TCP Evolution

截屏2021-03-21 17.21.19

TCP Extensions

TCP Options: Basics

TCP Header

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TCP Options

  • 🎯 Goal: Flexibility for new developments

  • TCP header field

    • Each option is coded in TLV format (Type-Length-Value)
    • Has variable but limited length
      • number of options is limited (max. 40 bytes)
      • TCP header length at most 60 bytes in total (incl. options)
  • TLV format

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Option Selective Acknowledgements

  • TCP uses cumulative acknowledgements

    • 👍 Pro: Very robust against loss of ACK segments

    • 👎 Cons: Inefficient loss recovery

      • Sender can only learn about a single lost segment per RTT

      • Consequently

        • Fast retransmit/fast recovery can only recover one lost segment

          per RTT

        • Multiple losses often lead to retransmission timeouts and head-of-line blocking

  • Improvement: selective acknowledgements (SACK)

    • Also acknowledge “out-of-order” data
    • Implemented as TCP option
  • 💡 Idea: Separately acknowledge continuous blocks of out-of-order data

  • Usage of SACK option negotiated during connection establishment

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  • SACK option format

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    • Typically, only 2-4 blocks can be “SACKed” in one segment
  • Case

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    • Use first entry of SACK option to report new information
    • Use subsequent entries of SACK option for redundancy Used for redundancy,
      • if prior ACKs were lost

      • Should repeat most recently sent first blocks

  • Different alternatives

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  • Example

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Option Window Scaling

  • Header field receive window remains unchanged (16 bit)
  • Scaling factor can be changed
    • E.g., measure window size in 32 bit words instead of bytes
  • Option is negotiated during connection establishment
    • Within SYN and SYN/ACK segments
  • Scaling factor remains unchanged during lifetime of a TCP connection

Extension SYN Cookies

Multipath TCP (MPTCP)

  • Motivation

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  • 🎯 Goal: Extension of TCP for parallel usage of multiple paths within a single TCP connection

    • Improves reliability
    • Increases performance
  • Important requirements

    • Application compatibility
    • Network compatibility
  • Challenges

    • Middleboxes

Connection vs. Subflow

  • MPTCP connection
    • Communication relation between sender and receiver
    • Consists of one or multiple MPTCP subflows
  • MPTCP subflow
    • Flow of TCP segments operating over an individual path
    • Started and terminated like a „regular“ TCP connection
      • Started with 3-way handshake

      • Closed with FIN or RST

    • Can be dynamically added and removed to/from an MPTCP connection

Embedding into Protocol Stack

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Connection Establishment

3-way handshake of TCP

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  • X, Y: token for client and server
    • Identification for subsequent addition/removal of subflows

Adding a Subflow

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TCP option MP_JOIN

  • 3-way handshake of TCP
  • Use tokens exchanged during MPTCP connection establishment

Sequence Numbers

Each MPTCP segment carries two sequence numbers

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  • Data sequence number for overall MPTCP connection
  • Subflow sequence number for individual flow
    • Each subflow has coherent sequence numbers without „holes“

Congestion Control

  • 🎯 Goals of MPTCP

    • Improve throughput

      Multipath flow should perform at least as well as a single path congestion control would on the best available path

    • Do not harm

      Multipath flow should not take up more capacity from any of the resources shared than if it were a single flow

    • Balance congestion

      A multipath flow should have as much traffic as possible off its most congested paths

  • Congestion Control algorithm only applies to increase phase of congestion avoidance

    • Unchanged: slow start, fast retransmit, fast recovery and multiplicative decrease
  • Different congestion windows

    • $CWnd\_i$ per subflow $i$
    • $CWnd\_{total}$ per MPTCP connection (multipath flow)
  • Assumption: Congestion window maintained in bytes

  • Basic approach: Couple congestion control of different subflows

  • Linked increase (congestion avoidance)

    For each ACK received on subflow $i$, increase $CWnd\_i$ by

    $$ \min \left( \underbrace{\frac{\alpha * \text { bytes }\_{\text {acked }} * M S S\_{i}}{C W n d_{\text {total }}}}\_{\text{ Increase for multipath subflow }}, \underbrace{\frac{\text { bytes }\_{\text {acked }} * M S S\_{i}}{C W n d\_{i}}}\_{\text{ Increase „regular“ TCP would get in same scenario }}\right) $$

    (any multipath subflow cannot be more aggressive than a TCP flow in the same circumstances (do not harm))

    • $\alpha$: Describes aggressiveness of multipath flow $$ \alpha=C W n d\_{\text {total }} \cdot \frac{\max \_{i}\left(\frac{C W n d\_{i}}{R T T\_{i}^{2}}\right)}{\left(\sum \frac{C W n d\_{i}}{R T T\_{i}}\right)^{2}} $$

TCP in Networks with High BDP

Scalability Issues

  • It can take very long until the available data rate is fully utilized

  • Cause

    • Very conservative behavior of congestion avoidance

      • Congestion window grows by one MSS per RTT
      • Slow window growth in congestion avoidance causes low average data rate

      ➡️ NOT efficient in networks with high bandwidth-delay products

  • Require faster increase of the congestion window in congestion avoidance

Faster Increase of Congestion Window

  • 🎯 Goals
    • High resource utilization in networks with high bandwidth delay product

    • Quick reactions to changes of the situation within the network

    • Fairness with respect to other TCP variants

  • Different types of fairness
    • intra protocol fairness
      • All senders use same TCP variant
      • Goal: All flows should achieve same data rate
    • With new TCP variants: inter protocol fairness
    • Furthermore: RTT fairness
      • Fairness among TCP flows with different RTTs


