Internet Congestion Control

Internet Congestion Control

TCP congestion control summary

TCP congestion control summary

Focus on

  • congestion control in the context of the Internet and its transport protocol TCP
  • implicit window-based congestion control unless explicitly stated differently


Shared (Network) Resources

  • General problem: Multiple users use same resource
    • E.g., multiple video streams use same network link
  • 🎯 High level objective with respect to networks
    • Provide good utilization of network resources
    • Provide acceptable performance for users
    • Provide fairness among users / data streams
  • Mechanisms that deal with shared resources
    • Scheduling
    • Medium access control
    • Congestion control

Congestion Control Problem

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  • Adjusts load introduced to shared resource in order to avoid overload situations
  • Utilizes feedback information (implicit or explicit)

β€œCritical” Situations

  • Example 1

    Router concurrently receives two packets from different input interfaces which are directed towards the same output interface. $\rightarrow$ Only one of these packets can be sent at a time.

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    What to do with the other packet?

    • Buffer or

    • Drop

  • Example 2

    Router has interfaces with different data rates

    • Input interface has high data rate
    • Output interface has low data rate

    Two successive packets of a same or different senders arrive at input interface.

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    What to do with the second packet? The output interface is still busy sending the first packet while the second arrives.

    • Buffer or
    • Drop


The terms buffer and queue are used interchangeably.
  • Routers need buffers (queues) to cope with temporary traffic bursts

  • Packets that can NOT be transmitted immediately are placed in the buffer

  • If buffer is filled up, packets need to be dropped πŸ€ͺ

  • Buffers add latency

    • Typically implemented as FIFO queues

    • Router can only start sending a queued packet after all packets in front of it have been sent

      Five green packets introduce queueing delay for blue packet

      Five green packets introduce queueing delay for blue packet

    • End-to-end latency of a packet includes

      • Propagation delay
      • Transmission delay
      • Queueing delay

General Problem

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  • Sender wants to send data through the network to the receiver

  • On every network path, the link with the lowest available data rate limits the maximum data rate that can be achieved end-to-end

    • This link is called bottleneck link
    • The maximum data rate of a link is called link capacity
  • πŸ”΄ Problem: sender can send more data than bottleneck link can handle

    • Sender can overload bottleneck link! πŸ€ͺ

      $\rightarrow$ Sender has to adjust its sending rate

How to find the β€œoptimal” sending rate?

Congestion Control vs. Flow Control

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  • Flow control
    • Bottleneck is located at receiver side
    • Receiver can not cope with desired data rate of sender
  • Congestion control
    • Bottleneck is located in the network
    • Bottleneck link does not provide sufficient available data rate
      • Leads to congested router / intermediate system

Congestion Collapse

Throughput vs. Goodput

  • Throughput: Amount of network layer data delivered in a time interval

    • E.g., 1 Gbit/s
    • Counts everything including retransmissions

    $\rightarrow$ the aggregated amount of data that flows through the router/link

  • Goodput: β€žApplication-levelβ€œ throughput

    • Amount of application data delivered in a time interval
    • Retransmissions at the transport layer do NOT count
    • Packets dropped in transmission do NOT count


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  • Load is small (below network capacity) $\rightarrow$ network keeps up with load

  • Load reaches network capacity (knee)

    • Goodput stops increasing, buffers build up, end-to-end latency increases

      $\rightarrow$ Network is congested!

  • Load increases beyond cliff

    • Packets start to be dropped, goodput drastically decreases $\rightarrow$ Congestion collapse
  • Load refers to aggregated network layer traffic that is introduced by all active data streams. This includes TCP retransmissions.
  • Network capacity refers to maximum load that network can handle.

How Could Congestion Collapse Happen?

