Data Center

Summary of fat tree

Summary of fat tree


Data Center

  • Typiically has
    • Large number of compute servers with virtual machine support
    • Extensive storage facilities
  • Typically uses
    • Off-the-shelf commodity hardware devices
      • Huge amount of servers
      • Switches with small buffers
    • Commodity protocols: TCP/IP, Ethernet
  • Should be
    • Extensible without massive reorganization
    • Reliable
      • Requires adequate redundancy
    • Highly performant

Data Center Network

  • Interconnects data center servers and storage components with each other
  • Connects data center to the Internet
  • Two types of traffic
    • Between external clients and internal servers
    • Between internal servers
  • Border routers: Connect internal network of the data center to the public Internet
  • Commodity protocols
    • TCP/IP
    • Ethernet

Simplified Sketch

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  • Top-of-Rack (ToR) Ethernet switches

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    • connect servers within a rack
    • Switches typically have small buffers
    • Can be placed directly at the „top“ of the rack
    • Typical data center rack has 42-48 rack units per rack

Routing/Forwarding within Data Center


  • Efficient way to communicate between any two servers

  • Utilize network efficiently

  • Avoid forwarding loops

  • Detect failures quickly

  • Provide flexible and efficient migration of virtual machines between servers

Fat-Tree Topologies

  • 🎯 Goal: Connect large number of servers by using switches that only have a limited number of ports

  • Characteristics

    • For any switch, number of links going down to its children is equal to the number of links going up to its parents
    • The links get „fatter“ towards the top of the tree
  • Structure

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    • East-west traffic

      • Between internal servers and server racks

      • Result of internal applications, e.g.,

        • MapReduce,
        • Storage data movement between servers
    • North-south traffic

      • Result of external request from the public Internet
      • Between external clients and internal servers
  • 🔴 Problems: Switches need different numbers of ports

    • Switches with high number of ports are expensive 💸

K-Pod Fat-Tree

  • Each switch has $k$ ports

  • Edge and aggregation switch arranged in $𝑘$ pods

    • $\frac{k}{2}$ edge switches and $\frac{k}{2}$ aggregation switches per pod

      $\Rightarrow$ Overall: $\frac{k^2}{2}$ edge and $\frac{k^2}{2}$ aggregation switches

      $\Rightarrow$ $k^2$ switches in all pods

  • $(\frac{k}{2})^2$ core switches, each connects to $k$ pods

    $\Rightarrow$ Overall $k^2 + (\frac{k}{2})^2 = \frac{5}{4}k^2$ switches

  • Each edge switch connected to $\frac{k}{2}$ servers

    $\Rightarrow$ Overall $\frac{k^2}{2} \cdot \frac{k}{2} = \frac{k^3}{4}$ can be connected

  • Each aggregation switch connected to $\frac{k}{2}$ edge and $\frac{k}{2}$ core switches

    $\Rightarrow$ Overall $2 \cdot (k \cdot \frac{k}{2}) \cdot \frac{k}{2} = \frac{k^3}{2}$ links (links to servers not included)

Summary: $k$-pod fat-tree

edge switch$\frac{k^2}{2}$
aggregation switch$\frac{k^2}{2}$
core switch$(\frac{k}{2})^2$
links between switches$\frac{k^3}{2}$
  • Every link is in fact a physical cable $\rightarrow$ high cabling complexity 🤪

  • Example: $k(=4)$-Pod Fat-Tree

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  • 👍 Advantages

    • All switches are identical

    • Cheap commodity switches can be used

    • Multiple equal cost paths between any hosts

  • 🔴 Disadvantages: High cabling complexity

Routing Paths

  • Within a pod: $\frac{k}{2}$ paths from source to destination

    • Example
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  • Between servers in different pods: $\frac{k^2}{4}$ ($= \frac{k}{2} \cdot \frac{k}{2}$) between servers in different pods

    • Example

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Address Assignment

Suppose assigning the private IPv4 address block

  • Pods are enumerated from left to right: $[0, 𝑘 − 1]$
    • Switches in a pod: IP address 10.pod.switch.1
      • Edge switches are enumerated from left to right: $[0, \frac{k}{2} - 1]$
      • Enumeration continues with aggregation switches from left to right: $[ \frac{k}{2}, k - 1]$
  • Servers: IP address 10.pod.switch.ID
    • Based on the IP address of the connected edge switch
    • IDs are assigned to servers from left to right starting with 2
  • Core switches: IP address 10.k.x.y
    • x : starts at 1 and increments every $\frac{k}{2}$ core switches
    • y : enumerates each switch in a block of $\frac{k}{2}$ core switches from left to right, starting with 1

Example: IP address assignment for pod 0

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Two-level Routing Tables

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Example: HW17截屏2021-03-22 17.03.08

