

You can use expressions to programmatically set environment variables in workflow files and access contexts. An expression can be any combination of literal values, references to a context, or functions. You can combine literals, context references, and functions using operators.

Expressions are commonly used with the conditional if keyword in a workflow file to determine whether a step should run. When an if conditional is true, the step will run.

You need to use specific syntax

${{ <expression> }}

to tell GitHub to evaluate an expression rather than treat it as a string.

  • When you use expressions in an if conditional, you may omit the expression syntax (${{ }}) because GitHub automatically evaluates the if conditional as an expression.

Example expression in an if conditional

  - uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@v1.1
    if: ${{ <expression> }}

Example setting an environment variable

  MY_ENV_VAR: ${{ <expression> }}


You can use boolean, null, number, or string data types.

Data typeLiteral value
booleantrue or false
numberAny number format supported by JSON.
stringYou don’t need to enclose strings in ${{ and }}. However, if you do, you must use single quotes (') around the string. To use a literal single quote, escape the literal single quote using an additional single quote (''). Wrapping with double quotes (") will throw an error.


  myNull: ${{ null }}
  myBoolean: ${{ false }}
  myIntegerNumber: ${{ 711 }}
  myFloatNumber: ${{ -9.2 }}
  myHexNumber: ${{ 0xff }}
  myExponentialNumber: ${{ -2.99e-2 }}
  myString: Mona the Octocat
  myStringInBraces: ${{ 'It''s open source!' }}


( )Logical grouping
[ ]Index
.Property de-reference
<Less than
<=Less than or equal
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal
!=Not equal

GitHub performs loose equality comparisons.

  • If the types do not match, GitHub coerces the type to a number. GitHub casts data types to a number using these conversions:

    Booleantrue returns 1 false returns 0
    StringParsed from any legal JSON number format, otherwise NaN. Note: empty string returns 0.
  • A comparison of one NaN to another NaN does not result in true.

  • GitHub ignores case when comparing strings.

  • Objects and arrays are only considered equal when they are the same instance.


  • GitHub offers a set of built-in functions that you can use in expressions.

  • Some functions cast values to a string to perform comparisons. GitHub casts data types to a string using these conversions:

    Boolean'true' or 'false'
    NumberDecimal format, exponential for large numbers
    ArrayArrays are not converted to a string
    ObjectObjects are not converted to a string


contains( search, item )

  • Returns true if search contains item.
  • If search is an array, this function returns true if the item is an element in the array.
  • If search is a string, this function returns true if the item is a substring of search. This function is not case sensitive. Casts values to a string.


contains('Hello world', 'llo') returns true.


startsWith( searchString, searchValue )

Returns true when searchString starts with searchValue. This function is not case sensitive. Casts values to a string.


startsWith('Hello world', 'He') returns true.


endsWith( searchString, searchValue )

Returns true if searchString ends with searchValue. This function is not case sensitive. Casts values to a string.


endsWith('Hello world', 'ld') returns true.


format( string, replaceValue0, replaceValue1, ..., replaceValueN)

  • Replaces values in the string, with the variable replaceValueN.
  • Variables in the string are specified using the {N} syntax, where N is an integer. You must specify at least one replaceValue and string. There is no maximum for the number of variables (replaceValueN) you can use.
  • Escape curly braces using double braces.


format('{{Hello {0} {1} {2}!}}', 'Mona', 'the', 'Octocat') returns ‘{Hello Mona the Octocat!}’.


join( array, optionalSeparator )

  • The value for array can be an array or a string.
  • All values in array are concatenated into a string.
    • If you provide optionalSeparator, it is inserted between the concatenated values. Otherwise, the default separator , is used. Casts values to a string.



  • Returns a pretty-print JSON representation of value.
  • You can use this function to debug the information provided in contexts.



  • Returns a JSON object or JSON data type for value.
  • You can use this function to provide a JSON object as an evaluated expression or to convert environment variables from a string.



  • Returns a single hash for the set of files that matches the path pattern.
    • You can provide a single path pattern or multiple path patterns separated by commas.
    • The path is relative to the GITHUB_WORKSPACE directory and can only include files inside of the GITHUB_WORKSPACE.
  • This function calculates an individual SHA-256 hash for each matched file, and then uses those hashes to calculate a final SHA-256 hash for the set of files.
    • If the path pattern does not match any files, this returns an empty string.

Status Check Functions

You can use the following status check functions as expressions in if conditionals. A default status check of success() is applied unless you include one of these functions.


Returns true when none of the previous steps have failed or been canceled.


  - name: The job has succeeded
    if: ${{ success() }}


Causes the step to always execute, and returns true, even when canceled. A job or step will not run when a critical failure prevents the task from running. For example, if getting sources failed.


if: ${{ always() }}


Returns true if the workflow was canceled.


if: ${{ cancelled() }}


Returns true when any previous step of a job fails. If you have a chain of dependent jobs, failure() returns true if any ancestor job fails.


  - name: The job has failed
    if: ${{ failure() }}

ailure with conditions

You can include extra conditions for a step to run after a failure, but you must still include failure() to override the default status check of success() that is automatically applied to if conditions that don’t contain a status check function.

  - name: Failing step
    id: demo
    run: exit 1
  - name: The demo step has failed
    if: ${{ failure() && steps.demo.conclusion == 'failure' }}

Object filters

You can use the * syntax to apply a filter and select matching items in a collection.

E.g., let’s say we have an array of objects named fruits:

  { "name": "apple", "quantity": 1 },
  { "name": "orange", "quantity": 2 },
  { "name": "pear", "quantity": 1 }

The filter fruits.*.name returns the array [ "apple", "orange", "pear" ].

You may also use the * syntax on an object. For example, suppose you have an object named vegetables:

    "colors": ["green", "white", "red"],
    "ediblePortions": ["roots", "stalks"],
    "colors": ["purple", "red", "gold", "white", "pink"],
    "ediblePortions": ["roots", "stems", "leaves"],
    "colors": ["green", "purple", "red", "black"],
    "ediblePortions": ["hearts", "stems", "leaves"],

The filter vegetables.*.ediblePortions could evaluate to:

  ["roots", "stalks"],
  ["hearts", "stems", "leaves"],
  ["roots", "stems", "leaves"],

Since objects don’t preserve order, the order of the output can not be guaranteed.
