word is represented as a sequence of characters plus a special end-of-word symbol _.
    • At each step of the algorithm, we count the number of symbol pairs, find the most frequent pair (‘A’, ‘B’), and replace it with the new merged symbol (‘AB’)
    • We continue to count and merge, creating new longer and longer character strings, until we’ve done $k$ merges ($k$ is a parameter of the algorithm)
    • The resulting symbol set will consist of the original set of characters plus $k$ new symbols.
  • The algorithm is run inside words (we don’t merge across word boundaries). For this reason, the algorithm can take as input a dictionary of words together with counts.

  • Example

    Consider the following tiny input dictionary with counts for each word,

    which would have the starting vocabulary of 11 letters

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    • We first count all pairs of symbols: the most frequent is the pair (r, _) because it occurs in newer (frequency of 6) and wider (frequency of 3) for a total of 9 occurrences. We then merge these symbols, treating r_ as one symbol, and count again.

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    • Now the most frequent pair is (e, r_) , which we merge; our system has learned that there should be a token for word-final er, represented as er_

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    • Next (e, w) (total count of 8) get merged to ew:

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    • If we continue, the next merges are:

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  • Test

    • When we need to tokenize a test sentence, we just run the merges we have learned, greedily, in the order we learned them, on the test data. (Thus the frequencies in the test data don’t play a role, just the frequencies in the training data).
      • first we segment each test sentence word into characters.
      • Then we apply the first rule: replace every instance of r _ in the test corpus with r_ ; and then the second rule: replace every instance of e r_ in the test corpus with er_, and so on.
      • By the end, if the test corpus contained the word n e w e r _ , it would be tokenized as a full word. But a new (unknown) word like l o w e r _ would be merged into the two tokens low er_ .
  • In real algorithms BPE

    • run with many thousands of merges on a very large input dictionary
    • Result: most words will be represented as full symbols, and only the very rare words (and unknown words) will have to be represented by their parts.

Wordpiece and Greedy Tokenization

The wordpiece algorithm starts with some simple tokenization (such as by whitespace) into rough words, and then breaks those rough word tokens into subword tokens.

Difference from BPE:

  • The special word-boundary token _ appears at the beginning of words (rather than at the end)

  • Rather than merging the pairs that are most frequent, wordpiece instead merges the pairs that minimizes the language model likelihood of the training data.

    (the wordpiece model chooses the two tokens to combine that would give the training corpus the highest probability )

How it works?

  • An input sentence or string is first split by some simple basic tokenizer (like whitespace) into a series of rough word tokens.

  • Then instead of using a word boundary token, word-initial subwords are distinguished from those that do not start words by marking internal subwords with special symbols ##

    • we might split unaffable into [un, ##aff", ##able]
  • Then each word token string is tokenized using a greedy longest-match-first algorithm.

    • Also called maximum matching or MaxMatch.

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      • Given a vocabulary (a learned list of wordpiece tokens) and a string
      • Starts by pointing at the beginning of a string
      • It chooses the longest token in the wordpiece vocabulary that matches the input at the current position, and moves the pointer past that word in the string.
      • The algorithm is then applied again starting from the new pointer position.


Given the token intention and the dictionary:

["in", "tent","intent","##tent", "##tention", "##tion", "#ion"]

The tokenizer would choose intent (because it is longer than in, and then ##ion to complete the string, resulting in the tokenization ["intent" "##ion"].

Word Normalization, Lemmatization and Stemming

  • Word normalization: task of putting words/tokens in a standard format, choosing a single normal form for words with multiple forms

    • Case folding: Mapping everything to lower case
      • Woodchuck and woodchuck are represented identically
    • For many natural language processing situations we also want two morphologically different forms of a word to behave similarly.
  • Lemmatization: task of determining that two words have the same root, despite their surface differences.

    • E.g.
      • am, are, and is have the shared lemma be
      • dinner and dinners both have the lemma dinner
      • The lemmatized form of a sentence like He is reading detective stories would thus be He be read detective story.
    • Method: complete morphological parsing of the word.
      • Morphology: study of the way words are built up from smaller meaning-bearing units called morphemes.
      • Two board classes of morphemes
        • Stems: the central morpheme of the word, supplying the main meaning
        • Affixes: adding “additional” meanings of various kinds
      • E.g.:
        • the word fox consists of one morpheme (the morpheme fox)
        • the word cats consists of two: the morpheme cat and the morpheme -s.
  • Stemming: naive version of morphological analysis

    • Most widely used stemming algorithms: the Porter Stemmer

    • Based on series of rewrite rules run in series, as a cascade, in which the output of each pass is fed as input to the next pass

      Sampling of rules:

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    • Simple stemmers can be useful in cases where we need to collapse across different variants of the same lemma

    • Nonetheless, they do tend to commit errors of both over- and under-generalizing 🤪

Sentence Segmentation

The most useful cues for segmenting a text into sentences are punctuation

  • Question marks and exclamation points are relatively unambiguous markers of sentence boundaries 👏
  • Periods are more ambiguous 🤪
    • The period character “.” is ambiguous between a sentence boundary marker and a marker of abbreviations like Mr. or `Inc. (the final period of Inc. marked both an abbreviation and the sentence boundary marker 🤪)

Sentence tokenization methods work by first deciding (based on rules or machine learning) whether a period is part of the word or is a sentence-boundary marker.

  • An abbreviation dictionary can help determine whether the period is part of a commonly used abbreviation