Solution for (a):

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Solution for (b):

Use the following short-hand notation for the TCAM-based routing tables

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x –> a:

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💡 Idea: if x.x.x.2, then choose left; if x.x.x.3 then choose right

Switch is connected with

  • Server x (
  • Server a (
  • Aggregation switch
  • Aggregation switch

In TCAM table

  • For and, there’s only ONE way to go
  • For x.x.x.2 (which is the first/left server connected to the edge switch), next hop will be the first/left connected aggregation switch (in this case,
  • For x.x.x.3 (which is the second/right server connected to the edge switch), next hop will be the second/right connected aggregation switch (in this case,

x –> b:

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x –> c:

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within Data Centers

🎯 Goal

  • Unification of network technologies in the context of data centers

    • Storage Area Networks (SANs)

    • HPC networking (High Performance Computing)

  • Ethernet as a “fabric” for data centers

    • Has to cope with a mix of different types of traffic $\rightarrow$ Prioritization required

Data Center Bridging

  • Unified, Ethernet-based solution for a wide variety of data center applications

  • Extensions to Ethernet

    • Priority-based flow control (PFC)

      Link level flow control independent for each priority

    • Enhanced transmission selection (ETS)

      Assignment of bandwidth to traffic classes

    • Quantized congestion notification

      Support for end-to-end congestion control

    • Data Center Bridge Exchange

Priority-based Flow Control (PFC)

  • 🎯Objective: avoid data loss due to congestion

  • Simple flow control already provided by Ethernet: PAUSE frame

    • All traffic on the corresponding port is paused
  • Priority flow control pause frame

  • Eight priority levels on one link

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    • Use of VLAN identifier

      $\rightarrow$ Eight virtual links on a physical link

    • Pause time can be individually selected for each priority level

    $\rightarrow$ Differentiated quality of service possible 👏

  • Prioritization with Ethernet: Virtual LANs

    • Introduction of a new field for VLAN tags: Q header

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    • Differentiation of traffic according to priority chosen by PCP

Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS)

  • Reservation of bandwidth

    • Introduction of priority groups (PGs)
      • Can contain multiple priority levels of a traffic type

      • Different virtual queues in the network interface

      • Traffic within one priority group can be handled differently

    • Guarantee a minimum data rate per priority group
      • Unused capacity usable by other priority groups
  • Example

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Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN)

  • Can be used by switch to notify source node that causes congestion

    • Note: PAUSE frame only send to neighbor node
  • Three main functions of QCN protocol

    • Congestion detection
      • Estimation of the strength of congestion
      • Evaluation of buffer occupancy
        • Predefined threshold reached $\rightarrow$ notification
    • Congestion notification
      • Feedback to congestion source via congestion notification message -
        • Contains quantized feedback
    • Congestion response
      • Source can limit data rate using a rate limiter
      • Algorithm with additive increase, multiplicative decrease (AIMD) used
        • Increase data rate (additive)
          • Autonomously in absence of feedback
        • Decrease data rate (multiplicative)
          • Upon receipt of a congestion notification message
          • Is lowered by a maximum of 50%

Data Center Bridge Exchange (DCBX) Protocol

Detection of capabilities and configuration of neighbors

  • For example, priority-based flow control

  • Periodic broadcasts to the neighbors

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Beyond the Spanning Tree

  • 🎯 Goals

    • More flexibility in terms of network topology and usage
    • Better utilization of the total available capacity
    • Scalability for networks with many bridges
  • Various concepts developed

    • Shortest Path Bridging (SPB)
    • Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)
  • Common characterstics of SPB and TRILL

    • Provide multipath routing at layer 2
    • Use of link state routing: modified Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) protocol
    • Use of en-/decapsulation of frames at domain border

Shortest Path Bridging

  • Method
    • Every bridge in the LAN calculates shortest paths
      • Shortest path trees (unique identifier in the LAN)
    • Paths have to be symmetric
    • Learning of MAC addresses
    • Support for equal cost multipath
    • Same paths for unicast and multicast
  • Routing bridges (RBridges) implement TRILL

    • Each RBridge in the LAN calculates shortest routes to all other RBridges $\rightarrow$ Tree

    • Encapsulation example: data sent from S to D

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      • RBridge RB1 encapsulates frame from S

      • Specifies RBridge RB3 as the target because D is behind RB3

      • RBridge RB3 decapsulates frame

  • RBridges

    • Encapsulation: insert TRILL header

    • Resulting overall header

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    • Outer Ethernet

      • MAC addresses for point-to-point forwarding
      • Change on every hop

      Current source and destination Bridge MAC addresses

    • TRILL header includes among others

      • Nickname fo ingress RBridge
      • Nickname of egress RBridge
      • Hop count

