
Schematic view and generic architecture of router

Schematic view and generic architecture of router

Basic Functionalities

Intermediate Systems

  • Forward data from input port(s) to output port(s)

    • Forwarding is a task of the data path

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  • May operate on different layers

    • Hubs operate on layer 1
    • Bridges operate on layer 2
    • Routers operate on layer 3


  • Determines the path that the packets follow

  • Routing is part of the control path $\rightarrow$ Requires routing algorithms and routing protocols

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Forwarding within a Router

Main task

  • Lookup in forwarding table
  • Forward data from input port to output port(s)

🎯 Goals

  • Forwarding in line speed
  • Short queues
  • Small tables

Schematic View of an IP-Router:

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Forwarding Functionality

Basic functions

  • Check the headers of an IP packet
    • Version number
    • Valid header length
    • Checksum
  • Check time to live
    • Decrement of TTL field
  • Recalculate checksum
  • Lookup
    • Determine output port for a packet
  • Fragmentation
  • Handle IP options

Possibly: differentiated treatment of packets

  • Classification
  • Prioritization

Challenge: Line Speed

  • Bandwidth demand increases
  • Link capacity has to increase as well to keep up

Types of Routers

  • Core router

    • Used by service providers
    • Need to handle large amounts of aggregated traffic
    • High speed and reliability essential
      • Fast lookup and forwarding needed

      • Redundancy to increase reliability (dual power supply …)

    • Cost secondary issue
  • Enterprise router

    • Connect end systems in companies, universities

    • Provide connectivity to large number of end systems

    • Support of VLANs, firewalls …

    • Low cost per port, large number of ports, ease of maintenance

  • Edge router (access router)

    • At edge of service provider

    • Provide connectivity to customer from home, small businesses

    • Support for PPTP, IPsec, VPNs …

Forwarding Table Lookup

Example of a forwarding table

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  • Identifies a block of addresses
  • Continuous blocks of addresses per output port are beneficial
    • Does not require a separate entry for each IP address $\rightarrow$ Scalability 👏

Longest Prefix Matching

  • Consider a typical problem: What to do if there are multiple prefixes in the forwarding table that match on a given destination address?
  • 🔧 Solution: Select most specific prefix
    • most specific prefix = the longest prefix
  • Example

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Efficient Prefix Search

Different approaches for fast prefix search (in software)

Efficient data structures


  • Fast lookup
  • Low memory
  • Fast updates

Naïve approach: Simple Array

  • Variables

    • $N$ = number of prefixes
    • $W$ = length of a prefix (e.g., $W=32$ for full IPv4 addresses)
    • $k$ = length of a stride (only for multibit tries)
  • How it works?

    • Store prefixes in a simple array (unordered)

    • Linear search

    • Remember best match while walking through array

    • Evaluation

      • Worst case lookup speed: $O(N)$ $\rightarrow$ pretty bad 🤪
      • Memory requirement: $O(N \cdot W)$ $\rightarrow$ pretty bad 🤪
      • Updates: $O(1)$

Binary Trie

  • Tries $\rightarrow$ tree-based data structures to store and search prefix information

    • From „retrieval“ (find something)
  • 💡 Idea: Bits in the prefix tell the algorithms what branch to take

  • Example

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  • Evaluation

    • Worst case lookup speed: $O(W)$
      • Maximum of one node per bit in the prefix
      • But much better than naïve approach ($W \ll N$)
    • Memory requirement: $O(N \cdot W)$
      • Assumption: prefixes stored as linked list starting from root node
      • Every prefix (out of $N$) can have up to $W$ nodes $\rightarrow$ Maximum of $N \cdot W$ entries
      • No improvement (compared with naïve approach) 🤪
    • Updates: $O(W)$
      • A maximum of $W$ nodes has to be inserted or deleted (similar to lookup procedure)
  • Performance

    • Can find prefix in $W$ steps $\rightarrow$ address space = $2^W$

      • $W = $ number of bits in address ($W = 32$ for IPv4, $W = 128$ for IPv6)
    • Assumption: separate memory access required for each step

      • Memory access time $t\_{\text{access}} = 10 ns = 10 ^{-8}s$

      • Maximum lookups $L$ per second:

        $$ t\_{\text {lookup }}=32 * t\_{\text {access }}=320 n s \rightarrow L=\frac{1}{t\_{\text {lookup }}}=3,125,000 \text { lookups} / s $$

        For 100 byte packets, this results in only $2.5$ Gbit/s

  • Example

    Construct binary trie


  • Optimization

Path Compression

  • Long sequences of one-child nodes waste memory

    • E.g. highlighted (red) search paths in following trie is not required for branching decision

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  • 💡 Idea: Eliminate those sequences from trie

  • Lookup operation

    • Additional information required

    • Store bit index that has to be examined next

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  • Evaluation

    • Worst case lookup speed: $O(W)$

      If there are no one-child nodes on a path, number of nodes to search is equal to length of prefix