Congestion due to

  • Single TCP connection
    • Exceeds available capacity at bottleneck link
    • Prerequisite: flow control window is large enough
  • Multiple TCP connections
    • Aggregated load exceeds available capacity
    • Single TCP connection has no knowledge about other TCP connections

Knee and Cliff

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  • Keep traffic load around knee

    • Good utilization of network capacity
    • Low latencies
    • Stable goodput
  • Prevent traffic from going over the cliff

    • High latencies
    • High packet losses
    • Highly decreased goodput

Challenge of Congestion Control

  • Challenge: Find β€œoptimal” sending rate
  • Usually, sender has NO global view of the network
  • NO trivial answer
    • Lots of algorithms for congestion control

Types of Congestion Control

Window-based Congestion Control

Congestion Control Window (πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘)

  • Determines maximum number of unacknowledged packets allowed per TCP connection
  • Assumes that packets are acknowledged by receiver
  • Basic window mechanism is similar to sliding window as applied for flow control purposes
  • Adjusts sending rate of source to bottleneck capacity $\rightarrow$ self-clocking

Rate-based Congestion Control

Controls sending rate, no congestion control window

  • Implemented by timers that determine inter packet intervals
    • High precision required
  • πŸ”΄ Problem: NO comparable cut-off mechanism, such as missing acknowledgements
    • Sender keeps sending even in case of congestion
  • Needed in case no acknowledgements are used
    • E.g., UDP

Implicit vs. Explicit Congestion Signals

  • Inplicit

    • Without dedicated support of the network
    • Implicit congestion signals
      • Timeout of retransmission timer
      • Receipt of duplicate acknowledgements
      • Round-Trip Time (RTT) variation
  • Explicit

    • Nodes inside the network indicate congestion

On the internet

  • Usually NO support for explicit congestion signals
  • Congestion control must work with implicit congestion signals only

End-to-end vs. Hop-by-hop

  • End-to-end

    • Congestion control operates on an end system basis
    • Nodes inside the network are NOT involved
  • Hop-by-hop

    • Congestion control operates on a per hop basis
    • Nodes inside the network are actively involved

Improved Versions of TCP

🎯 Goal

  • Estimate available network capacity in order to avoid overload situations
    • Provide feedback (congestion signal)
  • Limit the traffic introduced into the network accordingly
    • Apply congestion control

TCP Tahoe

TCP Recap

  • Connection establishment
    • 3 way handshake $\rightarrow$ Full duplex connection
  • Connection termination
    • Separately for each direction of transmission
    • 4 way handshake
  • Data transfer
    • Byte-oriented sequence numbers
    • Go-back-N
      • Positive cumulative acknowledgements
      • Timeout
    • Flow control (sliding window)

TCP Tahoe in a Nutshell

  • Mechanisms used for congestion control

    • Slow start
    • Timeout
    • Congestion avoidance
    • Fast retransmit
  • Congestion signal

    • Retransmission timeout or
    • Receipt of duplicate acknowledgements (π‘‘π‘’π‘π‘Žπ‘π‘˜)

    $\rightarrow$ In case of congestion signal: slow start

  • The following must always be valid

    $$ \text { LastByteSent }-\text { LastByteAcked } \leq \text { min\{CWnd, RcvWindow\} } $$
    • $\text{CWnd}$: Congestion Control Window
    • $\text{RcvWindow}$: Flow Control Window
  • Variables

    • $\text{CWnd}$: Convestion window
    • $\text{SSThres}$: Slow Start Threshold
      • Value of $\text{CWnd}$ at which TCP instance switches from slow start to congestion avoidance
  • Baisc approach: AIMD (additive increase, multiplicative decrease)

    • Additive increase of $\text{CWnd}$ after receipt of an acknowledgement
    • Multiplicative decrease of $\text{CWnd}$ if packet loss is assumed (congestion signal)
  • Initial values

    • $\text{CWnd}=1 \text{ MSS}$
      • $\text{MSS}$: Maximum Segment Size
      • Since RFC 2581: Initial Window $\text{IW} \leq 2 \cdot \text{MSS}$ and $\text{CWnd}=\text{IW}$
    • $\text{SSThres}$ initially set to β€œinfinite”
    • Number of duplicate ACKs (congestion signal): 3


  • $\text{CWnd} < \text{SSThres}$ and ACKs are being received: slow start

    • Exponential increase of congestion window
      • Upon receipt of an ACK: $\text{CWnd } \text{+= } 1$
  • $\text{CWnd} \geq \text{SSThres}$ and ACKs are being received: congestion avoidance