      Nicknames of overall source (ingress) and destination (egress) bridges

    • Inner Ethernet: Source and destination MAC addresses of communicating end systems

      MAC addresses of source and destination end systems


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TCP within Data Centers

Relevant Properties

  • Low round trip times (RTT)

    • Servers typically in close geographical proximity

    • Values in the range of microseconds instead of milliseconds

  • Incast communication

    • Many-to-one: multiple sources transmit data to one sink (synchronized)
    • Application examples: MapReduce, web search, advertising, recommendation systems …
  • Multiple paths

  • Mix of long-lived and short-lived flows

  • Little statistical multiplexing

  • Virtualization

  • Ethernet as a “fabric” for data centers

  • Commodity switches

Incast Problem in Data Centers

  • Incast: many-to-one communication pattern

    • Request is distributed to multiple servers
    • Servers respond almost synchronously
      • Often, applications can not continue until all responses are received or do worse if no responses are provided
    • Total number of responses can cause overflows in small switch buffers
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  • Packet Loss in Ethernet Switch

    • Situation

      • Ports often share buffers

      • Individual response may be small (a few kilobytes)

    • Packet losses in switch possible because

      • Larger number of responses can overload a port
      • High background traffic on same port as incast or
      • High background traffic on a different port as incast
    • Packet loss causes TCP retransmission timeout

      $\rightarrow$ no further data is received, so no duplicate acks can be generated

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Barrier synchronization

  • slowest TCP connection determines efficiency

  • Affected TCP instance must wait for retransmission timeout

    $\rightarrow$ Long periods where TCP connection can not transfer data

    $\rightarrow$ Application blocked, i.e, response time increases

  • Improvements

    • Smaller minimum retransmission timeout
    • Desynchronization

Data Center TCP (DCTCP)

  • 🎯 Goal: Achieve high burst tolerance, low latencies and high throughput with shallow-buffered commodity switches

  • Property: DCTCP works with low utilization of queues without reducing throughput

  • How does DCTCP achieve its goal?

    • Responds to strength of congestion and not to its presence
    • DCTCP
      • Modifies explicit congestion notification (ECN)
      • Estimates fraction of bytes that encountered congestion
      • Scales TCP congestion window based on estimate

ECN in the Switch

  • Modified explicit congestion notification (ECN)

  • Very simple active queue management using a threshold parameter $K$

    • If $\text{\# elements in queue} > K$: Set CE codepint
    • Marking based on instantaneous rather than average queue length

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    • Suggestion: $𝐾 > (𝑅𝑇𝑇 ∗ 𝐶)/7$
      • $C$: data rate in packets/s

ECN Echo at the Receiver

  • New boolean TCP state variable: DCTCP Congestion Encountered (DCTCP.CE)

  • Receiving segments

    • If CE codepoint is set and DCTCP.CE is false

      • Set DCTCP.CE to true

      • Send an immediate ACK

    • If CE codepoint is not set and DCTCP.CE is true

      • Set DCTCP.CE to false

      • Send an immediate ACK

    • Otherwise: Ignore CE codepoint

Controller at the Sender

  • Estimates fraction of bytes sent that encountered congestion (DCTCP.Alpha)

    • Initialized to 1

    • Update:

      $$ DCTCP. Apha=(1-g) * D C T C P . Alph a+g * M $$
      • $g$: estimation gain ($0 < 𝑔 < 1$)

      • $M$: fraction of bytes sent that encountered congestion during previous observation window (approximately $RTT$)

        $$ \mathrm{M}=\frac{ \text{ \# marked bytes }}{ \text { \# Bytes acked (total) }} $$
  • Update congestion window in case of congestion

    $$ C W n d=(1-D C T C P . \text { Alpha } / 2) * C W n d $$
    • if $𝐷𝐶𝑇𝐶𝑃. 𝐴𝑙𝑝h𝑎$ close to 0, $𝐶𝑊𝑛𝑑$ is only slightly reduced
    • if $𝐷𝐶𝑇𝐶𝑃. 𝐴𝑙𝑝h𝑎 = 1$, $𝐶𝑊𝑛𝑑$ is cut by factor 2
  • Handling of congestion window growth as in conventional TCP

  • Apply as usual

    • Slow start, additive increase, recovery from lost packets

👍 Benefits of DCTCP

  • Incast
    • If number of small flows is too large, no congestion control will help
    • If queue is built up over multiple RTTs, early reaction of DCTCP will help
  • Queue buildup: DCTCP reacts if queue is longer than $𝐾$ (instantaneously)
    • Reduces queueing delays
    • Minimizes impact of long-lived flows on completion time of small flows connections
    • More buffer space to absorb transient micro-bursts
  • Buffer pressure
    • Queue of a loaded port is kept small

    • Mutual influence among ports is reduced in shared memory switches