Clean Code


Readability of code is important

  • Code is much more often read than written
  • Your write code for the next human to read it, not for the compiler/interpreter/computer!

Object-Oriented Design (OOD)

A design strategy to build a system “made up of interacting objects that maintain their own local state and provide operations on that state information.”


SOLID principles: Five principles of good OO design

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Open Closed Principle (OCP)
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

“There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.“ — R. Martin

  • Each responsibility deals with one core concern

    • It may also deal with further (cross-cutting) concerns
  • Bad smell: Big class (~ >200 LOC, >15 methods/fields)

    • Useful refactoring: Extract class
  • Benefits:

    • Code is easier to understand
    • Adding/modifying functionality should affect few classes
    • Risk of breaking code is minimised

Insertion: Command-Query-Separation

  • Separate commands (actions) from simple queries (requests)
  • Reason
    • Commands are expected to have side effects on an object’s state
    • Queries should not change the state of an object
    • Appropriate designs are simpler to understand and easier to test

Open Closed Principle (OCP)

“Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modifi-cation.” — R. Martin, paraphrasing B. Meyer

  • 💡 Idea: Modify behaviour by adding new code, NOT by changing old code

  • Strongly related to the “Information Hiding Principle”

  • Example: Drawing a list of shapes using a switch statement

    for (Shape shape : ShapeList) 
      switch (shape.getType()) {
        case SQUARE: square.draw()
        case CIRCLE: circle.draw() 

    Needs to be modified for new shapes 🤪

    Solution: use abstractions to keep the function open for extension

    for (Shape shape : ShapeList) 

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

“Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it.”

— R. Martin


  • Square is-a Rectangle? Only in a mathematical sense!

  • Square can-NOT-substitute Rectangle, because it offers limited behaviour (setWidth and setHeight are dependent)

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LSP is related to B. Meyer‘s Design by Contract (DbC):

“When redefining a routine [in a derivative], you may only replace its precondition by a weaker one, and its postcondition by a stronger *one.” *

— B. Meyer

  • In our case, rectangle’s setWidth postcondition: width = w and height = h
  • Square’s setWidth postcondition: width = w and height = w
  • Only weaker preconditions and stronger postconditions are allowed, as only they preserve substitutability. It is not allowed to change conditions to arbitrarily different ones

Possible solution according to Liskov:

  • Square/Rectangle can-substitute Shape,

  • if Shape collects

    • less specific behaviour

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    • Alternative: Drop height = h from Rectangle’s postcondition

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

“Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.”

— R. Martin

Interfaces should be kept as lean as possible

  • High cohesion: Interfaces should only be concerned with single concepts
  • Interface pollution: Interfaces should not depend on other interfaces just because a subclass requires those
  • Interfaces should be separated if used by different clients
  • Refactorings: Extract interface/superclass


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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

A. High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.

B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.”

— R. Martin


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Better design:

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Why “Inversion”?

  • An interface has been used to invert the dependency between packages

  • But in general: Add abstract concept that both classes A and B depend on

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More Principles

Law of Demeter (don’t talk to strangers)

A module should not know about the innards of the objects it manipulates.

  • Corresponds to the bad smell “Message Chains”:

    value = getClassA().getClassB(). ... .getNeededValue();

    👆 Ties code to particular class structure, which is likely to break. :cry

  • Rule: A method m of a class C should only call the methods of

    • C

    • An object created by m

    • An object passed as an argument to m

    • An object held in an instance variable of C


  • Violation

    class Motor {
      	public void startEngine() {
            // start the motor
    class Car {
        public Motor motor;
        public Car() {
            motor = new Motor();
    class Driver {
        public void drive() {
          	Car myCar = new Car();
          	myCar.motor.startEngine(); // violation!!!
  • Solution

    class Car {
        private Motor motor;
        public Car() {
            motor = new Motor();
        public void getReadyToDrive() {
    class Drive {
        public void drive() {
            Car myCar = new Car();

Boy Scout Rule

„Leave the campground cleaner than you found it!“ — The Boy Scouts of America

  • Code degrades as time passes

  • We seldom start with a greenfield

  • Being honest:

    • To the code

    • To your colleagues

    • To yourself about the code

  • Refactor your code before checking it in

Principle of Least Surprise

Any function or class should implement the behaviours that another programmer could reasonably expect

Also called principle of least astonishment (POLA)

“If a necessary feature has a high astonishment factor, it may be necessary to redesign the feature.”

  • If obvious behaviour remains unimplemented, readers and users…
    • no longer depend on their intuition about function names
    • fall back on reading internals

Coding Conventions


  • Standardised (with respect to a project or team)

  • Meaningful, i.e. clear for everyone

  • Intention-revealing:

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  • Make meaningful distinction and avoid disinformation

    • Hints on context
    • Hints on types
    • Certain prefixes
  • Avoid noninformation

    • Except for well-accepted cases (e.g. i as a loop counter)


“Don’t comment bad code—rewrite it.“

— B. W. Kernighan, P. J. Plaugher

Good comments are

  • explaining
    • Legal issues
    • Performance issues
    • Train of thought
    • Intent
    • Algorithms
  • Good comments are warning
    • Of consequences
    • Over importance
  • Good comments are informative
    • Open issues, to-dos

Whenever possible, use well-named code to tell what is done

  • Intermediate variables explaining steps

  • Extra methods encapsulating expressions

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  • Visually representing levels of cohesion
  • Vertical openness between concepts,
    • e.g. declarations
    • e.g. add blank lines after imports or after a method is finished
    • lines that are related should be written densely together
  • Horizontal openness
    • to accentuate operators / operator precedence
    • to separate parameters
    • use spaces to emphasize elements and indent to make scopes visible

Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)

Do not duplicate pieces of code!