    • Memory requirement: $O(N)$

      • Maximum of $N$ leaf nodes, $N-1$ for the internal nodes

        $\rightarrow$ Maximum of $2N-1$ entries

      • Improvement against binary trie 👏

    • Updates: $O(W)$

  • Example

    Construct binary trie with path compressionBinary_trie_with_compresssion

Multibit Trie

Example: Homework 03截屏2021-03-05 12.03.23 截屏2021-03-05 12.03.52 截屏2021-03-05 12.04.11

Hash Tables

  • 🎯 Obejctives
    • Improve lookup speed

    • Hash tables can perform lookup in $O(1)$

    • However: longest prefix match only with hash table doesn‘t work 🤪

  • Instead: use an additional hash table
    • Stores results of trie lookups
      • E.g., destination IP address $\rightarrow$ output port 2
    • Significant improvement for large forwarding tables 👏
  • For each received IP packet
    • Does an entry for destination IP address exist in hash table?
      • Yes $\rightarrow$ no trie lookup
      • No $\rightarrow$ trie lookup
    • Works well if addresses show „locality“ characteristics
      • I.e., most IP packets are covered by a small set of prefixes
      • Not applicable in the Internet backbone

Comparsion between Binary Trie, Path Compression, and Multibit Trie

  • $N$ = number of prefixes
  • $W$ = length of a prefix (e.g., $W=32$ for full IPv4 addresses)
    • $N \gg W$
  • $k$ = length of a stride (only for multibit tries)
Lookup SpeedMemory RequirementUpdate
Binary trie$O(W)$$O(NW)$$O(W)$
Path compression$O(W)$$O(N)$$O(W)$
Multibit trie

Longest Prefix Matching in Hardware

RAM-based Access

  • 💡Basic idea
    • Read information with a single memory access
    • Use destination IP address as RAM address
  • 🔴 Problem
    • Independent of number of prefixes in use
      • IPv4 addresses with length of 32 bit $\rightarrow$ requires 4 GByte
      • IPv6 addresses with length of 128 bit $\rightarrow$ requires ~$3.4 × 10^{29}$ GByte
    • Waste of memory
      • Required memory size grows exponentially with size of address!

Content-Addressable Memory (CAM)

CAM: takes data and returns address (opposite to RAM)

  • CAM can search all stored entries in a single clock cycle (very fast!)
  • Application for networking: use addresses as search input to perform very fast address lookups (IP $\rightarrow$ output port)

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Structure of CAM

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How does CAM work?

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Source: [Content-Addressable Memory Introduction](

Ternary CAM (TCAM)

  • An extension that supports a „Don‘t Care“ State x (matching both a 0 and a 1 in that position)
    • Allows longest prefix matching
    • Prefixes are stored in the CAM sorted by prefix length (from long to short)
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  • 👍 Advantage: Very fast lookups (1 clock cycle)
  • 🔴 Problems: Severe scalability limitations
    • High energy demand
      • All search words are looked up in parallel
      • Every core cell is required for every lookup
    • High cost / low density
      • TCAM requires 2-3 times the transistors compared to SRAM
    • Longest matching prefix requires strict ordering of prefixes in the TCAM
      • New entries can require the TCAM to be „re-ordered“ $\rightarrow$ This can take a significant amount of time!
Example: Homework 04截屏2021-03-05 19.42.57

💡 Idea:

  • Sort prefixes from according to their length (longest to shortest)
  • CAM part: (prefix, index) pair
  • RAM part: (index, egress port) pair
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Router Architecture

Basic components

  • Network interfaces
    • Realize access to one of the attached networks
    • Functionalities of layers 1 and 2
    • Basic functions of IP
      • Including forwarding table lookup
  • Routing processor
    • Routing protocol
    • Management functionality
  • Switch fabric
    • „Backplane“
    • Realizes internal forwarding of packets from the input to the output port

Generic Router Architecture

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  • Conflicting design goals

    • High efficiency
      • Line speed
      • Low delay
    • Vs. low cost
      • Type and amount of required storage
      • Type of switch fabric
  • Blocking

    • E.g., packets arriving at the same time at different input ports that need the same output port

    • Measures that can help prevent blocking

      • Overprovisioning

        Internal circuits in switch fabric operate at a higher speed than the individual input ports

      • Buffering

        Queue packets at appropriate locations until resources are available At

        • network interfaces

        • In switch fabric

      • Backpressure

        • Signal the overload back towards the input ports
        • Input ports can then reduce load
      • Parallel switch fabrics

        • Allows parallel transport of multiple packets to output ports
        • Requires higher access speed at output ports


Problem: Simultaneous arrival of multiple packets for an output port

  • Sequential processing required, since packets can not be sent in parallel
  • Packets have to be buffered


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  • Packets arrive at input ports E1 and E2 at the same time, both must be forwarded to output A1
  • One out of the two packets requires buffering

Where to place the memory elements for buffering?