    • Linear increase of congestion window
      • Upon receipt of an ACK : $\text{CWnd } \text{+= } 1/\text{CWnd}$
  • Congestion signal: timeout or 3 duplicate acknowledgements: slow start

    • Congestion is assumed

    • Set

      $$ \text { SSThresh }=\max (\text { FlightSize } / 2, 2 * M S S) $$
      • $\text { FlightSize }$: amount of data that has been sent but not yet acknowledged
        • This amount is currently in transit
        • Might also be limited due to flow control
    • Set $\text{CWnd}=1 \text{ MSS}$ or $\text{CWnd}=\text{IW}$

    • On 3 duplicate ACKs: retransmission of potentially lost TCP segment


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Evolution of Congestion Window


  • No transmission errors, no packet losses
  • All TCP segments and acknowledgements are transmitted/received within single RTT
  • Flight-size equals CWnd
  • Congestion signal occurs during RTT

Initialize $\text{CWnd} = 1 \text{ MSS}$

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The $\text{CWnd}$ grows in “slow start” mode. When $\text{CWnd} = 16$, a timeout error occurs.

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This is a congestion signal. So we go back to “slow start”

  • Set $\text { SSThresh }=\max (\text { FlightSize } / 2, 2 * M S S)$

    • In this case, $\text{FlightSize} = 16$.

      So$\text { SSThresh }=\max (16 / 2, 2) \text{ MSS} = 8 \text{ MSS}$

  • Set $\text{CWnd}=1 \text{ MSS}$ or $\text{CWnd}=\text{IW}$

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Now $\text{CWnd} \geq \text{SSThres}$ $\rightarrow$ Switch to “congestion avoidance”!

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When $\text{CWnd} = 12$, a timeout error occurs.

We just perform the same handling as above.

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Fast Retransmit

  • Assume the following scenario

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    (Note: Not every segment that is received out of order indicates congestion. E.g., only one segment is dropped, otherwise data transfer is ok)

  • What would happen? Wait until retransmission timer expires, then retransmission

  • Waiting time is longer than a round trip time (RTT) $\rightarrow$ It will take a long time!πŸ€ͺ

  • Our goal is faster reaction

    • Retransmission after receipt of a pre-defined number of duplicate ACK

      $\rightarrow$ Much faster than waiting for expiration of retransmission timer

  • Example: suppose pre-defined number of duplicate ACK is 3

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TCP Reno

  • Differentiation between

    • Major congestion signal: Timeout of retransmission timer
    • Minor congestion signal: Receipt of duplicate ACKs
  • In case of a major congestion signal

    • Reset to slow start as in TCP Tahoe
  • In case of minor congestion signal

    • No reset to slow start

      • Receipt of duplicate ACK implies successful delivery of new segments, i.e., packets have left the network
      • New packets can also be injected in the network
    • In addition to the mechanisms of TCP Tahoe: fast recovery

      • Controls sending of new segments until receipt of a non-duplicate ACK

Fast Recovery

  • Starting condition: Receipt of a specified number of duplicate ACKs
    • Usually set to 3 duplicate ACKs
  • πŸ’‘ Idea: New segments should continue to be sent, even if packet loss is not yet recovered
    • Self clocking continuous
  • Reaction
    • Reduce network load by halving the congestion window Retransmit first missing segment (fast retransmit)
    • Consider continuous activity, i.e., further received segments while no new data is acknowledged
      • Increase congestion window by number of duplicate ACKs (usually 3)
      • Further increase after receipt of each additional duplicate ACK
    • Receipt of new ACK (new data is acknowledged)
      • Set congestion window to its value at the beginning of fast recovery

In Congestion Avoidance

  • If timeout: slow start
    • Set $\text { SSThresh }=\max (\text { FlightSize } / 2, 2 * M S S)$
    • $\text{CWnd}=1$
  • If 3 duplicate ACKs: fast recovery
    • Retransmission of oldest unacknowledged segment (fast retransmit)
    • Set $\text { SSThresh }=\max (\text { FlightSize } / 2, 2 * M S S)$
    • Set $\text{CWnd} = \text{SSThresh} + 3\text{MSS}$
    • Receipt of additional duplicate ACK
      • $\text{CWnd } \text{+= } 1$
      • Send new, i.e., not yet sent segments (if available)
    • Receipt of a β€œnew” ACK: congestion avoidance
      • $\text{CWnd} = \text{SSThresh}$