  • Copy & paste decreases…
    • Maintainability: Losing track of copies
    • Understandability
      • Code is less compact
      • An identical concept needs to be understood multiple times
    • Evolvability
      • Need to find and modify all copies, When removing bugs or changing behaviour
  • Duplicated code fosters errors and inconsistencies

Keep it simple, stupid (KISS)

“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler”

Albert Einstein

  • Good code is easy to understand by anybody

  • Good code addresses the problem adequately

  • For example, if an IEnumerable is suitable, do not use anICollection or even an IList

  • Techniques which help ensure that your code is understandable by others:

    • Code reviews

    • Pair programming

You ain’t gonna need it (YAGNI)

Only implement required features!

  • Featurism is costly:

    • unrequested features need to be tested, documented

    • over-engineered systems sacrifice maintainability, as they are overly complex (KISS)

  • Beware of optimisations!

    • Often merely treat symptoms
    • Too costly to be done prematurely

Single Level of Abstraction (SLA)

  • Newspaper metaphor:

    • Good newspaper articles are well-ordered

    • Navigation with details increasing:

      • headline (very high abstraction)
      • text with synopsis (high abstraction)
      • rest (details)
  • Statements within a function should be at the same abstraction level

    • if not, extract expressions/statements of higher detail into an own method
  • Functions in a class: The abstraction level should decrease depth- first when reading from top to bottom


If it stinks, change it.

  • Methods tend to grow during development

  • Bad odour (smell) of a long method arises

  • What to do? Extract cohesive parts into new methods

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What is Refactoring?

A „disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.“

— M. Fowler

The First Rule in Refactoring

Refactor with tests only!

  • Good tests help to prevent introducing bugs into the program through refactoring

Bad Smells

Bad code smells: symptoms for deeper problems

  • Long method: having code blocks lead by comments

    • 👨‍⚕️Cure: Extract Method: extract commented block
  • Duplicated code

  • Feature envy: class A excessively calls another class B’s methods

    • 👨‍⚕️Cure: parts of A’s methods want to be in class B
      1. Extract Method: extract code block calling class B
      2. Move Method: move extracted part to class B
  • Data class: class merely holds data (“dumb data holder”)

    • 👨‍⚕️Cure: enforce information hiding principle, collect functionality
      1. Encapsulate field: getter/setter instead of public access
      2. Remove setting method: only for read-only values
      3. Move method: collect functionality implemented elsewhere
        • think about responsibilities of the class
  • Large/God class: class tries to do too much

  • Inappropriate intimacy: class has dependencies on implementation details of another class

More catelog see:

When to Refactor?

  • It is not that simple to find out when to refactor

  • So-called “bad smells” in code may give a good indication when refactoring is worthwhile

  • More general guidelines

    • when you find yourself looking up details frequently
      • what was the order of the method parameters again?
      • where was this method again and what does it do?
    • when you feel the need to write a comment
      • try to refactor the code so that the comment becomes superfluous


  • May influence performance negatively 🤪
    • However, it is recommended to do the refactoring first
    • and the performance tuning on the cleaner code afterwards


Separation of Concerns (SoC)

Each module should be focused on a single concern.

  • 👍 Benefits
    • Loose coupling, high cohesion
    • Better testability: each test stays focused on one module
  • Some concerns may crosscut a system‘s core concerns
    • Typical crosscutting concerns:
      • Tracing/Logging
      • Security
      • Transactionality
      • Caching
    • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) provides adequate concepts

Order of Implementation

For the implementation (and unit testing later) always try to move from the least-coupled to the most-coupled classes

  • avoids unnecessary creation of “stubs”


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Use a Version Control System

  • History of commented changes

  • Shared working in a team, even on same artefacts Branching and merging

  • Tagging versions as pre-release etc.

  • Reverting to previous revisions

    • reduces fears of breaking code

    • encourages a programmer‘s willingness to refactor code

Test First

  • Test-Driven Development

  • Clean tests should follow the F.I.R.S.T. rules

    • Fast: to run them frequently

    • Independent: A failing test does not influence others

    • Repeatable: in any environment, so there is no excuse for failing tests

    • Self-Validating: Tests either pass or fail automatically

    • Timely: Tests are written right before production code

  • Tests should follow same standards as production code

    • and be executed in a continuous manner
      • so-called continuous integration
      • reduces fear of breaking code

Static Code Analyses

  • Classes of metrics

    • Duplication (detection of DRY violation)

    • Unit tests (test coverage should be > 90%)

    • Complexity (avg. LoC per class)

    • Potential bugs

    • Coding rules

    • Comments

    • Architecture & design

    Code Reviews

  • Explaining your code to others helps…

    • Detecting errors and unclean passages
    • Spreading knowledge through a team,
    • esp. to less experienced colleagues
      • about design principles

      • about further aspects of the system under development

  • Refactoring helps to instantly apply suggestions, so follow-up ideas can be given in one session

    • Works only in small groups with few opinions
    • In larger groups, design reviews are better suitable