Label Switching

Summary of Label Switching

Summary of Label Switching


Issues related to IP based routing

  • Lookup is rather complex

    • Longest matching prefix $\rightarrow$ high performance forwarding needed
  • Shortest path routing selects shortest path to destination

    • Multiple paths to destination can not be utilized concurrently $\rightarrow$ traffic engineering desirable
  • Strictly packet based

    • Each IP datagram is handled individually – no support for data streams (flows) 🤪


What is a flow?

A flow is a sequence of packets traversing a network that share a set of header field values.

Different levels of granularity possible, e.g.,

  • All packets belonging to a particular TCP connection
  • HTTPS traffic
  • VoIP traffic
    • Of a particular sender
    • Within a network


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Flow Based Forwarding

  • Fundamental concept, independent of certain layers
    • Can span multiple layers
  • Incorporates classic routing/forwarding concepts
  • Goes beyond classic concepts


  • Micro-flows

    • Consider a single “connection” e.g., a TCP connection

    • Fine grained control

    • High number of flows possible

  • Macro-flows

    • Higher level of aggregation

    • Aggregation of several “connections”

      • e.g., IP destination address in specific subnet
    • Lower number of flows

Label Switching

Classification of Communication Networks

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Label Switching

  • Combination of

    • Packet switching

      • Packets are forwarded individually (data path is NOT fixed)

      • Packets include metadata needed for forwarding decision

    • Circuit switching

      • Paths established for flows through the network (data path is fixed)

      • Simple forwarding decision

      • Differentiation of flows possible

        • Load balancing
        • Quality of service (QoS)
  • Implementation

    • Switching at layer 2, Instead of routing at layer 3
    • Labels: Identification which is only locally valid
    • Virtual circuits: Sequence of labels


  • Short unstructured identification of fixed length
    • Does NOT carry any layer-3-information

    • Unique: only locally at the corresponding switch

    • Label swapping: Mapping from input label to output label

  • Virtual circuit: Identified through sequence of labels at the path

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Transport of Label

Label must be transported within the packet

  • Additional „header“ in the packet, between headers of layer 2 and layer 3 $\rightarrow$ layer 2.5

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  • Alternative: In specialized fields within existing packet headers

    • IPv6: flow label (20 bit field in IPv6 header, to identify micro flows more easily)

Label Switching Domain

Basic architecture

  • Border of the domain (edge devices)
    • Add / remove label

    • Map flow to forwarding class

    • Access control

  • Within the domain (switching device)
    • Forward packets based on label information
    • Label swapping

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Label Forwarding Information Base

Forwarding table in case of label switching: Efficient access through label (NO longest prefix matching needed).


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Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)

General Aspects


  • Based on label switching
  • Originally: data plane optimization
  • Standardized within the IETF
  • Increasingly applied in larger autonomous systems
  • Main Features
    • Fast forwarding (due to reduced amount of packet processing)
    • QoS support
      • Guarantees on latency and capacity, e.g., for voice traffic
    • Traffic engineering
      • Supports load balancing in order to optimize network utilization …
    • Virtual private networks
      • Isolate traffic from other packets on the Internet
    • Multiple networks support
      • Usable on different network technologies, e.g., IP, ATM …

👍 Advantages

  • Clear separation of forwarding (label switching) and control (manipulation of label binding)
  • Not limited to IP
  • Support of metrics
  • Versatile concept
  • Scales

Architecture, Components and Basic Operation


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  • Label-switching router (LSR)

    • MPLS-capable IP router

      • Can forward packets based on both, IP prefixes and MPLS labels
      • Typically: IP for control plane and MPLS for data plane
    • Architecture:

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  • Label edge router (LER)

    • Router at the edge of an MPLS domain
      • Each LSR with a non-MPLS capable neighbor is an LER
      • Also called: label ingress router resp. label egress router
    • Classifies packets that enter the MPLS domain
  • MPLS-Node: General term for MPLS-capable intermediate systems, like LSRs

Forwarding Equivalence Classs

  • Class of packets that should be treated equally

    • Same path through the network

    • Same QoS properties

  • Basis for label assignment

  • MPLS-specific term, roughly comparable to „flow“

  • Example

    • Same address prefix and same type-of-service field

    • Same IP addresses and same port numbers

    • VoIP traffic with destination address in subnet X

  • Granularity

    • Coarse-grained: Important for quick forwarding and scalability
    • Fine-grained: Important for differentiated treatment of packets or flows

Example 1: Very fine granular FEC (“micro flow”)

  • A single TCP connection, identified by 5-tuple

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Example 2: data streams differentiation

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  • Traffic engineering

    • Usage of different paths

    • Goals

      • Load balancing

      • Utilization of all available resources

      • Prioritization of individual data streams

      (realized through separate virtual connections)

  • Support of quality of service

  • Different quality of service for different data streams

Label Switched Path

Virtual connection: Sequence of labels on a path through MPLS domain.