Evolution of Congestion Window with TCP Reno

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Analysis of Improvements

  • After observing congestion collapses, the following mechanisms (among others) were introduced to the original TCP (RFC 793)
    • Slow-Start

    • Round-trip time variance estimation

    • Exponential retransmission timer backoff

    • Dynamic window sizing on congestion

    • More aggressive receiver acknowledgement policy

  • 🎯 Goal: Enforce packet conservation in order to achieve network stability

Self Clocking

  • Recap: TCP uses window-based flow control

  • Basic assumption

    • Complete flow control window in transit
      • In TCP: receive window $π‘…π‘π‘£π‘Šπ‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘œπ‘€$
    • Bottleneck link with low data rate on the path to the receiver
  • Basic scenario

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Conservation of Packets

Slow Start

  • 🎯 Goal: bring TCP connection into equilibrium

    • Connection has just started or

    • Restart after assumption of (major) congestion

  • πŸ”΄ Problem: get the β€žclockβ€œ started (At the beginning of a connection there is no β€žclockβ€œ available.)

  • πŸ’‘ Basic idea (per TCP connection)

    • Do not send complete receive window (flow control) immediately
    • Gradually increase number of segments that can be sent without receiving an ACK
      • Increase the amount of data that can be in transit (β€œin-flight”)
  • Approach

    • Apply congestion window, in addition to receive window

      • Minimum of congestion and receive window can be sent
        • Congestion Window: $πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘$ $[𝑀𝑆𝑆]$
        • Receive Window: $Rcvπ‘Šπ‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘œπ‘€$ $[𝐡𝑦𝑑𝑒]$
    • New connection or congestion assumed

      $\rightarrow$ Reset of congestion window: $πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘ = 1$

    • Incoming ACK for sent (not retransmitted) segment

      • Increase congestion window by one: $πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘ = πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘ + 1$

      $\rightarrow$ Leads to exponential growth of πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘

      • Sending rate is at most twice as high as the bottleneck capacity!

Retransmission Timer

  • Assumption: Complete receive window in transit

  • Alternative 1: ACK received

    • A segment was delivered and, thus, exited the network $\rightarrow$ conservation of packets is fulfilled
  • Alternative 2: retransmission timer expired

    • Segment is dropped in the network: conservation of packets is fulfilled

    • Segment is delayed but not dropped: conservation of packets NOT fulfilled

      $\rightarrow$ Too short retransmission timeout causes connection to leave equilibrium

  • Good estimation of Round Trip Time (RTT) essential for a good timer value!

    • Value too small: unnecessary retransmissions

    • Value too large: slow reaction to packet losses

Estimation of Round Trip Time

  • Timer-based RTT measurement

    • Timer resolution varies (up to 500 ms)
    • Requirements regarding timer resolutions vary
  • SampleRTT

    • Time interval between transmission of a segment and reception of corresponding acknowledgement
    • Single measurement
    • Retransmissions are ignored
  • EstimatedRTT

    • Smoothed value across a number of measurements
    • Observation: measured values can fluctuate heavily
  • Apply exponential weighted moving average (EWMA)

    • Influence of each value becomes gradually less as it ages
    • Unbiased estimator for average value
    $$ EstimatedRTT=(1-\alpha) * EstimatedRTT+\alpha * SampleRTT $$

    ​ (Typical value for $\alpha$: 0.125)

  • Derive value for retransmission timeout (RTO)

    $$ 𝑅𝑇𝑂 = \beta βˆ— πΈπ‘ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘π‘…π‘‡π‘‡ $$
    • Recommended value for $\beta$: 2

Estimation of Deviation

  • 🎯 Goal: Avoid the observed occasional retransmissions

  • Observation: Variation of RTT can greatly increase in higher loaded networks

    • Consequently, $EstimatedRTT$ requires higher β€œsafety margin”
    • Estimation error: difference between measured/sampled and estimated RTT
  • Computation

    $$ \begin{array}{l} &Deviation =(1-\gamma) * Deviation+\gamma * \left|SampleRTT- EstimatedRTT \right| \\\\ &RTO =EstimatedRTT +\beta * Deviation \end{array} $$
    • Recommended values: $\alpha = 0.125, \beta = 4, \gamma = 0.25$

Multiple Retransmissions

  • How large should the time interval be between two subsequent retransmissions of the same segment?