  • 🎯 Goals

    • Provide simple algorithm for networks with high bandwidth-delay product

    • TCP-friendly

      Behaves like standard TCP (i.e., TCP Reno) in networks with short RTTs and small bandwidth

    • Congestion avoidance

      Applies cubic function instead of linear window increase

    • Performance should not be worse than TCP Reno

  • In comparison to TCP Reno

    • Better RTT fairness (Window growth independent of RTT)
    • Better scalability to high data rates
  • Currently default congestion control in all major operating systems

Congestion Window Increase

  • Independent from RTT

    • Use of actual time $t$ that has passed since last congestion incident. I.e. Window growth depends on time between consecutive congestion events

    • Apply cubic function

      $$ W(t)=C(t-K)^{3}+W_{\max } \quad \text { with } \mathrm{K}=\sqrt[3]{\frac{W_{\max }(1-\beta)}{C}} $$
      • $C$: predefined constant that determines aggressiveness of increase
      • $W\_{max}$: congestion window size at latest congestion incident
      • $K$: time period that it takes to increase current window to $W\_{max}$ (in case of no further congestions)
      • $\beta$: multiplicative decrease of congestion window
        • $\beta = 0.5$ for TCP-Reno
        • $\beta = 0.7$ for CUBIC TCP
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Congestion Window over Time


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Three CUBIC Modes

  • TCP-friendly region

    • Ensures that CUBIC achieves at least same data rate as standard TCP in networks with small RTT

    • Observation: in networks with small RTTs, Cubic ́s congestion window grows slower than with TCP Reno

    • Approach: “emulation” of TCP Reno (which uses AIMD)

    • $AIMD(\alpha, \beta)$

      • $\alpha$: additive increase factor

        $$ W = W + \alpha $$
      • $\beta$: multiplicative decrease factor

        $$ W = \beta \cdot W $$

      TCP Reno uses $AIMD(1, \frac{1}{2})$

    • TCP-fair increment

      $$ \alpha=3 \cdot \frac{1-\beta}{1+\beta} $$
      • Achieves same $W\_{avg}$ as $AIMD(1, \frac{1}{2})$

      • Average data rate of AIMD

        $$ W\_{avg} = \frac{1}{R T T} \sqrt{\frac{\alpha \cdot(1+\beta)}{2 \cdot(1-\beta) \cdot p}} $$
        • $p$: loss rate
    • Window size of emulated TCP at time $t$

      $$ W\_{T C P}=W\_{\max } \cdot \beta+\frac{3 \cdot(1-\beta)}{1+\beta} \cdot \frac{t}{R T T} $$
    • Recall window size of TCP cubic

      $$ W(t)=C(t-K)^{3}+W_{\max } $$

    $\Rightarrow$ Rule

    • $W\_{Cubic} < W\_{TCP}$, then $CWnd$ is set to $W\_{TCP}$ each time an ACK is received
    • otherwise, $CWnd$ is set to $W\_{Cubic}$ each time an ACK is received
  • Concave region: $CWnd < W\_{max}$ and not in TCP-friendly region

    • For each received ACK $$ CWnd = CWnd+\frac{W\_{cubic}(t+R T T)-CWnd}{C W n d} $$
  • Convex region: $CWnd > W\_{max}$ and not in TCP-friendly region

    • $CWnd$ is increased very carefully
    • searching for new 𝑊𝑚𝑎𝑥

TCP and Response Time

Basic Issue

  • Response time

    • Time between initiation of a TCP connection and receipt of the requested data

    • Important components

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      • Handshake of TCP connection establishment

      • Slow start

      • Transmission of the object

    • Macroscopic Model

      • Response time without applying congestion control

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        • After 1st RTT: Client sends object request

        • After 2nd RTT

          • Client begins to receive object data

          • Receiver needs

            $$ t = \frac{\text{object size } O}{\text{data rate } D} $$

        $\Rightarrow$ lower bound:

        $$ \text{Response time} \geq 2 RTT + \frac{O}{D} $$

        ( With small objects, response time dominated by $RTT$s)

  • Used Variables

    • $RTT$: round trip time [Seconds]
    • $MSS$: maximum segment size [bit]
    • $W$: Size of congestion window [MSS], given as multiples of MSS
    • $O$: Size of object that has to be transferred [bit]
    • $D$: Data rate [bit/s]
  • Observation

    • $RTT$s have significant influence on response time

    • On connection establishment: 2 $RTT$𝑠 until reception of object begins

    • During object transmission

      • Small windows create pauses: waiting for ACKs
    • Majority of TCP connections in the Web has short lifetime

      $\rightarrow$ Slow start has significant impact on response time

  • 🎯 Goals

    • Avoid „empty“ RTTs without data transport
    • Reduce RTTs needed for slow start

Bigger Initial Congestion Window

💡 Idea: Increase initial congestion window (IW)

  • at least 10 segments, thus, about 15 Kbytes

TCP Fast Open

  • 🎯 Goal: Reduce delays that precede the transmission of an object

  • TCP Cookie

    • Goal

      • Avoid DoS attacks

      • Disallow sending data within first SYN segment of first connection establishment to a server

      • Establish cookie for subsequent connections

    • Use cookie $\rightarrow$ avoid state keeping at server

    • Basic steps

      1. Client requests TFO cookie from server

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      2. Client uses TFO cookies in subsequent TCP connections

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