Evaluation of Alternatives

  • Parameters of switch fabric

    • $N$: Number of input and output ports
    • $M$: Total storage capacity
    • $S$: Speedup factor of the switch fabric
      • According to the speed of the input and output ports
    • $Z$: Cycle time of memory accesses
      • According to the transmission time of a packet at input and output ports
    • Delay und jitter (=variance of the delay)
  • Important

    • Additional mechanisms are required, e.g. flow control
    • Organization of memories, e.g. FIFO or RAM
  • In the following: simplifying assumptions

    • All ports operate at same data rate

    • All packets have same length

Input buffer

  • 💡 Idea: conflict resolution at input of switch fabric

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    • FIFO buffer per input port
    • Scheduling of inputs, e.g.
      • Round robin, priority controlled, depending on buffer levels, …
      • Jitter varies
    • Switch fabric internally non-blocking, i.e., no internal conflicts 👏
  • Requirements

    • Internal exchange with speed of connections ($S=1$)
    • Cycle time $Z = \frac{1}{2}$ (One packet in, one packet out)
  • Characteristics

    • 🔴 Problem: Head-of-Line blocking

      Waiting packet at head of the buffer blocks packet behind it that could be serviced

      Suppose that in the buffer of $I1$, the 1st packet are going to be sent to $O1$ and the 2nd packet are going to be sent to $O2$. But currently the 1st packet is blocked. This caused that the 2nd packet can not be processed, although $O2$ is not occupied. In other words, the 1st packet **blocks** the 2nd packet.

    • Maximum throughput is 75% for $𝑁 = 2$ and 58,58% for $𝑁 \to \infty$

Output buffer

  • 💡 Idea: conflict resolution at output of switch fabric

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    • FIFO buffer per output port
    • Switch fabric internally non-blocking, i.e., no internal conflicts
  • Requirements

    • Internal switching of packets at $N$ times the speed of the input ports:

      $$ S = N $$

      Switch fabric internally non-blocking

      $\rightarrow$ $N$ inputs must be processed at the same time (simultaneously)

    • Switching of $N$ packets during one cycle possible $\Rightarrow$

      $$ Z = \frac{1}{N + 1} $$

      In worst case, a buffer must take $N$ packets in and send one packet out.

    • Output buffer must be able to accept packets at $N$ times the speed

    • Input buffer necessary to accept a packet

  • Characteristics

    • Maximum throughput near 100%, usually at approx. 80-85%
    • Good behavior with respect to delay and jitter

Distributed buffer

  • 💡 Idea: conflict resolution inside switch fabric

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    • Switch fabric as matrix
    • FIFO buffer per crosspoint
  • Requirements

    • Matrix structure

    • Internal exchange with speed of connections: $𝑆 = 1 $

    • Cycle time: $Z = \frac{1}{2}$

  • Characteristics

    • No Head-of-Line blocking 👏

    • Higher memory requirement $M$ than input or output buffering 🤪

Central buffer

  • 💡 Idea: conflict resolution with shared buffer

    • All input and output ports are connected to a shared buffer (organization: RAM

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  • Requirements

    • Cycle time $Z = \frac{1}{2N}$
    • Address and control memory for address information of packets and control of parallel memory accesses
  • Characteristics

    • Significantly lower memory requirements

    • But: requirements with respect to memory access time are higher 🤪

Buffer placement summary

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Switch fabric

  • Four typical basic structures

  • Evaluation

    • The internal blocking behavior (Blocking / non-blocking)

    • The presence of buffers (Buffered / unbuffered)

    • Topology and number of levels of the switching network and number of possible routes

    • The control principle for packet routing (Self-controlling / table-controlled)

    • The internal connection concept (Connection oriented / connectionless)

Bus or ring structure

  • 💡 Idea

    • Conflict-free access through time-division multiplexing

    • Transmission capacity bus / ring

      • At least the sum of the transmission capacities of all input ports

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  • Characteristics

    • Easy support for multicast and broadcast

    • Spatial extension of a bus system is limited. Usually low number of connections (up to approx. 16)


  • 💡 Idea: Each input connected to each output via crossbar

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    • $N$ inputs, $N$ outputs $\Rightarrow$ $N^2$ crosspoints
  • Characteristics

    • Partial parallel switching of packets possible

    • Multiple packets for the same output $\rightarrow$ Blocking $\to$ Buffering required

    • High wiring costs with a large number of inputs and outputs

      • Mostly limited to 2x2 or 16x16 matrices
    • Especially efficient with packets of the same size

Multi-level Switching Networks

From the switching states of an elementary switching matrix

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multilevel connection networks can be set up. E.g.,

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  • Less wiring effort than crossbar

  • Each input can be connected to each output

  • Not all connections possible at the same time

    • internal blocking possible


What are important responsibilities of the network layer?
Which basic operations are usually performed by an IP router in order to forward a packet to its destination?
Why are high link-speeds such a big problem for modern forwarding hardware?
How does longest prefix matching work in general?
What are efficient (software) data structures for handling longest prefix matching and how do they work?
In what way can hash tables support a trie-based address lookup?
What is a TCAM?
What are the main benefits and problems of the TCAM technology?
How does the introduced generic router architecture look like?
Where can buffer elements be placed inside a switch? What are the associated benefits and drawbacks?