    • Approach: Exponential backoff

      After each new retransmission RTO doubles:

      $$ 𝑅𝑇𝑂 = 2 βˆ— 𝑅𝑇𝑂 $$
      • Maximal value should be applied. It should be $$ 60 seconds
  • To which segment does the received ACK belong – to the original segment or to the retransmission?

    • Approach: Karnβ€˜s Algorithm
      • ACKs for retransmitted segments are not included into the calculation of $EstimatedRTT$ and $Deviation$
      • Backoff is calculated as before
      • Timeout value is set to the value calculated by backoff algorithm until an ACK to a non-retransmitted segment is received
      • Then original algorithm is reactivated

Congestion Avoidance

  • Consider multiple concurrent TCP connections

  • Assumption: TCP connection operates in equilibrium

    • Packet loss is with a high probability caused by a newly started TCP connection

      • New connection requires resources on bottleneck router/link

      $\rightarrow$ Load of already existing TCP connection(s) needs to be reduced

  • Basic components

    • Implicit congestion signals

      • Retransmission timeout
      • Duplicate acknowledgements
    • Strategy to adjust traffic load: AIMD

      • Additively increase load if no congestion signal is experienced
  • On acknowledgement received: $πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘ += 1/πΆπ‘Šπ‘›π‘‘$

  • Multiplicatively decrease load in case a congestion signal was experienced

    - On retransmission timeout
      CWnd = \gamma * CWnd, \quad 0< \gamma < 1


    - In TCP Tahoe: $\gamma = 1/2

Optimization Criteria

Basic Scenario

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  • $𝑁$ sender that use same bottleneck link
    • Data rate of sender $i$: $r\_i(t)$

    • Capacity of bottleneck link: $C$

  • Bottleneck link: Link with lowest available data rate on the path to the receiver

Network-limited sender

  • Assume that the sender always has data to send and data are sent as quickly as possible
  • Sender can send a full window of data
  • Congestion control limits the data rate of such a sender to the available capacity at the bottleneck link

Application-limited sender

  • Data rate of the sender is limited by the application and not by the network
  • Sender sends less data as allowed by the current window


  • Closeness of the total load on the bottleneck link to its link capacity
    • $\sum\_{j=1}^{N} r\_{i}(j)$ should be as close to 𝐢 as possible, i.e., close to the knee
    • Overload and underload are not desirable


  • All senders that share the bottleneck link get a fair allocation of the bottleneck link capacity

  • Examples

    • Jain ́s fairness index

      • Quantify β€žamountβ€œ of unfairness

        $$ F\left(r\_{i}, \ldots, r\_{N}\right)=\frac{\left(\sum r\_{i}\right)^{2}}{N\left(\sum r\_{i}^{2}\right)} $$
      • Fairness index $\in [0, 1]$

        • Totally fair allocation has fairness index of $1$ (i.e., all $r\_i$ are equal)
        • Totally unfair allocation has fairness index of $1/N$ (i.e., one user gets entire capacity)
    • Max-min fairness

      • Situation

        • Users share resource. Each user has an equal right to the resource
        • But: some users intrinsically demand fewer resources than others (E.g., in case of application-limited senders)
      • Intuitive allocation of fair share

        • Allocates users with a β€œsmall” demand what they want
        • Equally distributes unused resources to β€œbig” users
      • πŸ’‘ Max-min fair allocation

