
Aloha, Slotted Aloha


First MAC protocol for packet-based wireless networks

  • Media access control (MAC)

    • Time multiplex, variable, random access
    • NO previous sensing of medium and no announcement of intended transmission
    • Asynchronous access
  • 🔴 Problem: Collision possible

  • Schema

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Slotted Aloha

  • Like Aloha, but

    • Uses time slots

      • Synchronized access only at beginning of time slot
    • On average less collisions than with Aloha

  • Schema

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How well can the capacity of the medium be utilized?

Evaluation of Slotted Aloha

  • Assumptions

    • Based on the design
      • All systems start transmissions at beginning of time slot
      • All systems work synchronized
    • Simplifications
      • All packets have same length and fit into one time slot
        • If a collision arises, all systems notice it before end of the time slot
      • All systems always want to send data
        • Every system sends in each time slot with a probability of $𝑝$
      • If a collision occurs
        • Packet will be repeated with a probability of $𝑝$ in all following time slots until the transmission is successful
  • There are $𝑁$ active systems in the network

    • Probability that a system starts sending: $𝑝$
    • Probability that $𝑁 − 1$ systems are not sending: $(1 - p)^{N-1}$
    • Probability that a given system succeeds: $p(1 - p)^{N-1}$
    • Probability for successful transmission of any one system: $Np(1 - p)^{N-1}$
  • Seeking for maximum utilization $U\_{max}$

    • Need $p^*$ s.t. $Np(1 - p)^{N-1}$ reaches its maximum

      • Solution: $p^\* = \frac{1}{N}$
    • Therefore:

      $$ \begin{array}{l} &N p^{\*}\left(1-p^{\*}\right)^{N-1}=\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{N-1}\\\\ &\displaystyle{\lim \_{N \rightarrow \infty}}\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{N-1}=\frac{1}{e}\\\\ &U\_{\max }=\frac{1}{e}=0.36 \end{array} $$

Evaluation of Aloha

  • Simplifying assumptions

    • All packets have same length
    • Immediate notification about collisions
    • On collision: Packet will be repeated immediately with probability $𝑝$
    • On successful transmission
      • Wait for transmission time of packet
      • Then: continue sending with probability $𝑝$ and continue waiting with probability $1 − 𝑝$
  • Observation: Collision occurs

    ​ a) if previous packet from other system has not been send completely, or

    ​ b) if other system starts sending before ongoing transmission is finished

  • There are $𝑁$ active systems in the network

    • Probability that a system starts sending: $𝑝$
    • Probability for (a) and (b): $(1 - p)^{N-1}$
    • Probability for successful transmission of any one system: $Np(1 - p)^{2(N-1)}$
  • Further observations as for Slotted Aloha

    $$ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle{\lim\_{N \rightarrow \infty}} \frac{N}{2 N-1}\left(1-\frac{1}{2 N-1}\right)^{2(N-1)}=\frac{1}{2 e} \\\\ \Rightarrow U_{\max }=\frac{1}{2 e}=0.18 \end{array} $$

Comparison of Utilization Between Aloha and Slotted Aloha

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CSMA-based Approaches

CSMA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access

    • CD = Collision Detection (“Listen before talk, listen while talk“)
    • Sending system can detect collisions by listening
    • Usage example: Ethernet
    • CA = Collision Avoidance
    • Sending system assumes collisions when acknowledgement is missing
      • MAC-layer acknowledgements, stop-and-wait
    • Usage example: WLAN

Ethernet Variants

Ethernet variantsData rateTopologyMedium accessEvaluationLayersFlow control
Original10 Mbit/sbusCSMA/CD
  • Check medium
  • 1-persistent sending
  • Collision detection by sender
  • Exponential backoff
  • Utilization1 and 2a
    Fast Ethernet100 Mbit/sstarCSMA/CDImplicit / Explicit
    Gigabit Ethernet1 Gbit/sstarCarrier extension, frame bursting

