

AcronymFull Name
ISPInternet Service Provider
IXPInternet Exchange Point
FIBForwarding Information Base
CAMContent-Addressable Memory

Internet Routing

AcronymFull Name
ASAutonomous Systems
IGPInterior Gateway Protocol
EGPExterior Gateway Protocol
ASNAutonomous Systems Number
CDNContent Delivery Network
OSBFOpen Shortest Path First
LSALink State Advertisement
ABRArea Border Router
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
RIBRouting Information Base

Label Switching

AcronymFull Name
MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switching
LSRLabel-switching router
LERLabel edge router
FECForwarding equivalency class
RSVPResource ReserVation Protocol
**VPN **Virtual Private Networks

Software Defined Network (SDN)

Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

AcronymFull Name
NATNetwork Address Translation
NFVINetwork Function Virtualization Infrastructure
VNFVirtualized Network Functions
MANOManagement and Orchestration
SFCService Function Chaining

Congestion Control

AcronymFull Name
RTTRound Trip Time
EWMAExponential Weighted Moving Average
RTORetransmission TimeOut
AIMDAdditively Increase Multiplicatively Decrease
AQMActive Queue Management
ECNExplicit Congestion Notification
REDRandom Early Detection


AcronymFull Name
CSMACarrier Sense Multiple Access
CDCollision Detection
CACollision Avoidance
IFSInter Frame Space
BPDUBridge Protocol Data Units
STPSpanning Tree Protocol
RSTPRapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)

Data Center

AcronymFull Name
PFCPriority-based Flow Control
PCPPriority Code Point
ETSEnhanced Transmission Selection
PGPriority Groups
QCNQuantized Congestion Notification
SPBShortest Path Bridging
TRILLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links
DCTCPData Center TCP
ECNExplicit Congestion Notification

TCP Evolution

AcronymFull Name
TFOTCP Fast Open

Accees Networks

AcronymFull Name
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
NTNetwork Termination
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
ADSLAsymmetric DSL
SDSLSymmetric DSL
BRASBroadband Remote Access Server