        • Resources are allocated in order of increasing demand

        • No source gets a resource share larger than its demand

        • Sources with unsatisfied demands get an equal share of the resource

      • Implementation

        • Senders $1, 2, ... 𝑁$ with demanded sending rates $s\_1, s\_2, ..., s\_N$
          • Without loss of generality: $s\_1 \leq s\_2 \leq ...\leq s\_N$
        • $C$: capacity
        • Give $\frac{C}{N}$ to sender with smallest demand
          • In case this is more than demanded, then $\frac{C}{N}βˆ’ s\_1$ is still available to others
        • $\frac{C}{N} βˆ’ s\_1$ equally distributed to others $\Rightarrow$ each gets $ \frac{C}{N} + \frac{\frac{C}{N} - s\_1}{N- 1}$
      • Example


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  • Responsiveness: Speed with which $r\_i$ gets to equilibrium rate at knee after starting from any starting state
    • May oscillate around goal (= network capacity)
  • Smoothness: Size of oscillations around network capacity at steady state

(Smaller is better in both cases)

On Fairness

How to divide resources among TCP connections?

$\rightarrow$ Strive for fair allocation πŸ’ͺ

🎯 Goal: all TCP connections receive equal share of bottleneck resource

  • the share should be non-zero
  • equal share is not ideal for all applications πŸ€”

Example: $𝑁$ TCP connections share same bottleneck, Each TCP connection receives $(1/𝑁)$-th of bottleneck capacity

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  • β€œGreedy” user: opens multiple TCP connections concurrently

    • Example

      • Link with capacity $𝐷$, two users, one connection per user

        $\rightarrow$ Each user gets capacity $\frac{D}{2}$

      • Link with capacity $𝐷$, two users, user 1 with a single connection, user 2

        with nine connections

        $\rightarrow$ User 1 can use $\frac{1}{10}D$ , user 2 can use $\frac{9}{10}D$

  • β€œGreedy” receiver

    • Can send several ACKs per received segment
    • Can send ACKs faster than it receives segments

Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease

  • General feedback control algorithm

  • Applied to congestion control

    • Additive increase of data rate until congestion

    • Multiplicative decrease of data rate in case of congestion signal

    $$ r_{i}(t+1)= \begin{cases} r_{i}(t)+a & \text { if no congestion is detected } \\\\ r_{i}(t) * b & \text { if congestion is detected } \end{cases} $$
  • Converges to equal share of capacity at bottleneck link

AIMD: Fairness

  • Network with two sources that share a bottleneck link with capacity $𝐢$
  • 🎯 Goal: bring system close to optimal point $(\frac{𝐢}{2} , \frac{𝐢}{2})$
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  • Efficiency line

    • $r\_1 + r\_2 = C$ holds for all points on the line
    • Points under the line means underloaded $\rightarrow$ Control decision: increase rate
    • Points above the line means overloaded $\rightarrow$ Control decision: decrease rate
  • Fairness line

    • All allocations with fair allocation, i.e. $r\_1 = r\_2$
    • Multiplying with $𝑏$ does not change fair allocation: $br\_1 = br\_2$
  • Optimal operating point

    • Intersection of efficiency line and fairness line: point $(\frac{𝐢}{2} , \frac{𝐢}{2})$
  • Optimality of AIMD

    • Additive increase

      • Resource allocation of both users increased by $\alpha$
      • In the graph: moving up along a 45-degree line
    • Multiplicative decrease

      Move down along the line that connects to the origin

    $\rightarrow$ Point of operation iteratively moves closer to optimal operating point πŸ‘

Periodic Model

Performance metrics of interest

  • Throughput How much data can be transferred in which time interval?
  • Latency How high is the experienced delay?
  • Completion time How long until the transfer of an object/file is finished?


  • $X$: Sending rate measured in segments per time interval
  • $RTT$: Round trip time [seconds]
  • $p$: Loss probability of a segment
  • $MSS$: Maximum segment size [bit]
  • $W$: Value of a congestion window [MSS]
  • $D$: Data rate measured in bit per second [bit/s]

Periodic Model

  • Simple model – strong simplifications

  • 🎯 Goals

    • Model long-term steady state behavior of TCP

    • Evaluate achievable throughput of a TCP connection under certain network conditions

  • Basic assumptions

    • Network has constant loss probability $p$
    • Observed TCP connection does not influence $p$
  • Further simplification: periodic losses

    • For an individual connection segment losses are equally spaced

      $\rightarrow$ Link delivers $N = \frac{1}{p}$ segments followed by a segment loss