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Encapsulation: Between headers of layer 2 (Data Link layer) and layer 3 (Network layer)

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  • Label: the label itself
  • Exp: Bits for experimental usage
  • S: Stack-bit
  • TTL: Time-to-live

Label Distribution

  • Label Binding

    • Associate specific label to FEC
    • Stored in label forwarding information base
      • Used as incoming label
  • Label distribution

    • Label binding is distributed to neighboring routers
    • Stored in label forwarding information base
      • Used as outgoing label

Types of Label Distribution

  • “Roles” of a label-switching router

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    • Downstream LSR: In direction of data flow
    • Upstream LSR: Against direction of data flow
  • Unsolicited downstream

    • Router generates label bindings as soon as it is ready to forward MPLS packets of the respective FEC
      • Upstream neighbors (according to IP routing): update forwarding tables
        • Label used as outgoing label
      • Non-upstream neighbors can store label for later use
        • Quicker reactions on route changes
  • Downstream on demand

    • Downstream router generates label binding on demand
    • Upstream router has to request label binding for FEC

Label Distribution Protocol

RSVP (Resource ReserVation Protocol)
  • 🎯 Goal: bandwidth reservation for end-to-end data streams

  • Soft state principle

    • Establish a session and periodically signal that session is still alive
    • In case of failure state is automatically removed after some time
  • Signaling

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    • Path message
      • From sender to receiver

      • Find path to receiver

      • Each hop is recorded in the message

    • Resv message
      • From receiver to sender

      • Bandwidth reservation on return path

RSVP-TE (Traffic Engineering)
  • Extension to RSVP to support label distribution

    • Many additional fields and functionality, e.g., fast reroute
  • Signaling

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    • Path message
      • From upstream LER to downstream LER
      • Label request
      • Source route (“explicit route”) [optional]
    • Resv message
      • In response to path message

      • From downstream LER to upstream LER

      • Label binding (hop-per-hop)

Virtual Private Networks

  • MPLS is useful for virtual private networks (VPNs)
  • Use case: VPN traffic engineering
    • Customer with sites at different locations (e.g., different cities) wants to lease seamless “network” service
    • Requirements
      • Connect physically remote locations

      • Carry IP-based intranet traffic

      • Each customer has obtained an IP address block

      • Guaranteed bandwidth / SLAs

    • Options
      • “Dark fibre” provider
      • VPN backbone provider

Example: Private Networks over “Dark Fibre”

Suppose that three companies have sites at remote locations

  • Company A: Karlsruhe, Paris, Zürich

  • Company B: Karlsruhe, Paris

  • Company C: Karlsruhe, Paris

Each company runs a private network

  • Different subnet for each site from customers IP address space
  • Router connects site to other site(s)
  • Data is transported over leased fiber optic cables (“dark fibre”)
    • Capacity 155 Mbit/s, utilization marked in graph

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A provider uses MPLS to offer virtual private networks

  • Has „points of presence (PoP)“ in all three cities

  • Offers bandwidth at arbitrary rates

  • Is cheaper than leasing fiber optic cables

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Question: Can the provider serve the need of all three companies?

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The answer is: YES! By utilizing non-shortest paths!

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We can achieve that using VPNs implemented by Label Switching

  • Outer label: identifies path to LER

  • Inner label: identifies VPN instance / customer

For company A:

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  • Inner label $5$: Indicates that this packet belongs to company A\
  • Outer labels $2, 7, 1$: Label switching/Swapping

For company B:

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For company C:

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Label Distribution

Recall VPN example from above

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  • LSP for customer B (Karlsruhe $\rightarrow$ Paris) should take a “detour” over Zürich) to match bandwidth requirements

  • Setup of LSPs over explicitly given route with RSVP-TE

    • Example: LSP “Karlsruhe to Paris over Zürich”
      • RSVP-TE signaling initiated at upstream LER (LER-KA)
      • Note: LSPs are unidirectional!

How are the labels distributed?

  • LER-KA1 (upstream) sends Path Message to LER-P (downstream).

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  • LER-P receives the Path Message and send Resv Message back.

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Notice that we have label $2$ in the 5th step, and also in the 8th step. This is valid because labels are locally distributed.


  • MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching (2.5 layer protocol)