    The Original

    • Standardized as IEEE 802.3

    • Medium access control

      • Time multiplex, variable, random access

      • Asynchronous access

      • Uses CSMA/CD

        • Collisions detection through listening

        • Exponential backoff

        • 1-persistent

      • Network topology

        • Originally: Bus topology
      • Data rate

        • Originally: 10 Mbit/s
      • Wire based

        • Originally: Coaxial cable
    • Standard consists of

      • Layer 1 and

      • Layer 2a (MAC-Protocol)

    • CSMA/CD-based approach

      • Check medium

        • Considered free if no activity is detected for 96 bit times
          • 96 bit times = Inter Frame Space (IFS)
      • Sending: 1-persistent


        1-persistent CSMA is an aggressive transmission algorithm. When the transmitting node is ready to transmit, it senses the transmission medium for idle or busy.

        • If idle, then it transmits immediately.
        • If busy, then it senses the transmission medium continuously until it becomes idle, then transmits the message (a frame) unconditionally (i.e. with probability=1).
        • In case of a collision, the sender waits for a random period of time and attempts the same procedure again.

        1-persistent CSMA is used in CSMA/CD systems including Ethernet.

      • Collision detection by sender

        • Abort sending
        • Send jamming signal (length of 48 bit, format 1010...)
        • Ensure collision detection: Minimum length of frame
      • Exponential backoff for repeated transmissions

    Collision Detection

    • Collision detection by sender

      • Detection must happen before transmission is finished

        $\rightarrow$ We need Minimum duration for sending

        • Doubled maximum propagation delay $t\_a$ of the medium

          $\rightarrow$ Minimum length of a 802.3-MAC frame required

      • In case of shorter frames

        • No reliable collision detection 🤪
        • No CSMA/CD, only CSMA 🤪
    • How to enforce minimum frame length?

      • Implemented transparently for the application
        • I.e., application can transmit small portions of data if desired
      • Frame is extended by padding field (PAD)

    Ethernet Frame


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    Between two frames: IFS

    Evaluation Ethernet: Utilization

    • 🎯 Goal: Derive upper bound of utilization $U\_{max}$

    • Assumption

      • Perfect protocol

        • No transmission errors, no overhead, no processing time, …
      • Achieved throughput

        $$ r\_{e}=\frac{X}{t\_{s}+t\_{a}}=\frac{X}{X / r+d / v} $$
        • $r\_e$: effective data rate
        • $X$: #bits to transmit
        • $t\_a$: propagation delay
        • $t\_s$: transmission delay
        • $r$: data rate
        • $d$: medium distance
        • $v$: transmission speed
      • Parameter $𝑎$ often used for performance evaluation

        $$ a= \frac{\text{propagation delay}}{\text{transmission delay}} = \frac{t\_{a}}{t\_{s}}=\frac{d / v}{X / r}=\frac{r d}{X v} $$
      • Utilization under optimal circumstances

        $$ U\_{\max }=\frac{r\_{e}}{r}=\frac{1}{1+a} $$
      • Local network with $𝑁$ active systems

        • Each system can always send a frame
        • System sends frames with probability $𝑝$
      • Maximum normalized propagation delay of $𝑎$

        • I.e., transmission time $t\_s$ of each frame is normalized to 1
      • Time is logically partitioned in time slots

        • Length is doubled end-to-end propagation delay (i.e., $2a$)
    • Observations

      • Two types of time intervals

      • Transmission intervals: $\frac{1}{2a}$ time slots

        • Transmission time $t\_s$ is normalized to 1
        • Length of each time slot is $2a$

        $\Rightarrow$ We need $\frac{1}{2a}$ time slots

      • Collision intervals: collisions or no transmissions

      $$ U\_{\max }=\frac{\text { Transmission interval }}{\text { Transmission interval }+\text { Collision interval }} $$
    • Evaluation

      $$ \lim \_{N \rightarrow \infty} U\_{\max }=\frac{1}{1+3.44 a} $$

      Average length $l\_k$ of a collision interval (measured in time slots)

      • Probability $A$ that exactly one system is sending:

        $$ A = Np(1 - p)^{N-1} $$
      • Function has maximum at $p^\* = \frac{1}{N} \Rightarrow A^\* = (1 - \frac{1}{N})^{N-1}$