  • Additional simplifications / model assumptions

    • Slow start is ignored

    • Congestion window increases linearly (congestion avoidance)

    • RTT is constant

    • Losses are detected using duplicate ACKs (No timeouts)

    • Retransmissions are not modelled

      • Go-Back-N is not modelled
    • Connection only limited by $CWnd$

      • Flow control (receive window) is never a limiting factor
    • Always $MSS$ sized segments are sent

  • Under given assumptions we have the diagram:

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    • Progress of CWnd: Perfect periodic saw tooth curve $$ \frac{W}{2}*MSS \leq CWnd \leq W * MSS $$ Note: Here $W$ is unitless.
  • Data rate when segment loss occurs?

    $$ D = \frac{W * MSS}{RTT} $$
  • How long until congestion window reaches π‘Š again?

    $$ \frac{W}{2} * RTT $$
  • Average data rate of a TCP connection?

    $$ D = \frac{0.75W * MSS}{RTT} $$

Step 1: Determine $W$ as a function of $p$

  • Minimal value of congestion window: $\frac{W}{2}$

  • Congestion window opens by one segment per RTT

    • Duration of a period: $$ t = \frac{W}{2} \text{ round trip times } = \frac{W}{2}*RTT \text{ seconds } $$
  • Number of delivered segments within one period

    • Corresponds to the area under the saw tooth curve

      $$ N=\left(\frac{W}{2}\right)^{2}+\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{W}{2}\right)^{2}=\frac{3}{8} W^{2} $$
    • According to the assumptions $N = \frac{1}{p}$

    $\Rightarrow W = \sqrt{\frac{8}{3p}}$

Step 2: Determine data rate $D$ as a function of $p$

Average data rate

$$ D=\frac{N * M S S}{t} $$

We have assumption $N = \frac{1}{p}$ and period duration is $\frac{W}{2}*RTT$ [s]

$$ \Rightarrow D=\frac{\frac{1}{p} * M S S}{R T T * \frac{W}{2}} $$

In step 1 we have $W=\sqrt{\frac{8}{3 p}}$

$$ D=\frac{1}{R T T} \sqrt{\frac{3}{2 p}} * M S S $$

This is called “Inverse Square-Root $𝑝$ Law”


ζˆͺ屏2021-03-16 17.37.44

Active Queue Management (AQM)

Simple Queue Management

  • Buffer in the router is full
    • Next segment must be dropped $\rightarrow$ Tail drop
  • TCP detects congestion and backs off
  • πŸ”΄ Problems
    • Synchronization: Segments of several TCP connections are dropped (almost) at the same time
    • Nearly full buffer cannot absorb short bursts

Active Queue Management

  • Basic approach

    • Detect arising congestion within the network

    • Give early feedback to senders

    • Routers drop (or mark) segments, before queue completely filled up

      • Randomization: random decision on which segment to be dropped
    • Observations at the receiver on layer 4 Typically only a single segment is missing

  • AQM algorithms

Random Early Detection

  • Approach

    ζˆͺ屏2021-03-16 17.47.38
    • Average queue occupancy $< q\_{min}$

      • No drop of segments ($𝑝 = 0$)
    • $q\_{min} \leq$ average queue occupancy $< q\_{max}$

      • Probability of dropping an incoming packet is linearly increased with average queue occupancy
    • Average queue occupancy $ \geq q\_{max}$

      • Drop all segments ($𝑝 = 1$)

Explicit Congestion Notification

  • 🎯 Goal: Send explicit congestion signal, avoid unnecessary packet drops

  • Approach

    • Enable AQM to explicitly notify about congestion

    • AQM does not have to drop packets to create implicit congestion signal

  • How to notify?

    • Mark IP datagram, but do not drop it
    • Marked IP datagram is forwarded to receiver
  • How to react?

    • Marked IP datagram is delivered to receiver instance of IP
    • Information must be passed to corresponding receiver instance of TCP
    • TCP sender must be notified

Additional Resource

TCP Congestion Control πŸ‘

3.7 - TCP Congestion Control | FHU - Computer Networks πŸ‘