      • Probability that in $i$ following time slots a collision or no transmission occurs,

        followed by a time slot with transmission

        $$ \left(1-A^{\*}\right)^{i} A^{\*} $$
      • Average length $l\_k$:

        $$ E\left[l\_{k}\right]=\sum\_{i=1}^{\infty} i\left(1-A^{\*}\right)^{i} A^{\*} \to \frac{1-A^\*}{A\*} $$


      $$ U\_{\max }=\frac{\text { Transmission interval }}{\text { Transmission interval }+\text { Collision interval }} = \frac{1 /(2 a)}{1 /(2 a)+\left(1-A^{\*}\right) / A^{\*}}=\frac{1}{1+2 a\left(1-A^{\*}\right) / A^{\*}} $$

      For increasing number $N$ of systems

      $$ \lim \_{N \rightarrow \infty} A^{\*}=\lim \_{N \rightarrow \infty}\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{N-1}=1 / e $$ $$ \Rightarrow \lim \_{N \rightarrow \infty} U\_{\max }=\frac{1}{1+3.44 a} $$

    Fast Ethernet

    • Standardization: 1995 standardized as IEEE 802.3u (100Base-TX)
    • Important features
      • Data rate: 100 Mbit/s
        • Switchable between 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s
        • Automatic negotiation
      • Network topology: Star
      • Medium access control
        • CSMA/CD (for half duplex links)
        • Preserve Ethernet frame format
      • Modified encoding

    Ethernet Flow Control

    • Goal: Avoid packet losses due to buffer overflow
    • Approach: Reduce traffic transmitted to the switch
    • Apply flow control at layer 2
      • Half-duplex links (shared LAN)
        • Implicit flow control
        • Backpressure: prevent potential transmitter from actually sending traffic
      • Full-duplex links
        • Explicit flow control
    Implicit Flow Control
    • Half-duplex links

    • Two backpressure methods

      • Enforce collision
      • Pretend medium is busy
    Explicit Flow Control
    • Full duplex link

    • Pause function

      • Receiver transmits PAUSE frame in case of an overload situation

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      • Sender stops transmitting data frames when receiving a PAUSE frame

      • Implicit continuation after pause time given in PAUSE frame (multiple of time for sending 512 bit)

      • Explicit continuation when receiving PAUSE frame with time=0

    • PAUSE function is part of the sublayer MAC control (extension of MAC layer)

    MAC Control sublayer
    • Handling of frames

      • MAC control frames terminate on the MAC control sublayer or are generated by it
      • All other frames are passed from/to higher layers

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    • MAC Control Frame

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      • Type = 0x8808

      • MCC: MAC Control Opcode

        • Code for selected control function
        • 0x0001: PAUSE frame
      • MAC Control Parameters: Unused part filled with zeros at the end

    Gigabit Ethernet

    • Important characteristics

      • Data rate: 1 Gbit/s
      • Network topology: Star
      • Medium access control
        • CSMA/CD (for half-duplex links)
        • Preserve Ethernet frame format
    • New concepts

      • Modify medium access control: Carrier extension
      • Optional possibilities for improved throughput: Frame bursting

    Carrier Extension

    • Goal: Ensure collision detection

    • Approach: Increase transmission delay without modifying Ethernet frame structure

    • Basic enhancements

      • Length of time slot ≠ minimum length of frame

        • Minimum frame length: 512 bit
        • New length of time slot: 512 byte
      • Frame with carrier extension


    Frame Bursting

    • Goal: Efficient transmission of short frames

    • Approach: Systems are permitted to send burst of frames directly following each other

      • First frame with extension, if required
      • Following frames directly back-to-back (no extension)
    • Schema

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    • Today ́s Ethernet is very different from the original version developed by Metcalf and Boggs
    • One constant has remained: The Ethernet frame format

    Spanning Tree


    • 🎯 Goal: Connect local area networks (LANs) on layer 2

    • Properties

      • Filter function: Detaches intra-network traffic in one LAN from inter-network-traffic to other LANs
    • Schema

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    • Types

      • Source-Routing bridges

        • End systems add forwarding information in send packets
          • Bridges forward the packets based on this information

          • Sending packets is NOT transparent for the end system – it has to know the path

        • Technically easy but not often used in practice 🤪
      • Transparent bridges

        • Local forwarding decisions in each bridge

          • Forwarding information normally stored in a table (forwarding table)
          • Static entries as well as dynamically learned entries
        • End system is NOT involved in forwarding decisions

          $\rightarrow$ Existence of bridges is transparent to end systems

        • Often used in practice (e.g., switches)

      • Comparison

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    Transparent Bridges resp. Switches

    Important features

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    • For each network interface exists an own layer 1 and MAC instance

    • Data path: Through MAC relay (implements forwarding on layer 2)

    • Control path

      • E.g., bridge protocol, bridge management
      • Logical Link Control (LLC) instances are involved

    Basic Tasks

    • Establishing a loop-free topology

      • s.t. Packets must not loop endlessly in the network

      $\rightarrow$ Spanning-tree algorithm

    • Forwarding of packets

      • Learning the “location” of end systems

        • Creation of the forwarding table
      • Filtering resp. forwarding of packets

        • Based on the information of the forwarding table

    Spanning-Tree Algorithm

    • Task

      • Organize bridges in a tree topology (NO loops!)

        • Nodes: bridges and local networks
        • Edges: connections between interfaces and local networks
      • Not all bridges have to be part of the tree topology

        • Resources might not be used optimally
    • Forwarding of packets (Only possible along the tree)

    • Bridge protocol implements the Spanning-Tree algorithm

    • Requirements for using the bridge protocol

      • Group address to address all bridges in the network

      • Unique bridge identifier per bridge in the network

      • Unique interface identifier per interface in each bridge

      • Path costs for all interfaces of a bridge have to be known


    • Bridges send special packets: Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs)

    • BPDU contains (among others)

      • Identifier of the sending bridge

      • Identifier of the bridge that is assumed as root bridge

      • Path cost from sending bridge to root bridge

    Basic Steps

    1. Determine root bridge

      • Initially
        • Bridges have no topology information
        • All bridges: assumption: “I am the root bridge”
          • Periodically send BPDU with itself as root bridge
          • Bridges only relay BPDUs, no “normal” packets
      • Receiving BPDU with smaller bridge identifier
        • Bridge no longer assumes that it is the root bridge
        • No longer issues own BPDUs
      • When receiving BPDU possibly update of the configuration
        • BPDU contains root bridge with smaller identifier
        • BPDU with same root bridge identifier but cheaper path to root bridge
        • Bridge notices that it is not the designated bridge $\rightarrow$ No longer forwards BPDUs
    2. Determine root interfaces for each bridge

      • Calculate the path costs to the root bridge (Sum over costs of all interfaces on path to the root bridge)
      • Select interface with the lowest costs
    3. Determine designated bridge for each LAN (loop free!)

      • LAN can have multiple bridges

      • Select bridge with lowest costs on root interface

      • Responsible for forwarding of packets

      • Other bridges in the LAN will be deactivated

    Stable Phase

    • Root bridge periodically issues BPDUs
      • Only “active” bridges forward BPDUs
    • No more BPDUs are received
      • Bridge again assumes that it is the root bridge
      • Algorithm re-starts
    • After stabilization packets are forwarded over the respective ports
      • Based on the entries in the forwarding table

    Example 1

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    Calculate path costs to root bridge

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    Determine designated bridges

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    The resulting spanning tree:

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    Example 2

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    • a)

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    • b) Note: Root interface is for non-root bridge

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    • c) When calculating designated interface, start from LAN and consider the shortest path

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    • d)

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    Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)

    • Overview of some relevant changes

      • New port states
        • Alternate Port: best alternative path to root bridge
        • Backup Port: alternative path to a network that already has a connection
          • Bridge has two ports which connect to the same network
      • Sending BPDUs
        • are additionally used as “keep-alive” messages
        • Every bridge sends periodic BPDUs (Hello-Timer = 2s)
          • To the next hierarchy level in the tree

          • Failure of a neighbor: no BPDU for 3 times

    • Example

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